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بن محمد‏▿


Joined March 2013
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اللهم إني وكلتك امري فأنت خير وكيل ودبر امري فإني لا احسن التدبير اللهم افتح لي أبواب رزقك و ارزقني من حيث لا احتسب

بن محمد‏▿ Reposted

صدور قرارات رسمية برفع نسب التوطين لـ 4 مهن صحيّة في القطاع الخاص: مهنة الأشعة بنسبة 65%. مهنة المختبرات الطبية بنسبة %70. مهنة التغذية العلاجية بنسبة %80. مهنة العلاج الطبيعي بنسبة %80 .

وفي فجر الجمعة : اللهُم اجبر خاطري جبرًا أنت وليّه .. فإنه لا يعجزك شئٌ في الأرض ولا في السماء، ربي أشرح صدري وأرح قلبي وأزح من قلبي كل خوف يسكنني وكل ضعف يكسرني وكل أمر يبكيني، ولا تفجعني في مستقبلي ولا في نفسي ولا في باقيّ أهلي ولا تُعسر أمري وأفتح لي أبوابي المغلقة

لا تفوتون سنباته والله مهمه ترا لانهم ينتحلون صفات شركات كبيره #العبدالكريم_يفضح_المحتالين

To forgive is islam. “It is better for a leader to make a mistake in forgiving than to make a mistake in punishing.”

Before his marriage, Prophet Mohammad had earned his livelihood in a variety of ways, but now he gave up all these occupations and plunged into the quest for truth and reality.

A Muslim does not express disapproval or dislike of certain foods. Either eat it or pass it over quietly. Do not put in your plate more than you can eat even if the food is nice.

The holy Quran lays down moral and ethical principles to govern all aspects of human life, individual and collective, as well as practical guidelines for various types of human interaction.

"Islam Preaches Peace. If You Don't Know, Inquire"

Men and women are a divine bounty for each other and as such must be cherished as a means of fulfillment and of winning the pleasure of God. A certain degree of decorum is required both of men and women.

Do you know? That Islam teaches that Allah is all knowing and the perfect judge of affairs and will punish and reward accordingly

They can also prove both their faith and love to their husbands more effectively and thus help create and maintain a warm family atmosphere while preventing ill-feelings and family rows.

Islam has honored women by giving them the right to choose a spouse and keep their original family name once married. Additionally many have the impression that parents force their daughters into marriage. This is a cultural practice and has no basis in Islam.

Muslims pray in equal rows with no differentiation between rich and poor. Fasting is ordained upon every person able to fast regardless of race, color, or status.

Any fair investigation of the teachings of Islam into the history of the Islamic civilization will surely find a clear evidence of woman’s equality with man in what we call today political

As people of mecca at that time were involved in many sinful activities, like they killed their daughters, did drinking and so on, Prophet Mohammad did not admire those activities at all and to have solitude and peace he went to cave Hira

Prophet Mohammad would greet everyone with smile and always spoke to people with gentleness. It shows that the personality of Prophet Muhammad was pleasant and gentle. A person who would smile most of the times ought to leave a good impression on people.

The perception of muslims as people who dosn’t tolerate freedom of religion is another misunderstood issue in islam. In core muslim states, even in the time of the Prophet Mohammad (SAW) and the khalifs; non-muslims coexist and cohabit with the muslims without friction.

In the course of providing guidance, the Quran describes many a natural phenomenon. And as our knowledge increases, mankind come to know these phenomena better.

Islam goes beyond a religion of common sense. If you must practise it, you must seek its knowledge.

Islam preaches austerity, frowns at wastage; not even of water in a river.


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