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I'm in your servers, quickly processing all your background jobs.

Joined October 2013
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If you are having issues connecting to the Sidekiq gem server today, it's because your CA certificates are woefully out of date. On Ubuntu: sudo apt update && sudo apt install ca-certificates

The Sidekiq gem server had SSL connectivity issues due to an intermediate CA cert expiring. This has been fixed.

Looking to proxy Sidekiq's Web UI with nginx? If you have asset loading problems, try this one easy trick to make it work! github.com/mperham/sideki…

Sidekiq Reposted

💪Published a massive article on background jobs in #Rails that covers everything I could think of: * Tooling trade-offs (ActiveJob? Sidekiq? DJ?) * 80/20 best practices for writing jobs * UI patterns (why doesn't anyone ever cover this?) boringrails.com/articles/large…

Sidekiq Reposted

If you struggle with #Redis eating too much memory, you have a lot of #Sidekiq jobs scheduled or you do cache of some data. There is a free tool Redis Insight that allows you to analyze keys in Redis DB. You can connect to DB or analyze backup rdb file redislabs.com/redisinsight/

Sidekiq Reposted

For large result sets and a regular schedule (e.g. once a day) I use sidekiq like cron and have the job run the sql searches. For one-offs, the action has a “performed_at” persistent attribute that is (insert atomic framework here) locked during the job. Redis, SQL, etc.

PSA: I've rejoined Twitter with a new personal account at @getajobmike Feel free to follow! 😎

Sidekiq Reposted

2000 customers @ $39/month is almost $1M/year. - You don't need to dominate the market. - You don't need to disrupt anything. - You don't need to conquer the competition. You can add 1 new customer/day & before you know it, you'll have a $1M/yr machine. Wouldn't that be enough?

Sidekiq Reposted

I published 41 (!!!) pieces of free content on Ruby and Rails performance in 2019, most of it on my email newsletter. I've compiled a full list here: mailchi.mp/railsspeed/spe…

Sidekiq Reposted

今年のAdvent CalendarはSidekiq 6に関する記事を書いた。変更点が多くてアップグレードが大変だった。qiita.com/ryohashimoto/i…

Sidekiq 6.0.4 has been released with an ActiveJob fix and a shiny new Pause button in Sidekiq Pro's /queues page. github.com/mperham/sideki…

Some Advanced Sidekiq-fu: Workload Isolation with Queue Sharding mikeperham.com/2019/12/17/wor…

Sidekiq Reposted

Rails 6.0.2 has been released! weblog.rubyonrails.org/2019/12/13/Rai…

Sidekiq Reposted

In this article, former Guava developer Leonardo Brito (lbrito1.github.io) tells the story of how we replaced a critical piece of software in a large Rails codebase with zero downtime and no data gaps. goiabada.blog/upgrading-from…

Sidekiq Reposted

There are some tools so well made that it is pleasing to use them. @sidekiq is one of them

Seattle makes some impressively weird buildings

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Ruby(conf) on Rails

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Sidekiq Reposted

Hey, #rubyconf, the slides from my "Lucky You" talk are now at speakerdeck.com/skmetz/lucky-y… References are at the end. I was nervous about giving you this talk. I should have known better. Thanks.


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