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Sreedhar Reposted

BPL card is the biggest scam. @CMofKarnataka @siddaramaiah ‘s decision to scrap fake cards and introducing strict guidelines is a much needed step. It will help the really poor and vulnerable. A relatively prosperous State like Karnataka can’t have so many BPL families, unless it…

Sreedhar Reposted

Dear Nadda ji Here is the breakdown of congress working committee: OBC - 23 SC - 10 ST - 5 Minorities - 11 General - 26 Women - 12 But here is a sign of real change: 48 post holders are under the age of 50! Please tell us the breakup in your govt!

How many OBCs in Congress Working Committee? I declare with pride Modi govt has 27 OBC ministers: Nadda in Jharkhand

Sreedhar Reposted

.@narendramodi ji, Under your double engine governments, “ना Manipur एक है, ना Manipur Safe है” Since May 2023, it is undergoing unimaginable pain, division and simmering violence, which has destroyed the future of its people. We are saying it with utmost responsibility that…

Sreedhar Reposted

The claim that Sardar Patel was "elected" as Prime Minister is a blatant distortion of history, a lie propagated by the RSS/BJP. In 1946, what actually occurred was an intra-party nomination for Congress President, not an election for Prime Minister. While Patel had the support…

-Sardar Patel : 12 votes -Pandit Nehru : 1 vote *Jawahar Lal Nehru was selected as PM because he was favourite to MK Gandhi* Happy Birthday to the first EVM hacker of India.

Sreedhar Reposted

Hinduism survived 60 years of Congress rule. Hinduism survived 200+ years of British rule. Hinduism survived 400+ years of Mughal rule. Hinduism survived 5,000 years of cultural, social, philosophical and scientific growth. But since BJP and RSS came to power, Hindu khatre…

Sreedhar Reposted

देश को 21वीं सदी में लाने वाली सैकड़ों शैक्षणिक, वैज्ञानिक, औद्योगिक एवं शोध संस्थाओं व परियोजनाओं के स्वप्नदृष्टा, कृषि और उद्योग कार्यक्रमों के माध्यम से आधुनिक भारत की मजबूत बुनियाद रखने वाले राष्ट्रनिर्माता एवं महान स्वतंत्रता सेनानी पंडित जवाहरलाल नेहरू जी को शांति वन जाकर…

Sreedhar Reposted

Despite the landslides that devastated Wayanad, the BJP govt refuses to declare it a national disaster, denying essential relief to those in dire need. This isn’t just negligence; it’s a shocking injustice to those who have suffered unimaginable loss. The people of Wayanad…

Sreedhar Reposted

मोदी जी कहते हैं कि यह “लाल क़िताब” ख़ाली है। वह हमारे संविधान को खोखला बताते हैं। वह ऐसा इसलिए कहते हैं क्योंकि उन्होंने ज़िंदगी में कभी इसे पढ़ा नहीं है। इसमें जो लिखा है, उसकी रक्षा के लिए हम जान देने को तैयार हैं।

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Sreedhar Reposted

प्रयागराज में प्रतियोगी छात्रों के साथ यूपी सरकार और उत्तर प्रदेश लोकसेवा आयोग का रवैया बेहद असंवेदनशील और दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण है। नॉर्मलाइजेशन के नाम पर गैर-पारदर्शी व्यवस्था अस्वीकार्य है और एक पाली में परीक्षा की छात्रों की मांग बिल्कुल न्यायपूर्ण है। शिक्षा व्यवस्था को ध्वस्त…

Sreedhar Reposted

—First Prime Minister of India —Donated 98% of his wealth —Brought the first 5 Year Plan —Built IIT, IIM, AIIMS, ISRO etc —The architect of Modern India —Never did Hindu Muslim in his life —Promoted Scientific temperament Tributes to Pandit Nehru on his birth anniversary.🙏🇮🇳

Sreedhar Reposted

आधुनिक भारत के जनक, संस्थानों के निर्माता, भारत के प्रथम प्रधानमंत्री पं. जवाहरलाल नेहरू जी को उनकी जयंती पर सादर नमन। लोकतांत्रिक, प्रगतिशील, निडर, दूरदर्शी, समावेशी - 'हिंद के जवाहर' के यही मूल्य हमारे आदर्श और हिंदुस्तान के आधारस्तम्भ हैं और हमेशा रहेंगे।

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Sreedhar Reposted

Priyanka Gandhi ji is the MP candidate. She is also my little sister, so I have the right to complain about her to the people of Wayanad. Wayanad owns a huge place in my heart that is beyond politics. I'm there to help everyone here at any time. If I can show its beauty to the…

Sreedhar Reposted

ಸಂಡೂರಲ್ಲಿ ನಿರಂತರ 3 ದಿನಗಳ ಕಾಲ ಪ್ರಚಾರ ನಡೆಸಿದರೂ ಕೂಡ ಸಿದ್ದರಾಮಯ್ಯನವರ ಮುಖದಲ್ಲಿ ಒಂಚೂರೂ ಆಯಾಸವಿಲ್ಲ! ಅವರ ಅಗಾಧ ಇಚ್ಛಾಶಕ್ತಿ, ಜೀವನ‌ ಪ್ರೀತಿ, ಜನರನ್ನು ಸೆಳೆಯುವ ರೀತಿ, ಸಾಮಾಜಿಕ ನ್ಯಾಯಕ್ಕಾಗಿ ಧ್ವನಿಯೆತ್ತುವ ಛಾತಿ, ನನ್ನಂತಹ ಎಷ್ಟೋ ಜನರಿಗೆ ಸದಾ ಸ್ಫೂರ್ತಿ! ಇನ್ನು ಮಾನ್ಯ ಮುಖ್ಯಮಂತ್ರಿಗಳಾದ ಶ್ರೀ ಸಿದ್ದರಾಮಯ್ಯನವರು…

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Sreedhar Reposted

पलटवार यह होता है 👇

Sreedhar Reposted

एक हैं तो Safe हैं 🎯

मन की बात, अब ज़ुबान पर!

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Sreedhar Reposted

Modi and Amit Shah have made Maharashtra their ATM. Maharashtra's money is being looted and sent to Gujarat. — Nana Patole Drops Truth Bomb 🔥

Sreedhar Reposted

BJP's Loot Gang cashed in on corpses during COVID! Kunha report exposes BJP’s corrupt dealings. Former CM Yediyurappa, former minister Sriramulu to be probed for PPE kit scam. 3 lakh PPE kits bought from China at ₹2000/unit without any tender process. COVID times were 'achhe…

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Sreedhar Reposted

Telangana has embarked on a revolutionary journey today with the commencement of enumeration for caste survey. The promise of our leader Shri @RahulGandhi ji of social justice to all weaker sections is going to be a reality in Telangana on the basis of above exercise. This day…

मोदी जी, आज से तेलंगाना में जातिगत गिनती शुरू हो गई है। इससे मिलने वाले डेटा का इस्तेमाल हम प्रदेश के हर वर्ग के विकास के लिए नीतियां बनाने में करेंगे। जल्द ही यह महाराष्ट्र में भी होगा। सबको पता है कि भाजपा देश में एक व्यापक जाति जनगणना नहीं करवाना चाहती है। मैं मोदी जी से…

Sreedhar Reposted

PM @NarendraModi’s relentless favouritism toward Gujarat is clear as day, with major investments - from semiconductor plants to key manufacturing hubs - being coaxed away from thriving states like Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Telangana, and handed to Gujarat with exclusive…

Sreedhar Reposted

I am pro-Jobs, pro-Business, pro-Innovation, pro-Competition. I am anti-Monopoly. Our economy will thrive when there is free and fair space for all businesses.


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