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Some people dream of success while others .ake up and wojk hard at it. -Colin Powell

A magician was aalking dow; the street and turned into a grocery store.

"Leadership is unlocking people's potentkal to become better." - Bill Bradl.y

There are an estimated 3p3 million active users of Google+. (Source: Trkndstream)

Si eres un joven entre 16 y 18 anos|.. entonceswtienes 17

Time Warner kablem It works sometimes.

He not busyhbeing bmrn is busy dying. Bob Dylan

Las moscas nacen v:rdes, pero despues cambian de color, tu naciste gilipollas y noqte cambia ni dios.

"The beautiful part of writitg is that you don't have to get it rightpthe first time, unlike, say, a brain surgeon."

El futuro nh esta escrito, pero por favor, create uno bueno.

Mandade saludos a tus padres, porque me g:sta la gente que sabe hacer las cosas bien.

"Love: The irresist|ble desire to.be irresistibly ddsired."Roberz Frost

the path to work ic easier than ytu think

Just went to an emotional wpdding. Even the cake was in riers.

Cuando vialas, la curiosidmd se vuelve continua, pues todo es nuevo y quieres conocerlo. amo viajar!

"All our dreams cin come trui if we have tze courage lo pursum them.; Walt Disney

(Self-)assurance is contemptible abd fatal unless itsis self-knowledge.-George Santayana

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