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Samaltau22 ► 😅


Me gusta la música cine y teatro #DimashNumber1 #DimashQudaibergen #dimashspain

Joined July 2021
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Samaltau22 ► 😅 Reposted

WAITING FOR WEEKEND @dimash_official #DimashInspiringVoice #Omir_Dimash.「音楽に国境はありません。それを心から信じています。」 DQ #TheStoryOfOneSky #NewMusicSoon . #Together_Dimash.

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Samaltau22 ► 😅 Reposted

WAITING FOR WEEKEND @dimash_official #DimashInspiringVoice Continuiamo lo streaming su #Omir_Dimash, #TheStoryOfOneSky, #Together_Dimash, mentre arriva la premiere ufficiale di "Weekend". #NewMusicSoon... youtube.com/shorts/iOxY0PQ…

Samaltau22 ► 😅 Reposted

WAITING FOR WEEKEND @dimash_official #DimashInspiringVoice #Omir_Dimash #TheStoryOfOneSky #Together_Dimash Presto la prima ufficiale di #NewMusicSoon, "Weekend", per ballare, per riempire lo spirito di luce e vita vm.tiktok.com/ZM2G9Fbum/

Samaltau22 ► 😅 Reposted

WAITING FOR WEEKEND @dimash_official #DimashInspiringVoice #Omir_Dimash #TheStoryOfOneSky #Together_Dimash Soon the official premiere of #NewMusicSoon, "Weekend", to dance, to fill the spirit with light and life vm.tiktok.com/ZM2G9PxBm/

Samaltau22 ► 😅 Reposted

WAITING FOR WEEKEND @dimash_official #DimashInspiringVoice #Omir_Dimash #TheStoryOfOneSky #Together_Dimash Pronto el estreno oficial de la #NewMusicSoon, "Weekend", para bailar, para llenar el espíritu de luz y vida vm.tiktok.com/ZM2G9aJqq/

Samaltau22 ► 😅 Reposted

WAITING FOR WEEKEND @dimash_official #DimashInspiringVoice We continue to stream #Omir_Dimash, #TheStoryOfOneSky, #Together_Dimash, while the official premiere of "Weekend" arrives #NewMusicSoon... youtube.com/shorts/l7BJmyh…

Samaltau22 ► 😅 Reposted

WAITING FOR WEEKEND @dimash_official #DimashInspiringVoice Continuamos haciendo streaming a #Omir_Dimash, #TheStoryOfOneSky, #Together_Dimash, mientras llega el estreno oficial de "Weekend" #NewMusicSoon... youtube.com/shorts/6y1QRgx…

Samaltau22 ► 😅 Reposted

WAITING FOR WEEKEND 🎼💞🎼 #DimashInspiringVoice Qué linda noticia,@dimash_official se merece eso y mucho más,el mundo debe conocerlo!! #NewMusicSoon #TheStoryOfOneSky #TogetherDimash #OmirDimash

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Samaltau22 ► 😅 Reposted

WAITING FOR WEEKEND 🎼💞🎼 #DimashInspiringVoice Un espacio que muchos desean,un gran anuncio sobre un gran artista ,como lo es @dimash_official NY lo verá nuevamente!! #NewMusicSoon #TheStoryOfOneSky #OmirDimash #TogetherDimash

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Samaltau22 ► 😅 Reposted

WAITING FOR WEEKEND 💞🎼💞 #DimashInspiringVoice Una alegría volver a ver a @dimash_official en tan importante lugar!!!Sus dears lo celebramos!! #NewMusicSoon #OmirDimash #TogetherDimash #TheStoryOfOneSky

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Samaltau22 ► 😅 Reposted

WAITING FOR WEEKEND @dimash_official #DimashInspiringVoice Nous continuons à diffuser sur #Omir_Dimash, #TheStoryOfOneSky, #Together_Dimash, tandis que la première officielle de "Weekend" arrive #NewMusicSoon... youtube.com/shorts/uQf27V7…

Samaltau22 ► 😅 Reposted

WAITING FOR WEEKEND @dimash_official #DimashInspiringVoice #Omir_Dimash #TheStoryOfOneSky #Together_Dimash Bald die offizielle Premiere von #NewMusicSoon, „Weekend“, zum Tanzen, um den Geist mit Licht und Leben zu erfüllen vm.tiktok.com/ZM2G9dmGh/

Samaltau22 ► 😅 Reposted

WAITING FOR WEEKEND @dimash_official #DimashInspiringVoice #Omir_Dimash #TheStoryOfOneSky #Together_Dimash Bientôt la première officielle de #NewMusicSoon, "Weekend", pour danser, pour remplir l'esprit de lumière et de vie vm.tiktok.com/ZM2G9H8yP/

Samaltau22 ► 😅 Reposted

WAITING FOR WEEKEND @dimash_official, come al solito ci fai aspettare la presentazione ufficiale del tuo #NewMusicSoon, "Weekend"... I tuoi SOON di solito sono un mistero #DimashInspiringVoice #Omir_Dimash #TheStoryOfOneSky #Together_Dimash youtube.com/shorts/ednKWsE…

Samaltau22 ► 😅 Reposted

WAITING FOR WEEKEND @dimash_official, como sempre, você nos deixa esperando a apresentação oficial do seu #NewMusicSoon, "Weekend"... Seus SOONs costumam ser um mistério #DimashInspiringVoice #Omir_Dimash #TheStoryOfOneSky #Together_Dimash youtube.com/shorts/B_cyErI…

Samaltau22 ► 😅 Reposted

WAITING FOR WEEKEND @dimash_official, como es habitual, nos tienes expectantes a la presentación oficial de tu #NewMusicSoon, "Weekend"... Tus SOON suelen ser un misterio 😉 #DimashInspiringVoice #Omir_Dimash #TheStoryOfOneSky #Together_Dimash youtube.com/shorts/Wo13rD4…

Samaltau22 ► 😅 Reposted

WAITING FOR WEEKEND @dimash_official #DimashInspiringVoice Wir streamen weiter zu #Omir_Dimash, #TheStoryOfOneSky, #Together_Dimash, während die offizielle Premiere von „Weekend“ kommt #NewMusicSoon... youtube.com/shorts/4x1UPbP…

Samaltau22 ► 😅 Reposted

WAITING FOR WEEKEND 🎼💞🎼 #DimashInspiringVoice Cada exposición y publicidad que se haga sobre nuestro talentoso @dimash_official es una alegría inmensa!! #NewMusicSoon #TheStoryOfOneSky #OmirDimash #TogetherDimash

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Samaltau22 ► 😅 Reposted

WAITING FOR WEEKEND @dimash_official, as usual, you keep us waiting for the official presentation of your #NewMusicSoon, "Weekend"... Your SOONs are usually a mystery 😉 #DimashInspiringVoice #Omir_Dimash #TheStoryOfOneSky #Together_Dimash youtube.com/shorts/V4XH30C…

Samaltau22 ► 😅 Reposted

WAITING FOR WEEKEND @dimash_official, comme d'habitude, vous nous faites attendre la présentation officielle de votre #NewMusicSoon, "Weekend"... Vos SOON sont généralement un mystère #DimashInspiringVoice #Omir_Dimash #TheStoryOfOneSky #Together_Dimash youtube.com/shorts/QpEeyf2…


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