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1:Roman Catholic. 2: Electronic&electro acoustic Music. 3: Math & Physics

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@Pontifex_ln: t.va/4u https://t.co/0eDQovxqyD”

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Christian Reposted

During the Spanish Civil War, Communists dug up the bodies of nuns and put them on public display for mockery, chopped off the hands of priests and murdered thousands of nuns, priests and monks. They also burned down hundreds of churches.

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Christian Reposted

1/ History is a battlefield, and the West is under siege. Fairytales like the myth of "the noble savage" and the "stolen land" narrative are historically false, weaponized for the purposes of politics and control. Let’s cut through the lies and uncover the reality. 🧵

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Christian Reposted

È un peccato grave sfruttare i più deboli, un peccato grave che corrode la fraternità e devasta la società. Noi, discepoli di Gesù, vogliamo portare nel mondo il lievito del Vangelo: Dio al primo posto e insieme a Lui coloro che Egli predilige, i poveri e i deboli.

Christian Reposted

Vice president elect JD Vance has called out the Associated Press for framing an article connecting the Jerusalem Cross tattoo on the body of Pete Hegseth, an Army National Guard veteran and Fox News host nominated by Donald Trump to lead the Department of Defense, as a white…

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Christian Reposted

Mientras Julio César conquistaba la Galia, tribus germánicas cruzaban el Rin para saquearla. César decidió mostrar el poder de Roma construyendo un arma psicológica: un puente que destruyó dieciocho días después y que sembró el terror entre los germanos. Tira del hilo 🧵👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽

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Christian Reposted

"El Imperio romano existió y cambió el mundo. El Imperio español existió y cambió el mundo. Es un vínculo falso pensar que el Imperio español es una cosa de España. El Imperio español es una cosa del mundo entero porque cambió el mundo entero y dejó su sangre, sus instituciones,…

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Christian Reposted

The Islamist attack on the Bataclan took place 9 years ago today. Jesse Hughes, the lead singer of the band on stage during the attack, was called an Islamophobe after the terror attack because of his criticism of Islam. He was even banned from a memorial concert, where Sting…

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Christian Reposted

Non dimentichiamo i Paesi in guerra! Non dimentichiamo l’Ucraina, la Palestina, Israele, il Libano, il Myanmar e tante altre nazioni. #PreghiamoInsieme per la pace. Abbiamo tanto bisogno di pace!

Christian Reposted

Civitatum belligerantium nolimus oblivisci! Neque obliviscamur Ucrainae, Palaestinae, Terrae Sanctae, Libani, Myanmar aliarumque innumerarum Nationum. #OremusOmnes pro pace. Multum egemus pace!

Christian Reposted

Impariamo da Maria a essere docili alle ispirazioni dello Spirito Santo, soprattutto quando Egli ci suggerisce di “alzarci in fretta” e andare ad aiutare qualcuno che ha bisogno di noi, come fece lei subito dopo che l’angelo la lasciò (Lc 1,39). #UdienzaGenerale

Christian Reposted

Un hombre ha irrumpido en el Monasterio de Gilet (España) de los @ofmfranciscanos a primera hora de este sábado y, recorriendo el recinto, ha asesinado a palos a uno de los frailes franciscanos de la comunidad y ha herido a otros tres.  aciprensa.com/noticias/10826…

Christian Reposted

The canonization process of a Pakistani Catholic boy who sacrificed his life to prevent an Islamist suicide bomber from entering a crowded church moves forward. The Vatican has approved the diocesan inquiry into the martyrdom of Akash Bashir, a 20-year-old Catholic who…

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Christian Reposted

Entre 1961 y 1989 en torno a 100.000 ciudadanos de la República Democrática Alemana (tres palabras, tres mentiras) trataron de huir del totalitarismo cruzando la frontera interalemana. 5.000 lo lograron, 600 fueron abatidos a tiros, sufrieron accidentes mortales o se suicidaron.

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Christian Reposted

El Muro de Berlín fue denominado por los dirigentes de la República Democrática Alemana como "Muro de Protección Antifascista" (Antifaschistischer Schutzwall), también lo llamaron "Muro de la Paz". Los comunistas parecen tener como manual "1984" de Orwell.

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Christian Reposted

Hace hoy 35 años, 9 de noviembre de 1989, un muro de la vergüenza, un muro que dividía a los alemanes libres de los subyugados por el comunismo, fue derribado en Berlín. La URSS no liberó a los ciudadanos de Europa Oriental del totalitarismo. Les impuso el comunismo. (Sigue)

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Christian Reposted

They say Israeli fans chanted anti-Arab slogans and tore 🇵🇸 flags. THAT'S WHY JEWS WERE HUNTED DOWN IN AMSTERDAM. Alright. Since pro-Palestine mobs have been chanting genocidal slogans and burning 🇮🇱 flags for a year: Is it okay to hunt down Muslims now?

Christian Reposted

About 1400 years ago one of the worst massacres in ancient history happened in Istakhr, Iran. Zoroastrian Persians expressed discontent with forced conversions. So in response, a massive Muslim army destroy the city & rounded up 150’000 civilians to torture, rape and kill.

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Christian Reposted

Cientos de personas, entre ellas mujeres y niñas católicas, han sido asesinadas en las últimas semanas por terroristas en Burkina Faso. El clero local pide oraciones por las víctimas y los supervivientes. aciprensa.com/noticias/10820…

Christian Reposted

Great news! Conservative lawmaker Marc Dalton in Canada is introducing a bill that would impose a minimum sentence of five years for those who commit arson attacks against places of worship, including churches. This proposal follows the burning or vandalism of nearly a hundred…

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Christian Reposted

🚨💥What happened in the Netherlands is just the beginning. An Australian Muslim leader warns: accepting unchecked Muslim migrants is backfiring across the West. Pro-Hamas protests after the 7/10 attacks in Europe are a clear warning. Europe, wake up!

From leonskee


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