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Aiman Sharyf



Joined July 2015
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Aiman Sharyf Reposted

all posts are being filled by party loyalists, no thought given to qualification. It’s the same in each party too. I have made my peace with how things are now. Will

Aiman Sharyf Reposted

This was my initiative, I convinced MPL & MACL to start this initiative, We amended customs regulations & policies to facilitate this. With my deputy's advice, we managed to start this. If I were given another year, I would have created many multimillion dollar private local…

ސީ-ޓު-އެއާ ކާގޯ މެދުވެރިކޮށް 1،000 ޓަނުގެ މުދާ އެކްސްޕޯޓުކޮށްފި ift.tt/M56Q0g7

Aiman Sharyf Reposted

ކަރަންޓް ބިލްކަންތަކުގައި މިހާރު މިހިރަ "ތަކުރުފާން" މި ބުނަނީ ހޫނުގަދަވީމަ ވާގޮތޭ ބިލުގެ ރީޑިން މިއީ. އެކަމަކު މީނައަށް އެބަ ގަނެވޭ 5 ހަ މިލިއަން ރުފިޔާގެ ފްލެޓް. ކުރިން ކޮންތާކު އުޅުނު މީހެއް މިއީ. އޭނަ ކޮންތާކުން ހޯދި ފައިސާއެއް. އެޔެއް ހޭދައެއް ނުކުރެވޭނެ: ޔާމީން | PNFJalsa#

Aiman Sharyf Reposted

ބައްލަވާ ފިތުރަތުގެ އިއްތިފާގު ހުންނަ ގޮތް. މި ބޭނުނީ ކާކު އަތުންތޯ. އެމްޑީޕީގެ އެކްޓިވިސްޓެއްގެ އަތުން ބޭނުނީ. އެމްޑީޕީ އެކްޓިވިސްޓެއް ކައްޒާބޭ ކިޔާ ޖެހި ވާހަކަ އަކާ ގުޅިގެން ފުލުހުން ހޯދައިފި ކައްޒާބަކީ ކޮބައިކަން: ރައީސް ޔާމީން | PNFJalsa#

Aiman Sharyf Reposted

When shiyam makes more sense than the current finance minister and governor, We know there is something seriously wrong with the system.

ޑޮލަރު މާރުކުރުން އެއީ ޤާނޫނަކުން ވެސް ގެނެވޭނެ ކަމެއް ނޫން. ކިހިނެއްތޯ އަޅުގަނޑުގެ އަތުގަ އޮތް އެއްޗެއް ހޯދަން ދިމާކުރާނީ. އެއަށް ކިޔާނީ "ފޭރުން": ސިޔާމް | #SiyamExclusive

Aiman Sharyf Reposted

When a man complained about the government agency, they took him to their office and humiliated him. @HeenaWaleed, how dare you?

This post is unavailable.

Aiman Sharyf Reposted

މި އޮތީ އަދަދުތައް ފެންނަން. މިއޮތީ މަނީ ލޯންޑަރ ކޮށްފަ. މުއިއްޒު އެބަ ވިދާޅުވާންޖެހޭ ރައްޔިތުން ކައިރީ މޯލްޑިވްސް މީޑިއާ ހައުސް އަކީ ތިމަންނަގެ ތަނެއް ނޫނޭ. ހީނާ އެބަޖެހޭ މަގާމުން ދުރަށް ދާން. މަނީލޯންޑަރިންގެ ދައުވާ ހީނާގެ މައްޗަށް އުފުލެންޖެހޭ: ރައީސް ޔާމީން | PNFJalsa#

Aiman Sharyf Reposted

@xahidcreator just because you can phrase out a sentence doesn’t make you a genius bud. Share some light in to your vision? What has your innovative mind come up with we as citizens want to be in on this. I’m pretty sure you don’t have a vision of what to have fr breakfast tmrw.

Aiman Sharyf Reposted

Dhurah dhaanvee hey mulhi gaumu ekee dheefa? Balan thiben veehey mulhi raajje ekee dheefa? 🎶

Aiman Sharyf Reposted

The Maldives has a supposed unavailability of foreign currency, even considering the fact that we collected around 570 million USD of TGST last year. This corresponds to about 3.6 BILLION USD of tourism revenue. Why do we have difficulty procuring USD then? I'll tell you why. 👇

aslanjaleel_'s tweet image. The Maldives has a supposed unavailability of foreign currency, even considering the fact that we collected around 570 million USD of TGST last year. This corresponds to about 3.6 BILLION USD of tourism revenue. Why do we have difficulty procuring USD then? I'll tell you why. 👇
aslanjaleel_'s tweet image. The Maldives has a supposed unavailability of foreign currency, even considering the fact that we collected around 570 million USD of TGST last year. This corresponds to about 3.6 BILLION USD of tourism revenue. Why do we have difficulty procuring USD then? I'll tell you why. 👇

Changes to card limits for foreign transactions. More details: bankofmaldives.com.mv/articles/703/b…

bankofmaldives's tweet image. Changes to card limits for foreign transactions.

More details: bankofmaldives.com.mv/articles/703/b…
bankofmaldives's tweet image. Changes to card limits for foreign transactions.

More details: bankofmaldives.com.mv/articles/703/b…

Aiman Sharyf Reposted

Coronavirus vaccine developed by Oxford University appears safe and trains the immune system, key early trials show bbc.in/2WEN8U5

Aiman Sharyf Reposted

The Maldives is opening its borders to all global travelers from July 15, with very few strings attached. But travelers may have to contend with quarantine measures upon their return home. cnn.it/3ew7CEy

Aiman Sharyf Reposted

brb working on an album

Aiman Sharyf Reposted

Get in loser. We're going shopping Taken shamelessly from /r/TeslaMotors 😅

Aiman Sharyf Reposted

we gotta find that mf in the middle of the ocean

hotspegetay2's tweet image. we gotta find that mf in the middle of the ocean

Aiman Sharyf Reposted


Its high time to set a qualification, for Parliament. I think thats what our generation needs.

Aiman Sharyf Reposted

One reason Singapore appears to be managing the COVID-19 situation well is that the citizens are following the instructions by the authorities. No one has figured this out to pinpoint accuracy. We must all act on the advice from the relevant authorities, and hope for the best.

Aiman Sharyf Reposted

It’s sad how some people are so jealous & intimidated by you that they only have negative things to say when they know absolutely nothing about you. It’s common practice today; in fact it’s the norm. May the Almighty protect our tongues from saying things which harm others!

Aiman Sharyf Reposted

Once again, Maldives has the most powerful passport in South Asia. bit.ly/36PRScE


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