Stijn Coussement
@stijn_cssmnt*Onderwijs *Technologie *Filosofie *Onderwijzer *Pedagoog
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What’s missing from Western approaches to technology ethics? Technology ethics tends to assume the rational, reflective decision-making of autonomous individuals, but technology and engineering practice are intensely social and relational in nature.…
Interested in education, and strong profile in audiovisual arts? Consider applying for this full-time interdisciplinary PhD project "Educational film as Scholé." Re-imagining the School Through the Eyes of the Camera @LUCASchoolofArt & @PPW_KULeuven…
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Zeer benieuwd naar dit boek. Over de complexiteit van het lerarenberoep en hoe het vakmanschap van leraren een ondergeschikte positie heeft gekregen.
This review - designed to further our understanding of teachers’ pedagogical beliefs + link with #innovation / #technology use - has now more than 1000 citations: how teachers think about #education is critical in professional development!… @brambruggeman
This paper will receive enormous scrutiny, more than Sweller's 80s papers or one of the author's (Koedinger) learning rate regularity papers. Why? Because they disagree. 😎 -> The case for combining inquiry-based and direct instruction.…
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Ik was gisteren en vandaag aanwezig op het VELON-congres in Zwolle. Ik deel graag mijn kijk op de sessies.…
Over het belang van kwalitatieve leermomenten en voorkennis. Ik mocht in @demorgen duiding geven bij de baanbrekende studie van @koedinger en collega's.
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- 6. Ohio State 38,7 B posts
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- 9. Billy Napier 3.503 posts
- 10. Wayne 135 B posts
- 11. Ryan Day 6.427 posts
- 12. Rutgers 4.552 posts
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- 14. Devin Neal N/A
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