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Sindrom balas chat dalam hati

sindrom malas buka whatsapp

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kuliah ini akal-akalan siapa ya sebenernya

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I need vitamin D, alias Duit.

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Capek ya nyari duit. Semoga suatu saat kita punya duit sampe di level: mau dihabisin tapi nggak habis-habis.

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i have that “wallahualam” type of personality

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Semuanya ramah di kantong kalo kita kaya raya. Bismillah kaya

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hidup yang kuinginkan: sat set sat set tau-tau kaya dan sukses

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me right now:

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yang dibutuhin ketika dewasa: - duit yang unlimited - kesabaran yang unlimited

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the way haechan tilts his head and smiles at the camera while singing 🫠

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Ya Allah, protect me from my pride and my ego

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kadang suka mikir, “nanti kalo aku meninggal siapa aja ya orang yang bakal sedihin aku.”

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ilichil hepi banget hari ini they keep smiling

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Apa kalian ngak kasian 🥲


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