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I spend most of my time yelling at my computer and getting drunk.

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thedevguy Reposted

Introducing Video Dubbing, our AI video translator 💬🌎 Effortlessly translate your videos while retaining the original voice, as our AI also seamlessly matches the speaker's lip movements to the new language.

thedevguy Reposted

they didn’t say which year though

thedevguy Reposted

That doorman saved her life

thedevguy Reposted

This one was best

thedevguy Reposted

Tom Cruise doing his own stunts

From Film Craze

thedevguy Reposted

Love him or hate him, Tom Cruise got balls.

thedevguy Reposted

UI/UX Designers, here are my best sites on the internet for design inspiration. Web Design → seesaw.website Mobile Design→ mobbin.com/?via=abraham Design Systems → component.gallery Brands → rebrand.gallery Icons → hugeicons.com Fonts →…

thedevguy Reposted

had the idea while falling asleep, made it & went back to sleep, can’t really remember how long it took me tbh

From sam

designers, I wanna see that one design when you were locked in

thedevguy Reposted

OMG. The best ever.

Traffic management in Dhaka — Gen Z style! (RK Sohan+ / Facebook)

thedevguy Reposted

বীর চট্টলা🇧🇩❤️ Unbent.Unbowed.Unbroken.

thedevguy Reposted

Dreaming to sing this together, soon, in a truly independent BANGLADESH 🇧🇩❤️ STEP DOWN FASCIST HASINA.

thedevguy Reposted

Look, how much hatred you've grown inside his little brain! Shame on you, Awami-Police. #STEPDOWNFASCISTHASINA #StepDownHasina

thedevguy Reposted

Students in Bangladesh are protesting to demand justice for the more than 200 people killed in last month’s student-led demonstrations over quotas in government jobs aje.io/y35lfk

Tweet Image 1

thedevguy Reposted

প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনা এবং তার মন্ত্রিসভার পদত্যাগের একদফা দাবি ঘোষণা করেছে বৈষম্যবিরোধী ছাত্র আন্দোলন। কোটা সংস্কার আন্দোলনে নেতৃত্ব দেওয়া সংগঠনটির সমন্বয়ক মো. নাহিদ ইসলাম ঢাকায় কেন্দ্রীয় শহীদ মিনারে এই ঘোষণা দেন। #Bangladesh #Dhaka #ShaheedMinar #StudentProtest

thedevguy Reposted

📌Central Shaheed Minar, Dhaka, Bangladesh at 11:00 pm GOOSEBUMPS. STEP DOWN FASCIST HASINA

thedevguy Reposted

Japan is a country where people feel privileged to lend a helping hand to each other.

thedevguy Reposted

এই প্রজন্মের ছেলে~মেয়ে গুলো আসলেই মুগ্ধতা ছড়াচ্ছে ওদের সাহস দিয়ে! ওরা দেখিয়ে দিচ্ছে এভাবেও লড়াই করা যায়!! ভিডিওটি দেখুন: আজ চট্টগ্রামে আটক সহপাঠীকে পুলিশের ভ্যান থেকে মুক্ত করে নিয়ে এসেছে চট্টলার মেয়ারা!

thedevguy Reposted

Good question by @RupaHuq As always in relation to Bangladesh government, pretty weasly words in response from the @FCDOGovUK minister @CatherineWest1 Not sure what it would take to get a real proper condemnation of the #Bangladesh government. I wonder how big a massacre by…

In Bangladesh - lethal force has been used against defenceless students (many minors) - the last elections had no other major party candidates present - the web/ phone signals get turned on and off at will How can we trust the enquiry when the state controls every institution?

thedevguy Reposted

অধ্যাপক গোলাম রাব্বানি ইতিহাস বিভাগ জাহাঙ্গীরনগর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ২৯ জুলাই ২০২৪


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