@ActiveListener1 Profile picture

The Active Listener


Psychedelic Music Blogger. Reviews , Cloudcasts, Interviews etc. I'm also unreasonably obsessed with vintage horror / giallo and telefantasy.

Joined June 2012
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Hi. Long time no see. Listen to this and thank me later. ounceband.bandcamp.com ounceband.bandcamp.com

Nice stuff from my adopted hometown: transistor-music.bandcamp.com/track/the-brai…">transistor-music.bandcamp.com/track/the-brai… transistor-music.bandcamp.com/track/the-brai…">transistor-music.bandcamp.com/track/the-brai…

New Melodien EP - free download too! melodien.bandcamp.com/album/saturngl…">melodien.bandcamp.com/album/saturngl… melodien.bandcamp.com/album/saturngl…">melodien.bandcamp.com/album/saturngl…

Hi all. August 31st is Daffodil Day here in New Zealand - a major fundraiser for the NZ Cancer Society. Having had two bouts of this nasty disease myself, I've been lucky enough to benefit greatly from the wide range of support services... theactivelistener.bandcamp.com

Hi Guys. A bit late to the party here, but for the next week we're going to be donating all proceeds from downloads of our Active Listener Samplers to ACLU who work tirelessly to protect the rights of immigrant families. Please... theactivelistener.bandcamp.com/music

NEW POST: Shaun gets all dewy eyed with nostalgia over the recent reissues of the first two wonderful Thin White Rope albums: active-listener.blogspot.co.nz/2018/05/thin-w…">active-listener.blogspot.co.nz/2018/05/thin-w… active-listener.blogspot.co.nz/2018/05/thin-w…">active-listener.blogspot.co.nz/2018/05/thin-w…

NEW POST: BONG WISH EP from Beyond Beyond is Beyond. "...a cure for age-old ennui and new skepticism..." says our Joe. Lovely stuff. active-listener.blogspot.co.nz/2018/05/bong-w…">active-listener.blogspot.co.nz/2018/05/bong-w… active-listener.blogspot.co.nz/2018/05/bong-w…">active-listener.blogspot.co.nz/2018/05/bong-w…

This looks absolutely essential: omnivorerecordings.com/shop/sings-for…">omnivorerecordings.com/shop/sings-for… omnivorerecordings.com/shop/sings-for…">omnivorerecordings.com/shop/sings-for…

Clay Pipe Music's latest - Retep Folo's Galactic Sounds is today's pick: active-listener.blogspot.co.nz/2018/04/retep-…">active-listener.blogspot.co.nz/2018/04/retep-… active-listener.blogspot.co.nz/2018/04/retep-…">active-listener.blogspot.co.nz/2018/04/retep-…

Grey Malkin gets up close and personal with Trappist Afterland's wonderful new album "Se(VII)en". And UK peeps catch him on tour now - last few days! active-listener.blogspot.co.nz/2018/04/trappi…">active-listener.blogspot.co.nz/2018/04/trappi… active-listener.blogspot.co.nz/2018/04/trappi…">active-listener.blogspot.co.nz/2018/04/trappi…

New The Asteroid No.4! theasteroidno4.bandcamp.com/album/collide">theasteroidno4.bandcamp.com/album/collide theasteroidno4.bandcamp.com/album/collide">theasteroidno4.bandcamp.com/album/collide

We're premiering a track from the stellar upcoming Our Solar System - Vårt Solsystem album "Origins" today - check it out here and get in for the pre-orders before the limited editions... active-listener.blogspot.co.nz/2018/03/premie…

Shaun gets all enthusiastic about the authentically psychedelic sounds of Pansies (debut album out now on Ongakubaka Records): "...think Procol Harum jamming out with July aboard a not-so Jolly... active-listener.blogspot.co.nz/2018/03/pansie…

Dead Sea Apes continue on their mission to redefine psychedelia on their latest, "Recondite". Joe checks it out... fb.me/2FGcx3M6d

I can't keep up with all of the great psychedelia coming out of Australia these days. To prove it, here's a... fb.me/RCeH37hd

Did you miss us? Your faithful editor has moved house and been living out of boxes for the last few weeks but... fb.me/9lEvQj1zf

Tom digs into three discs of 1968 UK Psych gold today. Full review of Looking at the Pictures in the Sky here:... fb.me/IvICeVbY

Hey y'all - happy 2018! Just a quick wee note to let you note that things will be a little quiet over the next... fb.me/DjNNyf5y

Listen to the brilliant new album from Melbourne's The Citradels right here. It's a beauty.... fb.me/2EC6LU9hj


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