Akira_FatNeko's profile picture. 一只毛绒绒的大~肥~猫~  喵~





一只毛绒绒的大~肥~猫~ 喵~ 🏳️‍🌈 点赞不代表立场

Joined July 2012
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一只大肥猫 Reposted

this unfortunately

ceriisu's tweet image. this unfortunately

since its the end of the year, what's your most popular art?

一只大肥猫 Reposted
CatusNeko's tweet image.

一只大肥猫 Reposted
Thereisnocat_'s tweet image.

一只大肥猫 Reposted

最近写文写了很多很多,可能有十多万字 复习了很多曾经遗忘的东西,抽代,场论,等等等等 我重新感受到了很多很多…

一只大肥猫 Reposted
__femb0t's tweet image.

一只大肥猫 Reposted

Tomorrow, Friday, November 29, noon CET / 6 am EST, Konstantin Ivanov Seminar, Takuya Segawa chab.ethz.ch/en/research/in… @ETH_DCHAB Can we build an NMR spectrometer for less than $10k ? project magnETHical sites.google.com/view/nmr-semin… #NMRchat #NMRevents #NMR 🧲

nmr900's tweet image. Tomorrow, Friday, November 29, noon CET / 6 am EST, Konstantin Ivanov Seminar, Takuya Segawa chab.ethz.ch/en/research/in…  @ETH_DCHAB  Can we build an NMR spectrometer for less than $10k ? project magnETHical
#NMRchat #NMRevents #NMR 🧲

一只大肥猫 Reposted


Tomorrow, Friday, November 29, noon CET / 6 am EST, Konstantin Ivanov Seminar, Takuya Segawa chab.ethz.ch/en/research/in… @ETH_DCHAB Can we build an NMR spectrometer for less than $10k ? project magnETHical sites.google.com/view/nmr-semin… #NMRchat #NMRevents #NMR 🧲

nmr900's tweet image. Tomorrow, Friday, November 29, noon CET / 6 am EST, Konstantin Ivanov Seminar, Takuya Segawa chab.ethz.ch/en/research/in…  @ETH_DCHAB  Can we build an NMR spectrometer for less than $10k ? project magnETHical
#NMRchat #NMRevents #NMR 🧲

一只大肥猫 Reposted

Chinese artist Shou Xin creates the most wonderful cats with just a few pencil lines

Catshealdeprsn's tweet image. Chinese artist Shou Xin creates the most wonderful cats with just a few pencil lines

一只大肥猫 Reposted

> Insanely vicious KO in UFC Debut > Also a full-time doctor Ladies and gentleman, Shi Ming 👏

BenTheBaneDavis's tweet image. > Insanely vicious KO in UFC Debut 
> Also a full-time doctor 

Ladies and gentleman, Shi Ming 👏
BenTheBaneDavis's tweet image. > Insanely vicious KO in UFC Debut 
> Also a full-time doctor 

Ladies and gentleman, Shi Ming 👏

一只大肥猫 Reposted

Saw this in the bathroom and it made me smile

_Archesuchus_'s tweet image. Saw this in the bathroom and it made me smile

一只大肥猫 Reposted

草,这是什么笑话。 A:"二次元漫画作品的存在,会导致有人性侵幼女!" B:"乱说啥,谁会性侵幼女?" A:"我会"


TianqiChen666's tweet image. 回旋镖(嗯)

一只大肥猫 Reposted


Dokitope's tweet image. 虽然这位Reina最近争议言论频出,但这推文里提出的部分指控绝非空口无凭。横跨北美和欧洲的凡是招牌里带“queer”,“pride”的或校园组织,或中国流散社群多少都有点这类问题:你问ta们掌柜一切国际生跨性别就医问题,对面一问三不知。再问如何与当地政府更改证件,还是一问三不知。(1/3)
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一只大肥猫 Reposted

线下聚会活动谈政治,一桌人离了巴勒斯坦乌克兰什么话都说不出来。然而登陆了但还没永久身份的人怎么报销性别确认医疗,没人在乎;还没登陆的人怎么过来申请庇护,也没人在乎。甚至就连活动本身也是一半都是这种酷儿,1/4是女同,就连女权男来的都比跨性别多。 (3/3)

一只大肥猫 Reposted

"This could be us" ahh video 😭

一只大肥猫 Reposted


一只大肥猫 Reposted

给我笑死了。这条堆说他试用了一个非常奇怪的AI app,叫 SocialAI 。跟twitter 长得很像,你注册一个账号,立刻就能获得上百万followers ,唯一的不同是,你的关注者全是AI,一个人类都没有。 你发条推说:“我决定了,我要辞职,我要去搞草泥马农场。”…

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一只大肥猫 Reposted

Boys being boys :3 w/ @Mikestrosity 🎨 LinaHirai -> VGen (@nak4chuu)

TabbyPac's tweet image. Boys being boys :3

 w/ @Mikestrosity 

🎨 LinaHirai -> VGen (@nak4chuu)

一只大肥猫 Reposted

Bro, bro, bro. What's your problem? Talk to me.


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