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古関 真平(Koseki Mahei)


皆様の価値観を覆す思索者 I am the imaginative thinker who changes your values.

Joined July 2010
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What positioning was given to the decline of the reproductive capacity of mankind and society by the outside world? Or is it mere coincidence?

Is there no significance to the existence of living organisms, but merely a chemical reaction in the mechanism? Or was the noble raison d'etre or idea of the preservation of species embedded from the outside world?


Before the limitations of primary information, there is an overabundance of secondary and tertiary information. Isn't it unhealthy for people to be exposed to information other than primary information, to make up their own minds, and in the end conclude that the truth is unknown


Ignorance causes inextricably linked anxiety and hope, but the more one knows about reality, the more one thinks of things as an extension of the present and becomes anxious.

Young people's sense of omnipotence and hope for the future, in which they can become anything they want to be, is fading as all information is disclosed to them and they are able to calmly grasp realistic situations.


Growth is only one of the signals that indicate direction. Therefore, the expression "I want to grow" is incomprehensible. To what extent is it really necessary to be able to do something that could not be done before? It is necessary to distinguish between growth and development


私の正体は以下。 ①ドーパミンに飢えすぎ ②人類の進化を模索 ③人を辞めたい ④つまみ食い体験希望 ⑤人が嫌い ⑥地球が滅亡しても問題なし ⑦原始時代の暮らし希望 ⑧社会実験したい ⑨対話のみ対応。会話ができないため、仲良しな人は皆無。 ⑩脳を鍛えることが趣味

As a result of diversification, the will of the people is dispersed and there is no sense of having one's opinion reflected in politics. This creates a spiral of political apathy as it becomes unimportant.


No matter who becomes prime minister, nothing will change. The reason for this is peace. Once infrastructure and security are in place, the role of government is complete. From this point forward, it depends on the active economic activities of each person.


the fact organizations and individuals do not have the margin of human and financial resources to appropriately change the system they have worked so hard to create to suit the environment is a factor that produces a sense of stagnation.


The insistence that no one be left behind goes against the natural order of things. There will be rampant talk of sacrificing anyone, or even secretly sacrificing someone, to convince people of the sacrifice. Even plants cut down unnecessary branches and leaves.


Why are human and social systems similar? Why does the mechanism of cause and effect exist? Why do we assume that meaning, significance, and essence exist? Why do organisms seek to increase their species and offspring? Why do we have the ability to think?


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