Adillicious's profile picture. 'm Adi  
HE  followed me on 4|8|17 best day ever 
Lele Pons followed on  24|7|18
Thank you justin #Belieberforever

Boy Belieber


'm Adi ❤Jb HE followed me on 4|8|17 best day ever Lele Pons followed on 24|7|18 Thank you justin #Belieberforever

Joined July 2012
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JUSTICE the album out now


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thehousedrew's tweet image. Drew @justinbieber x @billieeilish

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Love you

Boy Belieber Reposted

Boy Belieber Reposted


Boy Belieber Reposted


justinbieber's tweet image. 10

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And rather than try and make people feel accepted and loved you find things to pick apart like the world isn’t full of that already.. we can find something negative to say about anything or anyone

Boy Belieber Reposted

And rather than being positive you belittle people. Think about how awesome it felt for me to be on that stage after being away for so long the excitement and joy it gave me doing the thing i love the most, i sang to to backtrack like most cameos do this is a normal thing,

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Every stream of “Earth” generates profits we’ll be donating to various @dicapriofdn partners. You can stream the “clean” version now. #EarthDay #WeLoveTheEarth

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Keeping it positive. Today is a good day

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