@BN_MH0D Profile picture



Do whatever you want If they want you they will accept you for anything..!! (https://t.co/36VADs4WX4)▪️🛑

Joined March 2014
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"You gotta get up and try And try again And again And again Until you make it.⁦▪️⁩

You are always one decision away from a different life.▪️

Nobody else is ever responsible for your situation but you▪️

Set your goals high and do something everyday to move forward.

8 rules of life: 1. Be adaptable. 2. Learn to say no. 3. Patience is a virtue. 4. Hard work always pays off. 5. Fail fast, fail early, fail often. 6. Stay away from toxic people. 7. Giving is better than receiving. 8. Don’t let others opinions hold you back.

Create a wa, not an excuse.

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Respect tastes better than attention

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This scene lives in my mind rent free-

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This evening, a man jumped overboard the #OceanViking. Our team recovered him and he is now out of danger. He was rescued one week ago from a wooden boat in distress. He said “if I knew when we would disembark, I could hold on. But I cannot take this uncertainty anymore".

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Could never live in this house in peace without getting taunted at every fucking step

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اللهم أشفِ كل من أتعبه المرض، ربي أرح كل نفس لا يعلم بوجعها إلا أنت سبحانك.

اللهُم في يوم الجمعة اجعلنا أسعد خلقك وأقرب عبادك إليك اللهُم إغفر لنا ما مضى وأصلح لنا ما تبقى وأكتب لنا رضاك وعفوك والجنّة.

ربِّ أسألك محو الذنوب وستر العيوب ولين القلوب وتفريج الهموم وتيّسير الأمور واكتب لنا خير الدنيا والآخرة.

اللهم إني لا اعلم متى يحين موعّد رجوعي إليك اللهم احسن خاتمتي ولا تأخذني من هذه الدنيا إلا وأنت راضي عني يا ارحم الراحمين.

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Lack of time is lack of priorities. ▪️

Focus on being productive instead of busy.▪️

حافظ على نواياك البيضاء، حتى وأن ٲلبسوك سواد ظنونهم.

8 rules of life: 1. Be adaptable. 2. Learn to say no. 3. Patience is a virtue. 4. Hard work always pays off. 5. Fail fast, fail early, fail often. 6. Stay away from toxic people. 7. Giving is better than receiving. 8. Don’t let others opinions hold you back.▪️

Your toughest lessons can push you towards your greatest blessings.▪️

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