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Time traveling alchemist, neomedievalism

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Sean Reposted

Banks play the role of monitors. They make collateralized loans in the form of deposits (bank money). The bank has an asset, — the collateral — and a liability — the deposit. When you take out a mortgage from a bank to buy a house, the bank creates a deposit. 2/

Sean Reposted

Waffle Houses— USA: 1,972 Netherlands: 0 #FIFAWorldCup

Sean Reposted

Mientras tanto en Honduras seguimos huyéndole a estas cosas por falsas ideas de soberanía y nacionalismo. Es imperativo mantener jurisdicciones competitivas como las ZEDE, que permitan atraer inversión y empleo al país.

“Durante este periodo de crisis se crearon 6 zonas francas en Panamá y en Costa Rica se crearon 10,000 empleos. Por su lado Colombia ha consolidado 147 mil empleos directos”, Gustavo G. de Vega (@gustavogdevega), presidente de @asociacionZFA #EncuentroZonasFrancas

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Sean Reposted

Casi todas las ciudades y países del mundo pueden mejorar sus gobernanza. Los líderes podrían hacerse algunas preguntas para mejorar el bienestar de su población es.seshatbank.com/post/preguntas…

Sean Reposted

Having a bank charter is low key goated when liquidity is the vibe

(the federal reserve was not created to stabilize the dollars value)

The US dollar has lost 99% of its value since the Federal Reserve was created to stabilize the value of the dollar.

Sean Reposted

China is leading the world in space launches and no one is talking about it. 1/n

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Sean Reposted

Twelve playing cards that an English privateer seized from French ships that were smuggling brandy in 1744. Sets of cards like these are common in the Prize Papers, but we never have a full deck. Why should this be the case? It turns out that they were not used for gaming /1

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Sean Reposted

For every sexy software startup in the US today, there's a "boring", recession-proof, profitable manufacturing business quietly printing cash. Can't wait to see these two worlds collide over the next decade. Let's make manufacturing sexy again

Sean Reposted

I’m visiting a real experiment in governance!

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Sean Reposted

many growth companies would make more money sticking their $$$ into treasuries and earning 4% than they would trying to ship a product

Banco Atlantida can't manage a simple systems migration

Banco Atlántida dentro del Mall de La Ceiba .

More evidence that perfidious Albion is organizing crimes against taste. How long will the world tolerate this?

Banco Atlántida dentro del Mall de La Ceiba .

Sean Reposted

El gigante indio del petróleo, Jio, ha entrado recientemente en el mercado de las telecomunicaciones y ha llegado a dominar el mercado indio de servicios de telefonía celular. es.seshatbank.com/post/para-ente…

Sean Reposted

El Ministro Consejero Perrin se reunió hoy con @Prosperahn para conversar sobre el clima de inversión en Honduras, las garantías legales que permiten a los empresarios crear empleos y cómo el desarrollo sostenible puede crear oportunidades económicas para todos los hondureños.

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Sean Reposted

La Misión Internacional de la ONU concluyó que Venezuela cometió y está cometiendo crímenes de lesa humanidad. El informe muestra como se está torturando a opositores: descargas eléctricas, violaciones y hasta alimentarlos con comida con su propio vomito. Es realmente aterrador.

Sean Reposted

Police abandon handcuffed woman in squad car parked on tracks as train approaches. Yareni Rios-Gonzalez, 20, suffered 9 broken ribs, broken arm, broken teeth, head, back and leg injuries, as cops fled. Paid leave for the cop.

Sean Reposted

Si queremos que los países en desarrollo se conviertan en países ricos, es importante fijarse en las historias de éxito de Asia Oriental: Taiwán, Corea y Japón. es.seshatbank.com/post/lecciones…


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