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minvestments Reposted

85 years ago today, Russia invaded its neighbour to “protect minorities.” Imagine something like that happening now!

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minvestments Reposted

ELON: IF EVIL PEOPLE HATE YOU, YOU MIGHT BE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT "I think if I was a really bad person, they wouldn't want to work with me. One way to assess someone's character is by looking at their friends and associates. While people can mask their own character, their…

minvestments Reposted

While putin is selling another series of blatant lies in front of the main stream media in Russia, veterans and World leaders are commemorating D-Day 80th anniversary in Normandy, that really made the change in WWII. Russia is not invited. Its war against Ukraine is a betrayal…

minvestments Reposted

Retweet to join us in celebrating our newest Ally 🇸🇪 Sweden on their National Day! @SwedenNato 🤝 #WeAreNATO

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minvestments Reposted

Taiwan is next. Russia's war in Ukraine is only a small part of the problem facing the modern Democratic World. China has launched massive military exercises and is openly threatening Taiwan. This is a long thread, but it is very important. Let me remind 1/28 🧵by @iljaandreev

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minvestments Reposted

My friend Armand Gosu, 4 days ago for Romanian's biggest TV station - "Vladimir Putin will attack a NATO state. Mark my word. Not tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow, but it will happen. Vladimir Putin will certainly attack a NATO state, most likely with a hybrid offensive,…

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minvestments Reposted

he's developed an equator and no spanx can fix it.

minvestments Reposted

The Iranian Mullah Regime believes that the US are weakened, otherwise they wouldn't launch this campaign. The useless debates in the US, where allies are just left alone, has created a critical moment. The Russian war in Ukraine has paved the way that the axis of dictatorships…

minvestments Reposted

bro has actually just won in life

minvestments Reposted

Två milstolpar är värda att komma ihåg i dessa sammanhang: - De arabiska regimerna förlust i sexdagarskriget 1967 blottade hur bankrutt panarabismen var och islamisterna fick luft under vingarna. 1970 avled Nasser och efterträddes av Sadat som frigav tusentals islamister i den…

minvestments Reposted

Varför är den globala islamismen stark idag? Pan-islamism, gränsöverskridande politisk islam, är viljan att sprida och leva enligt islam där Koran och Sunnah ska styra varje enskild del av livet, från statsskick till familjeliv. Islamismen är ingen ny trend, utan har blossat…

minvestments Reposted

Guilt culture vs Shame culture

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minvestments Reposted

Har tredje världskriget börjat? Eller är vi bara i en förkrigstid? Hur som helst behöver alla ta in allvaret i den rådande situationen. Det verkar som att polletten har trillat ner. Frankrikes president Emmanuel Macron slog på torsdagen fast i en intervju att Väst måste vinna…

minvestments Reposted

Telegram blocked six channels covering the protests in Bashkortostan for two days. The channels "Kushtau Bayram", RusNews, "The One from Bashkort", "Nuclear Ant", "As it is about Bashkortostan" and "Irandyk Sabantuy" disappeared from open access yesterday and today. These news…

The situation in Bashkortostan continues to escalate, Russian media report. Russian law enforcers continue beating up the locals who came to support public activist Fail Alsynov. Reportedly, they also use tear gas.

minvestments Reposted

Ryssland ska stängt ner eller begränsat tillgången till Internet för att protesterna inte ska spridas. Sprid och förstärk informationen om att uppror har startat i ryska provinser. SPRID OCH FÖRSTÄRK.

Telegram blocked six channels covering the protests in Bashkortostan for two days. The channels "Kushtau Bayram", RusNews, "The One from Bashkort", "Nuclear Ant", "As it is about Bashkortostan" and "Irandyk Sabantuy" disappeared from open access yesterday and today. These news…

minvestments Reposted

“Confidence comes from preparation.” ~ Kobe Bryant

minvestments Reposted

1 year ago. Glory to 🇺🇦Ukraine

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minvestments Reposted

In the 1930s, millions of Americans supported fascist leaders & movements. Many adored Hitler. These same people said that wars in Asia and Europe were not our problem. (Google The America First Committee.) They were dead wrong. Must we repeat these mistakes again? 1/ THREAD

minvestments Reposted

Munger's reflections on his career and three basic rules for career satisfaction: "If at all feasible, you want to maneuver yourself into doing something in which you have an intense interest alongside people whose company you enjoy. I wanted to earn more than what a senior law…

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