@wew_w Profile picture

wörang ezra wangko


life is.....

Joined April 2011

Mohon dimaafkan...


masih teman to torang? sorry..

I can't control myself, especially about love. if I could do it, I'm not human anymore. ?

I can't control myself, especially about love. if I could do it, I'm not human anymore.

title of song.. "the end of regret" .... (but heart it's hurt..)

and finaly,, she was know..

may i ask about something to you???

kyp ngoni samua,,, so gila ato???

if I can find out how you feel, I certainly would not be tortured like this. I(

itu sbnrnya tak harus.... mission is loading....

wörang ezra wangko Reposted

RT @pepatah: Hanya karena seseorang selalu tersenyum, tak berarti hidupnya bahagia. Terkadang, itu berarti dia pribadi yg KUAT hadapi cobaan

wörang ezra wangko Reposted

RT @kata2bijak: Jangan menunggu orang memahami kamu baru kamu memahami dia, tapi pahamilah orang itu, maka orang itu paham dengan kamu

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