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spencer conkey


Joined May 2013
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spencer conkey Reposted

It’s been an honor to play Cleveland on Family Guy for 20 years. I love this character, but persons of color should play characters of color. Therefore, I will be stepping down from the role.

mikehenrybro's tweet image. It’s been an honor to play Cleveland on Family Guy for 20 years.  I love this character, but persons of color should play characters of color.  Therefore, I will be stepping down from the role.

spencer conkey Reposted

“My mother … strongest woman I know. And I know she’ll beat this.” An emotional Karl-Anthony Towns reveals that his mother is in a medically-induced coma after being diagnosed with the coronavirus. (via @karltowns)

spencer conkey Reposted

This is a roaring glacial melt, under the bridge to Kangerlussiauq, Greenland where it's 22C today and Danish officials say 12 billions tons of ice melted in 24 hours, yesterday.

spencer conkey Reposted

Roughing the Passer calls are absolutely out of control.

spencer conkey Reposted

Gun Control

Hey @Canada, what else would you like us to beat you in today?

spencer conkey Reposted

"beats me." -adrian's son

MeninistTweet's tweet image. "beats me."

-adrian's son

spencer conkey Reposted


MeninistTweet's tweet image. 🐐

spencer conkey Reposted

don't 👏🏽 claim 👏🏽 you 👏🏽 know 👏🏽 hiphop 👏🏽 if 👏🏽 you 👏🏽 don't 👏🏽 know 👏🏽 who 👏🏽 these 👏🏽 two 👏🏽 are

MeninistTweet's tweet image. don't 👏🏽 claim 👏🏽 you 👏🏽 know 👏🏽 hiphop 👏🏽 if 👏🏽 you 👏🏽 don't 👏🏽 know 👏🏽 who 👏🏽 these 👏🏽 two 👏🏽 are

spencer conkey Reposted

Holocaust survivors light candles for #HolocaustMemorialDay

spencer conkey Reposted

#BellLetsTalk about how discussing what you experience in your own head with a loved one can help change your life.

spencer conkey Reposted

lmao they made a song and it's low key lit

spencer conkey Reposted

Rain drop Drop top "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take - Wayne Gretzky" - Michael Scott

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