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+852 🇭🇰 🇭🇰 戴口罩 少啲出街啊 3歲 本命Nino💛💛💕Arashi嵐團Normal štüdêñt 日本語がわからない

Joined February 2016
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kris🇭🇰(待投食)😷 Reposted

#5DemandsNot1Less 重申一次 再講一次 提酲一次 各位手足: 美國本土既野唔好❎,千期唔好插手,我地唔知頭唔知路,不宜插手,集中自己條戰線,做翻自己本份!

kris🇭🇰(待投食)😷 Reposted

kris🇭🇰(待投食)😷 Reposted

唔好再鬥自己友ok? 當你覺得手足做既野有啲問題 請去理解左先 唔好一黎就屌 大家屌走哂同路人 係咪想最後得返一個人去抗爭? 唔好以為200萬人係好多 屌走一個就少一個架啦 當香港不停染紅 黃色顯得特別珍貴 矛頭係要直指政權中共,不是同路人!

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kris🇭🇰(待投食)😷 Reposted

Posted @withregram@hk_is_sick_meme 2005 #元朗 #元朗站 其中一名男性防暴警察截停搜查的時候用手接觸女性市民的身體部位,根據直播所見,當時並不是沒有女警在場。 #蘋果 From tg

kris🇭🇰(待投食)😷 Reposted

印尼女記者Verby於去年9月29日在灣仔被警方以橡膠子彈射盲右眼。 她計劃提出私人檢控,要求警方提供開槍警員的個人資料. 警方回應指,已知當時有一名警員開槍,但沒有證據顯示射中Verby的右眼,拒絕交出涉事警員的個人資料. Verby提出私人檢控的期限將於3月29日屆滿 相關資料: facebook.com/25810914821081…

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kris🇭🇰(待投食)😷 Reposted

8個月過去,721襲擊者不但逍遙法外,黑警更高調歪曲事實,企圖諉過於示威者。香港人,勿忘警黑勾結! 721 Yuen Long mob attacks, no police officer was sight as citizens were attacked by triads. Instead, two police officers were found leaving the scene. #HKPolice, the shame of Hong Kong.

kris🇭🇰(待投食)😷 Reposted

#hkpolice unreasonably pepper-sprayed bystanders tonight, making an innocent lady painfully burst into tears. That’s the so-called “lawful and reasonable” operation that police claimed when testifying on the #UN human rights hearing. #PoliceBrutality twitter.com/ray_slowbeat/s…

kris🇭🇰(待投食)😷 Reposted

Hong Kong getting back to normal.

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kris🇭🇰(待投食)😷 Reposted

【华裔女子发起“向美国道歉运动”】 【“连德国人也会为自己过错道歉”】 在海外有华裔女子在社交媒体上发起 #saysrytoAmerica (向美国道歉)活动。 她认为由于中国政府向全世界隐瞒疫情,最终令武汉肺炎向全球扩散,所以华人要为为将中国病毒带到美国道歉,为中国共产党及中国人所作所为感到羞耻。

kris🇭🇰(待投食)😷 Reposted

Pepper spraying a defenseless 🇭🇰#HongKong citizen in front of all journalists😡❗️ #HKPoliceTerrorists completely ignore the universal human rights code in front of the world, and they will keep abusing #HongKongers as long as 🇨🇳#CCP #CHINA🦠 back them up❗️ #StandWithHongKong

kris🇭🇰(待投食)😷 Reposted

黑警濫暴證據‼️ 有一名示威者瞓咗落地下,完全冇反抗嘅意圖,冇做到任何野..... 真係好仆街🔥拉佢個位黑警突然間唔知受咗咩刺激,無端端做咗啲會整斷隻手嘅行為🤬 根本係嚴重傷害到示威者嘅身體 有可能嚴重影響個人未來發展 令平時生活同起居飲食都會受到影響 #光復香港時代革命 #黑警死全家

kris🇭🇰(待投食)😷 Reposted

我昨晚仲同蟹叔講…中女無嘢驚🙄 原來中女都要驚㗎😰 #HongKong #Missingbody

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kris🇭🇰(待投食)😷 Reposted

Local media said a journalist was assaulted by Hong Kong police’s pepper spray and knocked unconscious. She was finally sent to the hospital.

kris🇭🇰(待投食)😷 Reposted

Footage shot on Saturday night in Kowloon appears to show #HongKong police pepper-spraying and punching a young man. Vid courtesy of EdUHKSU Editorial Board.

kris🇭🇰(待投食)😷 Reposted

【突發消息】最歹毒嘅聯署,各位弟兄姐妹快report 快舉報 : [有人要求 香港政府停止支薪罷工醫護及強制罷工醫護留在病房工作不得離開醫院]:rage: click入呢個網址:point_down:🏻 docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI… Report死佢 Share俾其他朋友 各位舉報魔法師加油啊

kris🇭🇰(待投食)😷 Reposted

831事件重溫 無差別襲擊無辜市民 Never forget

kris🇭🇰(待投食)😷 Reposted

2.29 #HongKongPoliceTerrorists wanna broken our teenager arm! @SolomonYue

kris🇭🇰(待投食)😷 Reposted

What’s wrong with this police dancing with pepper spray... #HongKongProtests

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