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Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.

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zhongxin Reposted

“If you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine” Obi PNut Kenobi

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zhongxin Reposted

America was saved by a squirrel and a meme coin!

zhongxin Reposted

10月20日,湖北。一博主采访南科大学的外教老师:你会让你的孩子进入中国大学的教育体系还是选择美国学校的体系? 外教回答:中国大学还行,但我认为他们同时错过了很多。他们整个童年都在学习,所以从未培养出对生活的热爱和自由玩耍的乐趣。学生们只知道学习,却忽略了社交。

zhongxin Reposted

I just found this out wtf lmeow wen Kartun TelanjangNad

Fun fact: The name Molandak is actually inspired by an Indonesian word! 'Landak' means 'hedgehog,' and since the Monad animal's name starts with 'mo,' they combined 'mo' and 'landak' to create Molandak

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zhongxin Reposted

LOL some mfrrs made shitcoin on my @AirheadFun sculpture ! @CryptoHayes pump.fun/FCGDDio5DuhujH…

gM 🐸☕️ I'm done with my @AirheadFun sculpture! I'll post the final finished piece soon. I've been sculpting it on and off (procrastinating) for the past two months! 🎈👀 @CryptoHayes

How to understand this? That is, what are you good at? Combine them. What multiple strong points point to is your direction.

Understood some insights of some successful people. The directions and methodologies of different people are mostly different. Sometimes there are even contradictory answers. But the most important thing is to establish one's own comparative advantage.

Understood some insights of some successful people. The directions and methodologies of different people are mostly different. Sometimes there are even contradictory answers. But the most important thing is to establish one's own comparative advantage.

zhongxin Reposted

youtube ceo Susan Wojcicki 不幸因肺癌去世,只有 56岁。他的儿子前不久因为服用 fentanyl 过量而 19 岁就去世。即使身价八亿美元,也无法改变这个英年早逝的悲剧。 猜测她这么早就去世和过量工作,长期压力过大,而休息睡眠不够有关。…

YOUTUBE FMR CEO DIES SUDDENLY Susan Wojcicki, 56, was killed by rapid onset of lung cancer after being fully vaxxed. Her body was found in the same Menlo-Park Garage where Google was founded. Under her leadership, YouTube censored over 1 million videos on v*ccine safety…

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zhongxin Reposted


最近在想,以太坊问题究竟是什么? 或许问题是:以太坊基金会是个研究组织,它自我定位是协议研究,是研究员。 因此,正如我们看到的,它的团队里面甚至都没有成建制的工程团队。 它也没有能力、也没有意愿支持外部的工程团队。 如,Geth这么多年,好不容易 Reth 出来,多推广支持不过分吧,没有

zhongxin Reposted

😼这个智能合约套利骗局确实流行挺久了,既然标题换成了: [­­­Ch­­­a­t­­­G­­P­­­T­­] How ­A­­I hel­ps me e­ar­­n E­t­­­he­­­­re­um 2,400$ Daily 那我们就用魔法来打败魔法吧;-)我在 ChatGPT 上分析了其中的 Solidity 代码(和之前披露的是一样的,关键在 Start/Stop/Withdrawal…

#Web3 在币圈被诈骗的经历,让我深刻体会到一句话:「你永远无法赚到超出你认知范围之外的钱。」以下是我的反思和总结,希望能为自己和他人提供一些警示。 今天是在币圈被骗的第二次,反思了很久,总结几点就是贪婪、冲动、缺乏思考、缺乏验证。

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zhongxin Reposted

wallet submission is open - $DOGS Genesis NFT 🐶 to be eligible for Whitelist spots, complete the form below ⬇️ forms.gle/iykARUSMnNpXRN… for a boost, RT + comment solana address

if you don't have enough rest,you health is likely to suffer. it's important to learn to releax in order to maintain a better state and higher efficency.

Ton ecosystem nfts: 1/Username 2/DNS 3/Phone Number 4/Digital art

zhongxin Reposted

I always say that in 2014, we thought every day about how cryptocurrency could become part of international payments and even our daily lives. We realized that neither Bitcoin nor Ethereum could achieve this. The emergence of TON marked the beginning of the era where…

Observe your negative emotions,are your shoulders over tense,are u brows excessively furrowed. Why do you have negative emotions? the process of observing is about relaxing and correcting,which can make you feel more at ease.

The concepts have not kept up,rushing to follows trends and often lends to being fleeced and facing setbacks. Therefore,in the field of investment,we need to first invest in our own concepts,putting enough efftor into knowledge reserves and investment philosophy.

i used to get upset when i did not play well and overly proud when i did. this is similar to the fixed mindset in the book i read earlier. By using a mindset of entertainment,learning,growth in dealing with myself and others,i 've become much more peaceful and balanced.

i went to play basketball tonight.i chose to use public transportation cause i think driving is a waste of time and this allowed me to listen to audiobook while the journey. Now,my mindset while playing basketball has changed a lot.

i went to play basketball tonight.i chose to use public transportation cause i think driving is a waste of time and this allowed me to listen to audiobook while the journey. Now,my mindset while playing basketball has changed a lot.


Something went wrong.

Something went wrong.