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i talk sarcasm in two languages

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Gw jujur pasrah sama hasil akhir pemilu kali ini. Tapi, gw senang bisa 'stand on the right side of history'. Gw cuma berdoa, semoga yg dinilai buruk, tidak seburuk yg kita kira. Semoga masih ada harapan utk kita semua. ☝️

selama 26 tahun hidup, jd saksi perjalanan kisah hidup keluarga & org tua sendiri, gmn perjuangannya yg bener-bener dr serba kekurangan sampai tercukupi, kalo diliat lagi ke blkg rasanya 'wah' bgt ortu bisa ditahap ini. gw yakin kehidupan gw jg akan membaik🥰

Ini gurunya udah tegur ortunya blm ya soal anaknya kutuan? Kalo emg udah ditegur dan ortunya masih cuek ya bingung jg ya, kutu rambut invasive bgt soalnya kasian murid yg lain

Anak murid sekolah dasar digundulin pihak sekolah tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu kepada pihak orang tua. Bahkan si anak sampe ga mau sekolah lagi karna malu. Dari vidio tersebut disebutkan anak murid tersebut adalah seorang perempuan yang bersekolah di SD Babakan mekarwangi…

yes, thank you.

A man’s hand placement during the doggy position matters so much.

Friends is no longer on Netflix. 😭😔🥹


funny how what goes around comes back around. lu getol bgt ngomongin org sampe ga sadar kelakuan lu jg jd bahan omongan org lain😂 hidup lu krg seru apa ya sampe kerjaan lu ngomongin org terus? I mean, ngl gw enjoy gossip once or twice, tp kalo tiap hari ngmgn org yg sama jg eneg

Dumbo in a human form

A man’s hand placement during the doggy position matters so much.

Funny how she immediately STFU when someone mentioned Liam was an abuser and a homophobe, but didn't mind running her mouth when someone mentioned the ongoing genocide on Palestine. Fuck you, Indah.

hm i see. for the record, i never followed 1D and any of its members so idk much about their controversies & such. let me marinate on this thought a little longer…

despresso Reposted

Andrew Garfield, who doesn't own a single public social media account, has now been more vocal about Palestine than 90% of your faves (and mine)

jastip sushi tuh gmn sih konsepnya? sushi tuh hrsnya fresh. sdgkn perjalanan dr bali ke tmpt lo bs makan waktu brp lama? terus lo complain itu bau? otak lo dmn pas mau JASTIP SUSHI. 😭🫵

Dua kata lucu: “JASTIP SUSHI”

I've always wondered how Sheldon Cooper's potty journal looks like.

Numbers going into October

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There are so many MANY errors in just one letter from a 'university'😭

Kampus nya Raffi Ahmad mau mensomasi netizen yg katanya nyebar fitnah😭😭🤣

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despresso Reposted

Kalian yang di Malang, utamanya Kabupaten. Di daerah Tumpang arah Coba jahe, ada Perpustakaan yang buka 24 jam. Bebas pinjam buku tanpa batas waktu. Namanya Perpustakaan Anak Bangsa. Nama pemiliknya Eko Cahyono.

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HAHAHA PERUSAHAAN TAI. Gaji laki gw selama ini cuma terima 3jt sekian, dilaporin ke BPJSTK 5jt. brengsek. gw tau permainan kotor kalian, sengaja markup gaji karyawan krn aslinya, PT mana boleh gaji karyawannya dibawah UMR. brengsek. marah bgt.

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tai bgt Boyz II Men jual tiket H-Setahun bgt anjingggg gmn gw mo nabung lah babiiiii pas ultah gw lagi😭😭😭 cek website jg udah sisa Festival. anjggg beli taun depan yg ada harganya brp kali lipat sama calo anjengggg

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despresso Reposted

Cuma pake garis marka lurus gak ada yg nerobos jalur bus

You can drive in #Switzerland, sure. But if you want to get where you’re going on time, take public transport. I rode the No. 6 trolley bus in #Lucerne, and made my appointment on time. If I’d been in a car, I’d still be waiting. 🇨🇭🧵

masih sakit hati sm omongan yg ngerendahin gw krn gw cuma lulusan SMA. lu semua nasibnya pd bagus, pny privilege. ga semua org seberuntung lu. tai.

I still don't understand how criminals being shocked when they got punished like what were they thinking? 'God, I can't believe I'm being punished for unaliving my mom☹️' yeah, well.

You can drive in #Switzerland, sure. But if you want to get where you’re going on time, take public transport. I rode the No. 6 trolley bus in #Lucerne, and made my appointment on time. If I’d been in a car, I’d still be waiting. 🇨🇭🧵

despresso Reposted

You do realize how firefighters being unable to extricate a victim is a bad thing, right?

Firefighters training on Cybertruck's windows. Took 3 swings for the first crack to form, and 12+ to actually break through. Perfect car for the apocalypse, no Zombie is breaking in 🧟‍♂️

ya Allah.. ya Allah😭😭😭 gw gabisa bayangin jd orgtua korban. bisa gila gw ya Allah sakit bgt liatnya😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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