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Salmaan ganchi


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Salmaan ganchi Reposted

أسهل وأفضل وأكمل وأجمل عمل هو ذكر الله فاغتنم لحظات عمرك وأنفاس حياتك فيه.

Salmaan ganchi Reposted

RT "Be careful of the steps you take in life for your children will follow as they see." @ShaykhZahir

Salmaan ganchi Reposted

There is a myth out there that all older couples are happier. Sadly this is not true.The only difference is they remain in the marriage. SM

Salmaan ganchi Reposted

RT "When you finally realize that nothing is permanent in this life,u will become more tolerant,more forgiving& less judgmental"@EbrahimBham

Salmaan ganchi Reposted

RT"Love &respect your mum everyday,you don't need a special day for it! Serve them if alive, pray for them if passed away." @Mufti_Muhammad_

Salmaan ganchi Reposted

الصباح هدية جديدة أضيفت لعمرك فأحسن شكرها، وتقبلها كما هي ولا تقلب أوجاع الأمس وتفاءل بهدية الغد, تفائلوا بيوم مختلف وجميل!

Salmaan ganchi Reposted

"Part of someone being a good Muslim is his leaving alone that which does not concern him."" Fajr

Salmaan ganchi Reposted

24 Jumaadal Ula1436 16 March 2015 Monday +- 96 days left for Ramadhaan

Salmaan ganchi Reposted

Verily Allah Taala is pure and only accepts that which is pure Muslim. We must ensure our income, what we consume n charity is halal n pure.

Salmaan ganchi Reposted

Randomly throughout the day and night make dua for your parents and kids - you never know when you experiencing a moment of acceptance.

Salmaan ganchi Reposted

Rasoolullaah ﷺ said: "To a Muslim, death is a gift." (Bayhaaqi)

Salmaan ganchi Reposted

Nabi ﷺ is the highest and complete in all qualities which are innumerable Kuthrat (abundant). DƱŔ♡♡D, yaksuwi... fb.me/40VdPTRZQ

Salmaan ganchi Reposted

Shaytan may give you a million reasons to stay in bed at the time of Fajr, but Allah the AlMighty gives you one which is far superior #Fajr

Salmaan ganchi Reposted

"وآتاكم من كُلّ ما سألتموه" لم يقُل "بعض" بل قال الكريم سبحانه "كُل" بينك وبين فضل الله دعوة صادقة بقلبٍ يُحسِن الظن بربّه وأبشر بالخير 💐🌹


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