nazis search results
the fact that selena gomez got more hate for crying about immigrant deportation than kanye west openly admitting that hes a nazi is insane.

This is a straight up Nazi account Elon boosted. We have a legitimate neonazi controlling the country right now.

Hunting Nazis is a Black American tradition.

How it started vs. How it ended. #Cincinnati stand up. #Zone15. #Nazi protests. It’s always the youth that takes a stand. Lol they didn’t realize the location they chose was right next to the hood.

My city never gave scared Lincoln heights stood ten toes down, get that shit from around here✌🏽 #Cincinnati

In the US city of Cincinnati in Ohio, armed Nazis decided to hang flags over an overpass, they were promptly removed by locals who chased them away and burned the Nazi flags. The police tried to protect the Nazis.
women get divorced and try the make the world a better place see mackenzie scott men get divorced and become nazis see elmo and ye but sure we’re the emotional ones
Nazi freaking out at Cincinnati hate event because this badass wasn’t scared of them
How it started vs. How it ended. #Cincinnati stand up. #Zone15. #Nazi protests. It’s always the youth that takes a stand. Lol they didn’t realize the location they chose was right next to the hood.

Cry harder Nazis
Unsere Plakate werden systematisch zerstört Unserem politischen Gegner fallen nur noch Sachbeschädigungen und Straftaten ein. Falls Ihr Euch wundert, warum im Stadtbild kaum AfD-Plakate hängen - die selbsternannten Demokraten zerstören sie systematisch.
Ay pobrecitos nazis no los dejan deshumanizar grupos a gusto 😭😭😭😭😭

Jay z is a pedophile, Kanye West is a nazi, but Taylor Swift attending a football game receives more hate.
yo la verdad ni fu ni fa con sara pero un poco de bronca da q se tomen ese papel de "edgy" diferente y nazis/racistas etc en broma pq aunque sea en broma les recuerdo q mayoría de los votos jóvenes de este presidente fue gracias a q muchos edgys lo votaron "en broma"
Lo mismo le decimos a los separatistas en Cataluña y nos acusan de fascistas y nazis Menuda gentuza… Y eso que Palestina como estado es un invento del imperio Britanico …..
Du bist vor allen Dingen unwertes Leben, das die Nazis in T4 Program vergast haben, du geisteskranke Nutte. Deine Tante auch.
Bueno chicas, hay famosos siendo maltratadores, declarándose nazis o apoyando un genocidio abiertamente, creo que ser infiel tampoco es tanto (esta soy yo autocovenciéndome porque su canción es mi favorita) #sanremo2025
Define nazis. Cause book definition is national socialists, and I don’t think there are a lot of those guys in US
So...maybe the ppl calling themselves socialist now, and talk of eradicating people, are really just left wing Nazis. We've seen them in action, violently and criminally demanding things are their way. Protesting Democratic votes. Screeching hate and death to ppl. Nazis.
Moi et nous les congolais de pères et des mères disons non au pacte avec le diable et les nazis
Depuis Goma, Monseigneur Donatien N’ Shole réagi aux « Élucubrations de L’ Union Sacrée et de l’ UDPS » sur la démarche de la CENCO - ECC Images : @actualitecd
The best sniper in world war 2 was a Russian woman who killed 300 Nazis on the Eastern front.
He Called FBI Agents Nazis. The Feds Just Arrested Him For Storming The Capitol.. In multiple tweets, Adam Weibling defended the Capitol riot and described its participants as patriots and brave.
Hunting Nazis is a Black American tradition.

How it started vs. How it ended. #Cincinnati stand up. #Zone15. #Nazi protests. It’s always the youth that takes a stand. Lol they didn’t realize the location they chose was right next to the hood.

I don't remember any military bases in Germany named after Nazis - but sure if you want to name Fort Bragg or any places after Confederates then you should fly the only confederate flag that matters

TODAY NOW!! Cincinnati Ohio where Nazis get attacked by locals. It’s black history month and they won’t accept this. Armed group with Swastika flags, the flags ended up being burnt. We need more of this energy!

Since everybody making a cartoons about nazis here's my cartoon about the truth threat. A pro libertarian/anti communist cartoon.

Happy birthday Herr Bonhoeffer; a brave Berlin theologian who spoke out ardently against the Nazis.

In Germany over 200,000 protestors in Munich gathered against the Musk backed far-right / neo-Nazi AfD ahead of the German election. Thousands chanted "Save Democracy" and "Oppose Nazis" #3E

During WWII, Hedy Lamarr, 'the most beautiful woman in the world,' invented tech to outsmart the Nazis. Her idea became the foundation of Wi-Fi, GPS, and more. A Hollywood star by day, she was a secret war hero by night. Her brilliance saved lives—yet few knew her true legacy.

South African cartoonist @zapiro portrays Trump and Musk as Nazis. Not the AWB kind, but the Hitler kind. You’re not helping, Jonathan.

Je suis extrêmement choqué par l'état physique, moral et mental des #otages qui ont été libérés aujourd'hui par les terroristes du #Hamas. Ces images nous rappellent celles d'un autre temps, celles de la libération des camps nazis ! Comment peut-on défendre ces barbares ?

Folks in Cincy stood their ground against Neo Nazis Here they are burning their flag Love it.
It turns out that the Nazis are not extinct. They just changed the flag.

Something went wrong.
Something went wrong.
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