@lmaicher Profile picture

Lutz Maicher


Prof for #digital #business #processes and #models at @HTWKLeipzig. All personal opinions. Shaping the #opensource future of collaboration with @samarbeid_org

Joined November 2009
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Von der Theorie in die Praxis: Ab jetzt könnt ihr samarbeid selbst austesten!👩‍💻 In unserem neuen Blogbeitrag erzählen wir euch alles über unsere Ausprobier-Instanz und wie ihr sie nutzen könnt. Mehr unter samarbeid.org/blog/du-willst… #opensource

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Lutz Maicher Reposted

If you have several similar tasks in a process template, you previously had to create them manually. Now you can duplicate tasks in templates. This creates exact copies, including all data fields & settings. That simplifies working on process templates. samarbeid.org/aufgaben-dupli…

Lutz Maicher Reposted

It has so far been possible to automatically assign responsibities for processes and tasks in templates. Participants could only be added manually. We have made that easier: participants can now be automatically assigned to processes and tasks. samarbeid.org/automatisch-te…

Lutz Maicher Reposted

In the past it wasn't possible to shift tasks out of their existing processes into other instances. To deliver on the samarbeid promise of flexibility, we implemented a new feature: From now on, existing tasks can be moved to other open processes. samarbeid.org/aufgaben-versc…

Lutz Maicher Reposted

Up to now, all processes in samarbeid had to be started manually - even those that recur regularly. 🆕There is now the "automations" function, which allows you to start processes from templates automatically on a scheduled interval. samarbeid.org/automatisches-…

Lutz Maicher Reposted

Samarbeid offers various types of data fields.🗃️ Until now, these could be saved in the template only without predefined content.🆕We've changed that: It is now possible to specify "default values" in data fields. samarbeid.org/vorgabewerte-f…

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Lutz Maicher Reposted

Hey @Ryanair, my parents who are in their 70s and 80s, had accidentally downloaded the return flight boarding card instead of the outgoing ones and you charged them £110 to print them at the airport. £110 for 2 pieces of paper which took 1 minute. Shame on you

Lutz Maicher Reposted

Until now, you couldn't change the data fields in your dossier templates. Changing a single-line text to a ☎️ phone number was not possible. ✅Now you can freely adapt the data fields in the dossier templates. ⚠️the implementation is still experimental samarbeid.org/datenfelder-in…

Lutz Maicher Reposted

Until now, for using a ☎️phone number in samarbeid you had to save it in a text field. Now🥂there are separate data fields for phone numbers. This way you can call the number directly from samarbeid 📲 without having to copy it into the phone app. samarbeid.org/telefonnummer-…

Lutz Maicher Reposted

🍾As of today, samarbeid has a fully comprehensive ❓help and 📖user documentation online. Parallel to the further development of the #opensource project, we will continuously update the📖full documentation. samarbeid.org/support/

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Spannende Recherche - @tstoelz dranbleiben!

Nach dem verheerenden Rechnungshofbericht zeigt nun eine neue Recherche der @wiwo zu #Fraunhofer, wie die Organisation 200 Mio. EUR aus MP3-Lizenzen in einer Stiftung verbrannt haben soll – und wie FhG-Präsident Neugebauer Dokumenten nach involviert war: wiwo.de/29037314.html

Schulmathematik: Vergleich Indien-NRW youtu.be/GhmEYB3Kq-o Ein plakatives Video von Prof. Bernhard Krötz - das Kompetenz-Niveau in Indien ist extrem. Interessant ist die BaWü-Realschulprüfung aus den 70ern. BLFs in der 10. Kl. in Sachsen haben noch einen ähnlichen Anspruch.

Lutz Maicher Reposted

Due to several requests, the deadline for the submission of papers in the international workshop HybridAIMS'23 has been extended to the 19th of March, 2023. We can’t wait to receive your work on AI and Enterprise Modelling! Submit at hybridaims.com

Wow, einen #Sonderdividende aus dem Börsengang von Porsche erlaubt es dem Land Niedersachsen in den kommenden fünf Jahren 576 MEUR in Hochschule und Forschung zusätzlich zu investieren - für Transformation, Digitalisierung und Spitzenforschung. t-online.de/region/hannove…

Today @septunileipzig invited me to present @samarbeid_org at the INAIN conference about digital tools in the University Business collaboration. Utz Dornberger from @UniLeipzig is opening the conference. wifa.uni-leipzig.de/en/sept-compet…

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"The value of #opensource" a Podcast with @HenryChesbrough an others from the #OPENINNOVATION community.

🎙📢Ep7 #WOIConversations is out! We talk about the value of open source with Ann Majchrzak of @USC, @HenryChesbrough from @UCBerkeley and @TweetFromHilary from @linuxfoundation! We are on almost all podcast apps and youtube.com/watch?v=BRxmSP… @Bogers @MarisolMenendez @pohlisch

Discover @samarbeid_org in our latest video (in German). Get a quick overview about what you can do with samarbeid, for whom samarbeid is designed and why we love #opensource in the samarbeid team. vimeo.com/782550405

I'm happy to support the 1st Workshop on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence and Enterprise Modelling as Reviewer. Submission deadline ist March, 7 2023. The event will take place in June in Zaragoza, Spain. #ai #modelling #ontology hybridaims.com

Es ist auch immer leichter diffuse Ängste vor rechtlichen Konsequenzen zu schüren, als rechtssicheres Vorgehen zu ermöglichen. Daher: wir brauchen einfach zu nutzende Werkzeuge, in denen "rechtskonformes" Handeln beim #DataSharing per Design eingebaut ist. @samarbeid_org

Unser Fakt der Woche kommt aus unserer Werkstatt. Rechtsunsicherheit ist beim #DataSharing leider auch weit verbreitet.

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In @samarbeid_org we support organisations to learn and modify their processes in that way. There is always a process template, but teams may deviate if circumstances require. About time the process templates adapt gradually - and @samarbeid_org handles all this flexibility.

Habits are the elephant trails in our brain (Gewohnheiten sind Trampelpfade in unserem Gehirn, persoenlichkeits-blog.de/article/11851/…). Not just in our brain, but also in operational processes and organizations. Some of the elephant trails are good, while others are not. #olifantenpaadjes

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Vollkommen richtig. Nur wie kann man Datenqualität aus strategischer Perspektive messen? Gibt es dafür operationalisierbare und in der Praxis genutzte Frameworks?

Warum ist es wichtig, dass #Unternehmen wissen, welche #Daten sie in welcher Qualität besitzen und wie sie sie nutzen können? Was die #DataEconomy mit der #StrategicAutonomy Europas zu tun hat, habe ich auf dem Techno-Politics Forum des @EurLiberalForum erklärt.

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