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rozkyf Reposted

Kalau elu mau narik pajak gede, Apa yang bisa memastikan kita dapet benefit negara Nordik setelah itu? Benefit kaya: 1) Cuti melahirkan 480 hari buat ibu, dan 90 hari untuk ayah? Kemarin baru ada wacana cuti ayah aja ribut. 2) Guru digaji sangat layak, jadi bisa konsentrasi…

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I think if you want to have a Nordic-style welfare state, there's no way around it other than funding it through VAT. This is why European countries have very high VAT rates (>12%). economist.com/leaders/2021/1…

rozkyf Reposted

Posting di akun masing-masing pict ini dengan tagar #TolakPPN12Persen

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rozkyf Reposted

Barangkali ada yang tenggelam dalam distraksi

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rozkyf Reposted

Read that sentence. Israel is killing a *child* in Gaza every hour.

Israeli forces killed over 50 children in 48 hours in 1 Gaza town, UN says aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/…

rozkyf Reposted

nitip, banyak yg minta foto patrick

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rozkyf Reposted

Never Forget. The Gaza coastal road gunboat massacre, November 2023. Israel tricked Palestinian civilians to evacuate via the western road and then had the Israeli Navy slaughter them. Never Forget

rozkyf Reposted

i fear that when we stop hearing news of these atrocities, it will not be because they have stopped, but because all the journalists have been murdered

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rozkyf Reposted

Hakim bu supriyani msh muda tp kekayaannya sdh mentereng. Ayo netizen X viralkan hakim ini spy kejagung periksa sumber kekayaannya @KejaksaanRI

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rozkyf Reposted

“I got a question” “Shut up J*w” x.com/TemosdnaH/stat…

rozkyf Reposted

Please amplify this: For more than 22 days, not a single drop of water or food truck entered north Gaza.

rozkyf Reposted

Pertempuran Terakhir Sang Panglima Yahya Sinwar dan detik-detik kesyahidannya... (Sumber: @TRTArabi) (Terjemah: Ihsanul Faruqi)

rozkyf Reposted

Ketika orang-orang sudah surut kepeduliannya terhadap Gaza dan sudah bosan dengan beritanya, Maka janganlah engkau meninggalkannya meskipun engkau harus sendirian 🇵🇸❤️

rozkyf Reposted

Jeremy Corbyn : “if we ignore whats happening to the Palestinian people then we become complicit" Retweet if you agree with him

rozkyf Reposted

To be silent is to be complicit. #Gaza

Israeli airstrike on Gaza school kills at least 17

rozkyf Reposted

This interview should be watched by the whole world. Piers Morgan

rozkyf Reposted

Dozen or Palestinian children were killed after the demonic state of Israel bombed another school

rozkyf Reposted

This is how you talk to Zionists. Take notes.

rozkyf Reposted

yang malu punya wapres kayak gibran retweet

rozkyf Reposted

Saya merasakan kesedihan dan keprihatinan yg sangat mendalam, penghinaan dan penistaan yg dilakukan Fufufafa sudah diluar batas manusia yg normal. Dan yang lebih menyedihkan lagi, tak ada pendukungnya yg membela dan melakukan perlawanan bantahan thdp Fufufafa. Miris.

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rozkyf Reposted

Aseng keruk tambang dari perut bumi pertiwi kalian diamkan. Giliran pribumi nyari buat makan sehari2 aja kalian persoalan. Memang bangsatlah.

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