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Redshift 레드시프트


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「Token Distance」 해결해서 AC RATING이 2 올랐어요! redshift = 💙 Diamond IV 2322 (+2) #solvedac_auto #BOJ20695 acmicpc.net/problem/20695 solved.ac/profile/redshi…

「Forbidden Card」 해결해서 AC RATING이 2 올랐어요! redshift = 💙 Diamond IV 2320 (+2) #solvedac_auto #BOJ20689 acmicpc.net/problem/20689 solved.ac/profile/redshi…

「Cul-De-Sac Parades」 해결했어요! redshift = 💙 Diamond IV 2318 #solvedac_auto #BOJ20688 acmicpc.net/problem/20688 solved.ac/profile/redshi…

「Exchange Bottleneck」 해결했어요! redshift = 💙 Diamond IV 2318 #solvedac_auto #BOJ20690 acmicpc.net/problem/20690 solved.ac/profile/redshi…

「Shopping Changes」 해결했어요! redshift = 💙 Diamond IV 2318 #solvedac_auto #BOJ20691 acmicpc.net/problem/20691 solved.ac/profile/redshi…

「Police Stations」 해결해서 AC RATING이 1 올랐어요! redshift = 💙 Diamond IV 2318 (+1) #solvedac_auto #BOJ20698 acmicpc.net/problem/20698 solved.ac/profile/redshi…

「Contingency Plan」 해결해서 AC RATING이 1 올랐어요! redshift = 💙 Diamond IV 2318 (+1) #solvedac_auto #BOJ32063 acmicpc.net/problem/32063 solved.ac/profile/redshi…

「City Hall」 해결해서 AC RATING이 1 올랐어요! redshift = 💙 Diamond IV 2317 (+1) #solvedac_auto #BOJ32058 acmicpc.net/problem/32058 solved.ac/profile/redshi…

「Increase the Toll Fees」 해결했어요! redshift = 💙 Diamond IV 2316 #solvedac_auto #BOJ32066 acmicpc.net/problem/32066 solved.ac/profile/redshi…

「Doubled GCD」 해결해서 AC RATING이 1 올랐어요! redshift = 💙 Diamond IV 2316 (+1) #solvedac_auto #BOJ32060 acmicpc.net/problem/32060 solved.ac/profile/redshi…

「Nightmare Brother」 해결했어요! redshift = 💙 Diamond IV 2315 #solvedac_auto #BOJ32057 acmicpc.net/problem/32057 solved.ac/profile/redshi…

「Long-Exposure Photography」 해결했어요! redshift = 💙 Diamond IV 2312 #solvedac_auto #BOJ18065 acmicpc.net/problem/18065 solved.ac/profile/redshi…

「Insertion Order」 해결했어요! redshift = 💙 Diamond IV 2311 #solvedac_auto #BOJ18062 acmicpc.net/problem/18062 solved.ac/profile/redshi…

「Assessing Genomes」 해결했어요! redshift = 💙 Diamond IV 2311 #solvedac_auto #BOJ18054 acmicpc.net/problem/18054 solved.ac/profile/redshi…

「Jazz Enthusiast」 해결했어요! redshift = 💙 Diamond IV 2311 #solvedac_auto #BOJ18063 acmicpc.net/problem/18063 solved.ac/profile/redshi…

「Parmigiana With Seafood」 해결해서 AC RATING이 2 올랐어요! redshift = 💙 Diamond V 2283 (+2) #solvedac #BOJ27599 acmicpc.net/problem/27599 solved.ac/profile/redshi…


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