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Antonio Alvarez Pinilla


Full Professor, @Econo_Uniovi. Productivity, agriculture, regions, population decline. Interest in research quality. Assoc. Ed. J Prod Ana. Alumni @UW-Madison

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Today I had the annual meeting with some of my ex-students, collaborators and friends. Most of them live abroad and this is an excellent opportunity to catch-up with them. It's a tradition that we have been doing for almost twenty years. An impressive display of talent!

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Yo he hecho como tú. Los datos, cuando son claros, no necesitan explicaciones

Yo me he negado. Me parece puro humo. Las citas, el cuartil de JCR y el factor de impacto hablan por sí solos. A ver qué me dicen en junio.

Antonio Alvarez Pinilla Reposted

Comprendo el cabreo de @BotoDavid y lo comparto. Por eso, voy a intentar escribir una queja razonada a estos criterios lo antes posible. Son un despropósito. Los que tenemos la suerte de mirar los criterios "por curiosidad" por ser CU tenemos obligación de intentar mejorarlos.

En fin, sin comentarios. Gente, de verdad, dedicaos a otra cosa. Que no os engañen de entrar en la academia. Para ser funcionario os pedirán proyectos nacionales y sexenios cuando vuestras Universidades NO os dejan postularos por no ser funcionarios. Venga hasta luego.

Today I got a paper to review from an MDPI journal. This is no news except for the fact that the journal is Medicine! And the paper is not on health economics but about measures against HIV in Uganda... And some people still argue that MDPI journals have a serious review process

Sure it does! Thank you. In fact I am looking for empirical papers. I was just trying to avoid papers on new estimators. Come on people, please state the most influential paper in your area of econ published after 2000

I do not know if this meet restriction one, in any case... Abadie and Gardeazabal 2003.

I am making a list of papers to be discussed by a group of econ Master students. The papers must have produced a big improvement in any area of economics (e g, Solow 1957). Can you help me? Two restrictions: no papers in econometric methods and papers must be published after 2000

Hoy he asistido a una sesión informativa sobre los sexenios. Sigo sin entender que se solicite tanta información para acreditar el valor de los méritos. No se facilita la labor a los que más hayan investigado. De hecho, es posible que les cueste más trabajo presentar la solicitud

Este año me toca pedir sexenio, el 6! (la edad...). Acabo de mirar los criterios publicados para el grupo 8 y me surgen dudas. Tengo el (hasta ahora) bendito problema de poder escoger entre unas cuantas mis cinco aportaciones pero con estos criterios no se muy bien que hacer.

🆕Empezamos a publicar los baremos específicos para la evaluación de #Sexenios2023 elaborados por los Comités Asesores de CNEAI: -Baremo general facilitado por ANECA: aneca.es/documents/2012… -Baremos específicos: aneca.es/web/guest/orie… -Miembros Comités: boe.es/boe/dias/2023/…

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Y podrías decirnos por qué escogisteis una revista MDPI y no otra de las muchas que habrá en tu campo y que encajen con el tema del trabajo? Por favor no contestes que era la que mejor encaje tenía...

Veo a algunos decir que en MDPI las revisiones son fáciles o incluso fake. Nos acaban de aceptar un paper en una revista MDPI y hacía años que no sudaba tanto para responder a los revisores. predatoryreports.org/news/f/review-…

Just finished refereeing a paper. Five pages of Literature Review! Writing articles is about communicating the author's research contribution. I admit that we must cast our contribution in the framework of existing knowledge, but that can be done in 1 or 2 pages. RT if you agree.

It seems to me that it took them way too long. Meanwhile, many people were fooled and took the easy route.

“Elsevier’s Scopus database has paused indexing content from Sustainability, an MDPI journal, while it reevaluates whether to include the title, Retraction Watch has learned.”

Antonio Alvarez Pinilla Reposted

A new year's gift. Solow on Solow. Take the time. infinite.mit.edu/video/robert-m…

Since this is the time of year to make wishes, I'm going to make one. I'd like to read more articles where the driving force is an important research question. Lately I see many articles where it seems that the estimation method is more important than the interest of the question

Am I the only one who thinks that people should clean up from time to time their Google Scholar accounts and delete all records that are not theirs?

Antonio Alvarez Pinilla Reposted

These are 10 of my favourite #UrbanEconomics articles published in academic journals in 2023, continuing with a tradition from the last few years (order is alphabetical by first author, no ranking implied):

Antonio Alvarez Pinilla Reposted

Important paper: studying growth "per working-age adult" radically changes the picture. For instance: “ from 1998 to 2019, Japan has grown slightly faster than the U.S. in terms of per working-age adult: an accumulated 31.9% vs. 29.5.%.” sas.upenn.edu/~jesusfv/Wealt…

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Antonio Alvarez Pinilla Reposted

The SERIEs Special Issue containing 12 articles follows the celebration of the “Conference on Econometric Methods and Empirical Analysis of Micro Data” held in honor of @manolo_arellano in the @BancodeEspana in July 2022 #bdeResearch link.springer.com/journal/13209/…

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I keep talking about the need to stop the current drive for quantity in research and focus more on quality. Tomorrow in Cartagena.

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