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mikko Reposted

Rumble's response to the UK Parliament's letter to our CEO @chrispavlovski

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mikko Reposted

Twiittiketju 👇 Länsimaisista ihmisistä iso osa ajattelee propagandan olevan jotain sellaista, jota vain vastustaja tekee. Belgialainen historioitsija Anne Morelli on tiivistänyt sotapropagandan kymmeneen periaatteeseen.

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mikko Reposted

I just walked out of the Treasury after reviewing financial reports on the Biden’s and their web of LLC’s and wire transfers from MANY foreign countries that created a vast criminal enterprise bigger than anyone can comprehend. Whistleblowers can receive protection if they come…

mikko Reposted

Juha Perälä kääntyy foliohatuksi. Tervetuloa kasvavaan joukkoomme. 😄

mikko Reposted

Hei @Laakariliitto miksi Nürnbergin säännöstö on poistettu sivuiltanne? Tämä linkki ei enää toimi. Eivätkö eettiset periaatteet ole enää voimassa?

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mikko Reposted

Jokaisen tulisi katsoa tämä @ivanpuopolo pätkä ja kysyä itseltään onko suostunut yleisen paineen alla PELKÄÄMÄÄN ajatella itse. Lehdistö on selvästi langennut pelkoon, tässä ko tapauksessa @uusisuomi

mikko Reposted

Almost 2,000,000 views! #Pfertility

mikko Reposted

BREAKING: @Pfizer Director Concerned Over Women's Reproductive Heath After COVID-19 Vaccinations "There is something irregular about their menstrual cycles...concerning...The vaccine shouldn't be interfering with that...It has to be affecting something hormonal..." #Pfertility

mikko Reposted

This is the type of story we’ll be addressing in my upcoming series on child trafficking. Time for the whole truth. Russian Troops Uncover Ukrainian Child Organ Harvesting Operation…

mikko Reposted

I had major side effects from my second booster shot. Felt like I was dying for several days. Hopefully, no permanent damage, but I dunno.

mikko Reposted

BREAKING: Hunter Biden’s $49,910 rent payment is the same exact amount of money he received from a rental deposit linked to his business venture with CEFC China Energy Co. The media will call this a coincidence.

mikko Reposted

BREAKING BBC News: Cardiologist says likely contributory factor to excess cardiovascular deaths is covid mRNA vaccine and roll out should be suspended pending an inquiry. We did it. We broke mainstream broadcast media 🔥🔥🔥

mikko Reposted

I wish I was a COVID conspiracy theorist early on instead if getting vaccinated. I'm in heart failure. The conspiracy theorists are doing just fine.

mikko Reposted

At this point, it is clear that these new mRNA 'jabs' have killed thousands of people worldwide. The fact they tried to FORCE this on everybody is grotesque and a crime against humanity. If death is a possible side effect, it must not be mandated. I've said this all along.

mikko Reposted

Hienoa! Meganäkyvyyden omaavat henkilöt alkavat kyseenalaistamaan miksi poliittiset johtajat käyvät matelemassa Klaus Schwabin edessä. #WEFhuoraaminen

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mikko Reposted

Raise your hand if you think the mRNA shots and lockdowns were the biggest medical scandals in history and those responsible should be prosecuted in Nuremberg style trials✋

mikko Reposted

Kun lääketiede joutui politiikan ohjaukseen, ei rokotehaitoista saanut juurikaan keskustella. Nyt keskustelun tarpeeseen herätään Australiassa.…

mikko Reposted

I was invited to WEF, but declined

mikko Reposted

Government paid Twitter millions of dollars to censor info from the public

1. TWITTER FILES: PART 7 The FBI & the Hunter Biden Laptop How the FBI & intelligence community discredited factual information about Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings both after and *before* The New York Post revealed the contents of his laptop on October 14, 2020

mikko Reposted

I will give away 100,000 dollars tonight. Simply retweet and comment below.

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