@AlNTROSE Profile picture



Her philosophy is carpe diem for herself, and laissenz-faire for others. Roseanne Carmela Leonore, 1997.

Joined June 2016

Get to know me better. twitter.com/i/moments/8458…

tuhkan, udah nebak kalo bakalan dipanggil begini. 😡

seems like everyone in here are good at it though. Well, i'm so glad that I met someone who's in the same shoe with me. Hi, Ska!

Oh, iya? Yah padahal pengen manggil abang nih. Saya meng-'abang'kan faceclaim kamu soalnya, hahaha.

Besok libur, jadi selamat datang! @AlNTYONGHA

Welcome home, Dirga! @AlNTSEHUN

Welcome home, Will! @AlNTBAROME

Bang Raihan, welcome home! @AlNTYOYO

Good morning, pals.

nggak deng, no mt belum berlaku. Belum mulai gamenya.

Oh, and of course, i'm looking forward to get well-acquainted with you. Happy Sunday, pals!

Greetings! Roseanne Carmela Leonore is the name but I usually go by Rosie. Since i'm not good at doing greeting, mind to introduce yourself?

Dear Twitter, jumlah karakter buat tweet ditambahin dong. Saya mau greeting harus hapus-ketik-hapus-ketik beberapa kali, huh.


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