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Rodrigo Bolaños



Joined June 2012
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Rodrigo Bolaños Reposted

A new @amnesty report concludes that Israeli authorities are committing genocide against Palestinians in the occupied Gaza Strip. By continuing to transfer arms to Israel, the US government is violating its obligation to prevent genocide and risks being complicit. Arms embargo…

Rodrigo Bolaños Reposted

Amnesty International’s new landmark report concludes that Israeli authorities have committed – and still are committing - genocide against Palestinians in the occupied Gaza Strip. Full report, out now. #EndGazaGenocide

Rodrigo Bolaños Reposted

You’re seeing it clearly now, right? There was never an actual “rules-based order” or international law. It was just a tool for Western imperialism.

Dutch PM Dick Schoof says there may be options for Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to visit the Netherlands without being arrested despite an International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrant against him. 🔴 LIVE updates:

AJEnglish's tweet image. Dutch PM Dick Schoof says there may be options for Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to visit the Netherlands without being arrested despite an International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrant against him.

🔴 LIVE updates:

Rodrigo Bolaños Reposted

There's no more blatant bullshit than US/EU lectures on a "rules-based international order." France now says it won't enforce ICC warrants because Israel isn't a signatory. But Russia isn't either, yet the West demanded S. Africa and Brazil arrest Putin if he went there.

🚨🚨 France officially announces: Netanyahu is entitled to immunity from ICC arrest warrents "because Israel is not a party to the court"

Rodrigo Bolaños Reposted

Head of State immunity is a feudal concept that should be circumscribed as the ICC has ruled in other cases. Besides, is Netanyahu really the head of state of Israel? Who is Isaac Herzog then? Prime ministers are normally not heads of state.

France's statement that ICC wanted man Benjamin Netanyahu would benefit from personal immunity runs counter to France's fundamental obligations as a member state of the ICC. A cornerstone principle of the ICC Statute is that no one is above the law, including heads of state…

Rodrigo Bolaños Reposted

This video shows clearly how Germans interpret Palestine only through their history - Germans were forced out of Eastern Europe (after WWII) and weren’t allowed to complain, so the Palestinians should either

Rodrigo Bolaños Reposted

Fascist international

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Rodrigo Bolaños Reposted

What utter shame that European leaders have been feting, meeting, cheering, chatting with, applauding, and laughing with two criminals charged with a list of the most horrific crimes in international law

Rodrigo Bolaños Reposted

¡Viva la Revolución Mexicana! عاشت الثورة المكسيكية Celebramos con nuestras hermanas y hermanos mexicanos la conmemoración de la Revolución y abrazamos como propias las palabras del héroe Emiliano Zapata: ¡TIERRA Y LIBERTAD!

PalestineMX's tweet image. ¡Viva la Revolución Mexicana!
عاشت الثورة المكسيكية
Celebramos con nuestras hermanas y hermanos mexicanos la conmemoración de la Revolución y abrazamos como propias las palabras del héroe Emiliano Zapata: ¡TIERRA Y LIBERTAD!

Rodrigo Bolaños Reposted

It was sent last week by @christinebinzel, @HannaKienzler, and Michael Barenboim on behalf of 66 initial signatories and now more than 500 scientists, academics, and civil servants to the German federal government and members of the Bundestag.…

Rodrigo Bolaños Reposted

Son una vergüenza. No solo hicieron trampa para reelegir a quien ha demostrada ser una cómplice de todo tipo de violaciones, ahora acusan a los familiares y madres de desaparecidos de ser de derecha. 😣

Defendiendo lo indefendible Fernández Noroña respalda reelección de Rosario Piedra Ibarra "Ha sufrido el acoso de organizaciones de derecha durísimo", dice el presidente del Senado

Rodrigo Bolaños Reposted

Me encanta que Rosario Piedra fue la candidata peor evaluada por la misma gente que, por eso mismo, la va a ratificar en el cargo. Eso son. “Fuera máscaras”. Y eso son todo el tiempo. Pero qué bueno que nos dan estas estampas tan transparentes del tipo de país que quieren.

Rodrigo Bolaños Reposted

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has just cancelled his trip to Paris after dozens of human rights organisations and lawyers submitted a request to the French Attorney General to issue an arrest warrant for him, based on allegations of warcrimes. This is a victory 👏🏽

No football and visits to Europe for genocidal politicians. Well done to all organisations behind this.…

katpijetlovic's tweet image. No football and visits to Europe for genocidal politicians. Well done to all organisations behind this.…

Rodrigo Bolaños Reposted

Once again. Western media should be investigated for the role they are playing in obscuring Israel's atrocities. In other contexts, intl tribunals have found media figures responsible for complicity, incitement, and other intl crimes.

More than the Maccabi fans, the real culprits of this week have been the media. A media that would tell us the sky was red if it were in Israel's interests. The biggest engine of disinformation on the planet, exponentially greater than Trump and Putin put together.

Rodrigo Bolaños Reposted

Politicians' reaction to events in Amsterdam is to blame Muslims for Israeli hooliganism: a tactic to label European Muslims as antisemitic, and use this as an excuse to deport/denaturalize them just as Trump proposes to do. Von der L. is complicit w/this white supremacy tactic.

Rodrigo Bolaños Reposted

Ursula von der Leyen has now expressed more outrage over racist hate-spewing Israeli football hooligans than over the Palestinian children whose deaths these hooligans were celebrating. History will remember this.

Outraged by last night’s vile attacks targeting Israeli citizens in Amsterdam. I just spoke with @MinPres Schoof. I strongly condemn these unacceptable acts. Antisemitism has absolutely no place in Europe. And we are determined to fight all forms of hatred.

Rodrigo Bolaños Reposted

The word 'pogrom' is not only ill-suited to the task of explaining last night, it does a disservice to Jewish history and prevents us from comprehending the multiple atrocities being carried out in the here and now.

Rodrigo Bolaños Reposted

Describing the violence in Amsterdam last night as a pogrom is wrongheaded for four reasons. First, from the footage I have seen, Maccabi Tel Aviv fans were attacked not as Jews but as Israelis. The word pogrom, then, is doing the work of conflating antisemitism and anti-Zionism.

Rodrigo Bolaños Reposted

The violence in Amsterdam last night has been widely described as a pogrom against Jews. This is not only misleading but politically dangerous. A thread.

Rodrigo Bolaños Reposted

Ante la publicidad del proyecto de decreto en @Mx_Diputados, que pretende ampliar el catálogo de delitos susceptibles de aplicar la prisión preventiva oficiosa (#PPO), reiteramos que esta medida es incompatible con las normas de #DerechosHumanos.

ONUDHmexico's tweet image. Ante la publicidad del proyecto de decreto en @Mx_Diputados, que pretende ampliar el catálogo de delitos susceptibles de aplicar la prisión preventiva oficiosa (#PPO), reiteramos que esta medida es incompatible con las normas de #DerechosHumanos.


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