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Mamdooh khalid


And whoever disparages and degrades a single one of the Companions of the Messenger of Allaah(صلالله عليه وسلم) is an Innovator

Joined April 2012
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𝗦𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗢𝗙 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗧𝗥𝗘𝗠𝗘𝗡𝗗𝗢𝗨𝗦 𝗘𝗙𝗙𝗘𝗖𝗧𝗦 𝗢𝗙 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗡𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧 𝗣𝗥𝗔𝗬𝗘𝗥 masjidfurqan.co.uk/2017/06/18/som… T.me/for_thebelievi…




Mamdooh khalid Reposted

The Death of a Close and Beloved One Reminds Us of The Shortness of This Worldly Life 📔 Excerpt: ‘’Wheresoever you may be, death will overtake you even if you are in fortresses built up strong and high!’ 4:78 CLICK HERE TO READ FULL POST: wp.me/p4cUPQ-Yn

FTB_women's tweet image. The Death of a Close and Beloved One Reminds Us of The Shortness of This Worldly Life

📔 Excerpt: ‘’Wheresoever you may be, death will overtake you even if you are in fortresses built up strong and high!’ 4:78


Mamdooh khalid Reposted

It is the key to noble manners, the key to good character and the key to happiness and bliss...

MarkazMuaadh's tweet image. It is the key to noble manners, the key to good character and the key to happiness and bliss...

Mamdooh khalid Reposted
ilm_naafian's tweet image.

Mamdooh khalid Reposted

“Do Not Let Despair Consume You” - Al-Allamah Rabi’ b. Hadi Al-Madkhali

IbnAkhdar's tweet image. “Do Not Let Despair Consume You” - Al-Allamah Rabi’ b. Hadi Al-Madkhali
IbnAkhdar's tweet image. “Do Not Let Despair Consume You” - Al-Allamah Rabi’ b. Hadi Al-Madkhali

Mamdooh khalid Reposted

This is المعجم الوسيط...a basic dictionary for the Arabic language, it was recommended by our Arabic teachers at the University of Madīnah. This particular copy comes with side finger spaces at each letter for ease of use, to get to your desired section with speed.

's tweet image. This is المعجم الوسيط...a basic dictionary for the Arabic language, it was recommended by our Arabic teachers at the University of Madīnah. 

This particular copy comes with side finger spaces at each letter for ease of use, to get to your desired section with speed.
's tweet image. This is المعجم الوسيط...a basic dictionary for the Arabic language, it was recommended by our Arabic teachers at the University of Madīnah. 

This particular copy comes with side finger spaces at each letter for ease of use, to get to your desired section with speed.
's tweet image. This is المعجم الوسيط...a basic dictionary for the Arabic language, it was recommended by our Arabic teachers at the University of Madīnah. 

This particular copy comes with side finger spaces at each letter for ease of use, to get to your desired section with speed.
's tweet image. This is المعجم الوسيط...a basic dictionary for the Arabic language, it was recommended by our Arabic teachers at the University of Madīnah. 

This particular copy comes with side finger spaces at each letter for ease of use, to get to your desired section with speed.

Mamdooh khalid Reposted

Jamaica 🇯🇲 December 2024. A beautiful island. May Allah guide its people to Islam and the Sunnah. Wherever we go, and it is prayer time, we pray — and far from being criticised and frowned upon (as we often find in Europe), people respect that we are worshipping and prostrating…

Mamdooh khalid Reposted

𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞! Imām al Ḥasan al Baṣrī رحمه الله (d. 728H) said: “Whoever does not behave with Allah whilst above the earth, Allah will discipline him below the earth.” 📚 Madārij al Sālikīn by Ibn al Qayyim 2/67

SDdawah's tweet image. 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞!

Imām al Ḥasan al Baṣrī رحمه الله (d. 728H) said:

“Whoever does not behave with Allah whilst above the earth, Allah will discipline him below the earth.” 

📚 Madārij al Sālikīn by Ibn al Qayyim 2/67

Mamdooh khalid Reposted

The Last Hour of Friday/Jumu'ah: Allah Accepts Your Du'aas

almanhajulhaqq's tweet image. The Last Hour of Friday/Jumu'ah: Allah Accepts Your Du'aas

Mamdooh khalid Reposted

If a brother disagrees with his brother, or a husband disagrees with his wife, and vice versa, then let him not hasten in taking any decision regarding that relationship, for most hasty decisions are driven by emotions and are destructive to the bond between them. In moments of…

إذا اختلف الأخ مع أخيه، أو الزوج مع زوجته والعكس، فلا يستعجل في اتخاذ أي قرار بشأن تلك العلاقة، فغالب القرارات السريعة تكون عاطفية مدمرة للصلة بينهما. فوقت الغضب لا يرى الإنسان من صاحبه إلا ما يكره. ولا يتذكر منه إلا ما يغضبه. شيء من الصبر يُذهب الكثير من الخطأ.

Mamdooh khalid Reposted

Investment is of several types, the most honourable of which are: - Investing in yourself, so that you reap profits and gain rewards through it. - Investing in your child, gaining from them good manners, finding in them dutifulness for yourself, and being honoured by them…

الاستثمار أنواع، من أجلها: أن تستثمر في نفسك، فتجني منها أرباحا، وتتكسب منها أجورا أن تستثمر في ولدك، فتكسب منه أدبا، وتجد منه بِرّا، ويكرمك بعد موتك دعاء وعملا صالحا. أن تستثمر في وقتك فيكون لك حجة، وتجد أثره في الميزان ثقلا نافعا. لك قيمة بإيمانك، ولك منزلة بإسلامك ولك مكانة…

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's tweet image.

Mamdooh khalid Reposted

The Shame of a Big Belly

almanhajulhaqq's tweet image. The Shame of a Big Belly

Mamdooh khalid Reposted

📹 NEW UPLOAD - The Virtue & Status Of The Mother In Islam 🎙By Sh. Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wāhid حفظه الله @AbuKhadeejahSP Link 👉🏽 youtu.be/rUinJ_KZv_0 #Salafi #Salafirecording #Salaf #Muslim #Islam #Quran #Sunnah #Salafiyyah

SalafiRecording's tweet image. 📹 NEW UPLOAD - The Virtue & Status Of The Mother In Islam

🎙By Sh. Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wāhid حفظه الله

Link 👉🏽 youtu.be/rUinJ_KZv_0

#Salafi #Salafirecording #Salaf #Muslim #Islam #Quran #Sunnah #Salafiyyah

Mamdooh khalid Reposted

[އަންހެނުން ރުހުމާއި ޤަބޫލުވުމަކީ އެކަން ކުރުމަށް އަދި ނުކުރުމަށް އޮތް މަގެއް ނޫނެވެ. އަންހެނުން އެބައިމީހުންނަށް މަންފާހުރި ހެޔޮ ކަންތަކަށްވެސް ނުރުހިދާނެ އެވެ. އަދި ގެއްލުން ހުރި ކަންތަކަށް ރުހުމަކީވެސް އެކަށީގެންވާ ކަމެކެވެ. ހުރިހައިވެސް ޢިބްރަތަކީ ަރީޢަތެވެ. ުންނަތެވެ.]

AbooAnasMV's tweet image. [އަންހެނުން ރުހުމާއި ޤަބޫލުވުމަކީ އެކަން ކުރުމަށް އަދި ނުކުރުމަށް އޮތް މަގެއް ނޫނެވެ. 
އަންހެނުން އެބައިމީހުންނަށް މަންފާހުރި ހެޔޮ ކަންތަކަށްވެސް ނުރުހިދާނެ އެވެ. އަދި ގެއްލުން ހުރި ކަންތަކަށް ރުހުމަކީވެސް އެކަށީގެންވާ ކަމެކެވެ.

ހުރިހައިވެސް ޢިބްރަތަކީ #ޝަރީޢަތެވެ. #ސުންނަތެވެ.]

Mamdooh khalid Reposted

[ގިނަ އަނބިންނާ ކައިވެނި ނުކޮށް ތިބުމުގެ ނަތީއްޖާ ކަމުގައިވަނީ، އަންހެނުން ކައިވެނު ނުކުރެވި އެކަނިވެރި އަންހެނުންގެ ގޮތުގައި ތިބެން ޖެހުމެވެ.]

AbooAnasMV's tweet image. [ގިނަ އަނބިންނާ ކައިވެނި ނުކޮށް ތިބުމުގެ ނަތީއްޖާ ކަމުގައިވަނީ، އަންހެނުން ކައިވެނު ނުކުރެވި އެކަނިވެރި އަންހެނުންގެ ގޮތުގައި ތިބެން ޖެހުމެވެ.]

Mamdooh khalid Reposted

[ހެޔޮ ޞާލިޙް ޢަމަލުކޮށް ކުރިއަރައި ދިއުން ހުއްޓެވެ. ސުވަރުގެއަށް ވަންނަ މުއުމިނު އަންހެނާ ޙޫރުލް-ޢީނުންނަށް ވުރެ ފުރިހަމަވާނެ އެވެ.]

AbooAnasMV's tweet image. [ހެޔޮ ޞާލިޙް ޢަމަލުކޮށް ކުރިއަރައި ދިއުން ހުއްޓެވެ.

ސުވަރުގެއަށް ވަންނަ މުއުމިނު އަންހެނާ ޙޫރުލް-ޢީނުންނަށް ވުރެ ފުރިހަމަވާނެ އެވެ.]

Mamdooh khalid Reposted

Being tested with a bad person in your life is not an excuse for you to generalize this judgment to everyone, such as an employee with a former tyrannical boss, a wife with an oppressive ex-husband, or a business partner with a deceitful partner. Do not carry fear and anxiety…

كونك تبتلى بشخص سيء، في حياتك، ليس عذرا لك أن تعمم هذا الحكم على الجميع. كالموظف مع مديره السابق المتسلط والزوجة مع طليقها الظالم والشريك مع شريكه المخادع لا تستصحب الخوف والقلق، فيحجزك ذلك عن العلاقات النافعة، ومصالحك الدينية والدنيوية. استعن بالله، واستخر، وتفاءل.

Mamdooh khalid Reposted

Some relationships that connect you with certain people –whether a righteous wife, a loyal friend, or an honourable neighbor– are like bandages that heal your pain. Simply communicating with them, or even just remembering them at times, brings you happiness. They are a gift…

بعض العلاقات التي تربطك ببعض الناس، سواء كانت زوجة صالحة، أو صديقا وفيّا، أو جارا نبيلا، هي كالضماد الذي يعالج آلامك. مجرد التواصل معهم، بل مجرد تذكرهم أحيانا، يشعرك بالسعادة. هم هبة من الله، ونعمة تستحق الشكر. فالسعادة كما تكون عافية أو مالا أو مواقفا، كذلك تكون أشخاصا.

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