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Andrey Kazankov


Ukraine and Russia correspondent at Denmark's leading weekly, Weekendavisen - [email protected]. Reporter at TV 2 / TV 2 NEWS - [email protected]

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Andrey Kazankov Reposted

Scholz’ opkald til Putin er ikke faldet i god jord hos 🇺🇦 #eudk

Chancellor Scholz told me that he planned to call Putin. His call, in my opinion, opens Pandora's Box. There may now be other conversations and phone calls. Just a lot of words. And this is exactly what Putin has long sought. It is critical for him to weaken his isolation, as…

Andrey Kazankov Reposted

Endnu et "hooligan-sammenstød".

HAPPENING NOW: Middle Eastern migrants have taken over the streets of Amsterdam and rioting. They are yelling “Kankerjoden” (Cancer Jews) as they destroy the city.

Bemærk Ukraines skuffelse over Biden-administrationen, der retorisk har støttet en ukrainsk sejr, men rent praktisk er gået efter en kompromis med Rusland, dvs. den politik, som Trump taler om.

Kyiv hopes Trump will be swayed by these proposals designed/being discussed. “The level of dissatisfaction with the Biden administration was at such a level that they felt that it was time for a change and that this change to [Trump] could maybe be good.” ft.com/content/623c19…

Andrey Kazankov Reposted

Positiv udmelding fra min EPP-partifælle Donald Tusk. Det initiativ bør Danmark støtte. For at være helt ærlig, så er der ikke rigtig nogen beslutningskraft i Berlin, Paris og Rom for tiden. Derfor meget naturligt, at Polen løfter frihedens fakkel i disse år.

Poland is preparing to establish a European alliance in support of Ukraine in response to Donald Trump’s anticipated return — Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk “We will actively coordinate with countries that share our views on the geopolitical and transatlantic situation, as…

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Min gamle arbejdsgiver @maskinbladet har en meget spændende artikel: 'Ukrainske kvinder holder traktorerne kørende for en bedre fremtid': maskinbladet.dk/artikel/85806-…

Andrey Kazankov Reposted

⚡️ Zelenskyy: There are $300 billion worth of frozen Russian assets. Russia has already caused more than $800 billion worth of damage in Ukraine. Can we take the $300 billion that belongs to us? Can we decide for ourselves what type of weapons we need?

Den voldelige antisemitisme er vendt tilbage til Europa. For fuld skrue. Pogromer i Amsterdam. Politiet er ikke engang til stede.

It's horrible! There were mass Jewish pogroms in Amsterdam! pro-palestinian “activists” attacked soccer fans from Israel who came to the match with knives in the street. PM Netanyahu sends two planes to Amsterdam. According to preliminary reports, 30 people were injured, 12…

Andrey Kazankov Reposted

Det her er antisemitisme. Det er en krystalnat. ‘Aldrig mere’ sker lige nu.

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Andrey Kazankov Reposted

This is what happens when you allow terror supporters to roam the streets of western capitals for a year, calling on a globalization of the intifada. To those who either downplayed the severity or deliberately stoked the flames; you bear responsibility

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Andrey Kazankov Reposted

Så blev intifadaen vist globaliseret i Amsterdam.

Andrey Kazankov Reposted

Skrækkelige scener. Målrettet angreb på jødiske fans i Amsterdam. Vanvittigt, hvis det holder stik. Håber #dkmedier følger op. Jødehad skal fordømmes og udstilles. Ifølge @Reuters er der sendt to redningsfly til Amsterdam for at hjælpe de israelske statsborgere i byen.

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Andrey Kazankov Reposted

Socialdemokratiet i Litauen starter nu forhandligerne om en ny regering. Skvernelis er - som forventet - inviteret til forhandlinger, men det er populistiske “Nemunas Daggry” også… To andre partier har også været til en snak. Måske kan der lande en regering i weekend.

The Dawn of the Nemunas and the Democratic Union “For Lithuania” have received an invitation from the Social Democratic Party of Lithuania (LSDP) to form a ruling coalition in the new Seimas lrt.lt/en/news-in-eng…

Der findes ikke et eneste europæisk land, hvor en regering kunne blive genvalgt, hvis den førte samme slags migrationspolitik, som Biden/Harris-regeringen har ført i USA: nytimes.com/2024/11/06/us/…

Andrey Kazankov Reposted

Europe had over two years to defend Ukraine with Biden behind us. We wasted them, and now may have to defend Ukraine with Trump behind Russia. That’s not American voters’ fault, it’s European leaders’ fault.

Godt med et hurtigt opkald, Volodymyr. Der er virkelig brug for, at du gør alt, hvad du kan, for at have så godt et forhold som muligt til den nyvalgte præsident.

I had an excellent call with President @realDonaldTrump and congratulated him on his historic landslide victory—his tremendous campaign made this result possible. I praised his family and team for their great work. We agreed to maintain close dialogue and advance our…

Andrey Kazankov Reposted

Vi har svigtet Ukraine og løbet fra vores ansvar, der er ikke flere steder at løbe hen, det er nu et samlet Europa skal træde i karakter uanset hvor usandsynligt det virker


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