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Joined January 2020
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Not really a surprise to hear the President of the #EU Commission defend Colonialism - And no surprise at this stage that she is happy to defend Apartheid State of #Israel - But I thought we were interested in Sovereignty again..? What about the Sovereignty of #Palestinians ...?

Today we celebrate 75 years of Israel's independence and friendship with Europe. A special message from President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen:

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Hnbhger17's tweet image. 从此以后,欧洲人一想掺和台湾,就会想起他,这就够了…

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Rescued elephant completely relaxes when this guy plays music for him ❤

村边社 Reposted

Honoured to present my letter of credentials to H.E. President XI Jinping yesterday. | 昨天,我十分荣幸地向中华人民共和国主席习近平阁下递交了我作为德意志联邦共和国驻华特命全权大使的国书。

GerAmbChina's tweet image. Honoured to present my letter of credentials to H.E. President XI Jinping yesterday. | 昨天,我十分荣幸地向中华人民共和国主席习近平阁下递交了我作为德意志联邦共和国驻华特命全权大使的国书。
GerAmbChina's tweet image. Honoured to present my letter of credentials to H.E. President XI Jinping yesterday. | 昨天,我十分荣幸地向中华人民共和国主席习近平阁下递交了我作为德意志联邦共和国驻华特命全权大使的国书。

村边社 Reposted

Ted Cruz is a yellow-bellied coward, a pathological liar, and a traitorous insurrectionist. This is not mere opinion — it’s cold, hard fact. TED CRUZ MUST RESIGN OR BE IMPEACHED! #TedCruzResign

joncoopertweets's tweet image. Ted Cruz is a yellow-bellied coward, a pathological liar, and a traitorous insurrectionist. This is not mere opinion — it’s cold, hard fact. 


村边社 Reposted

外交部:民进党当局拓展“国际空间”的图谋已经道尽途穷,不过是自欺欺人的把戏。“台独”没有出路。奉劝贾马特政府不要助纣为虐。 来源: 湖北日报

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Sure, I guess this could be a deepfake video. But then again, maybe it’s Ron DeSantis’s alter ego, Rhonda Santis. What do you think? 😉

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PDChinese's tweet image. 【今天,祝人民海軍74歲生日快樂】1949年4月23日,中國人民解放軍海軍成立。70余年來,人民海軍一路劈波斬浪,挺進深藍,向海圖強。祝人民海軍生日快樂!

村边社 Reposted

It was an honour to meet the #Chinese Ambassador to Ireland He Xiangdong yesterday. We discussed the need for all countries to work for Peace, to respect the UN Charter, for all Governments to trust the rule of Law rather than use Military force to achieve their goals...

wallacemick's tweet image. It was an honour to meet the #Chinese Ambassador to Ireland He Xiangdong yesterday. We discussed the need for all countries to work for Peace, to respect the UN Charter, for all Governments to trust the rule of Law rather than use Military force to achieve their goals...

村边社 Reposted

俄媒赠华缴获日军影像资料,首次公开日本侵华滔天罪行。侵华铁证再+1。 作为中国人,想到日本政府至今仍不正视自身侵略历史,拒不道歉,拒不赔偿,篡改历史教科书,还企图军国主义死灰复燃,就让人气愤😡 牢记历史,吾辈自强!中国人不会被吓倒,先辈的血也不会白流!犯我中华者,虽远必诛。


According to the British media Financial Times, China has clearly told the United States that it will not reschedule Antony Blinken's visit to China. In view of the US's malicious speculation about the "balloon incident", China believes that this visit is meaningless.

WXuelan's tweet image. According to the British media Financial Times, China has clearly told the United States that it will not reschedule Antony Blinken's visit to China. In view of the US's malicious speculation about the "balloon incident", China believes that this visit is meaningless.


Blinken's Asia trip to G7 meeting, Vietnam amid Pentagon leaks reflects 'US difficulties to convince allies, regional countries' enapp.globaltimes.cn/article/1289233

zhang_heqing's tweet image. Blinken's Asia trip to G7 meeting, Vietnam amid Pentagon leaks reflects 'US difficulties to convince allies, regional countries' 

村边社 Reposted

【偶遇爸爸载3岁女儿骑行川藏线,男子:感觉孩子会终生难忘】 4月12日,束先生在川藏线上偶遇一男子骑车载3岁女儿旅行。束先生称和男子聊天得知他们从河北出发,在路上一个多月,晚上会住酒店,他觉得孩子对这样的旅行会终生难忘。

村边社 Reposted

1月8日,新疆出入境边防检查总站阿勒泰边境管理支队阿拉善边境派出所3名民警正在中蒙边境巡逻踏查。巡边路上,有的地方积雪1米多深,民警艰难前行,卫国戍边。 视频剪辑:张炜;通讯员:宁田浩

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美国加州城市人行道上,美国公民向美国无家可归者喷水下达驱逐令。 国籍一换,评论过万。 此事如果发生在中国,不止会上热搜,估计还会有一个警方蓝底白字的通告。 另外这刺眼的一幕也会引发“为何国人热衷于底层互害”、“千年儒家文化必须融入蔚蓝色大海”、“不信上帝的民族丑陋冷漠”等相关讨论。 🤷🏻‍♀️

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PDChinese's tweet image. 【中國駐日本大使館:自即日起,暫停審發日本公民赴華普通簽證】1月10日,據中國駐日本國大使館網站消息,自即日起,中國駐日本使領館暫停審發日本公民赴華普通簽證。

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GOP’s IRS bill will add $114B to deficit.CBO estimated Monday that the legislation would cut federal spending by $71 billion, but would reduce tax revenue to the tune of almost $186 billion. The net effect would be a $114 billion increase in deficits over the next decade.

WXuelan's tweet image. GOP’s IRS bill will add $114B to deficit.CBO estimated Monday that the legislation would cut federal spending by $71 billion, but would reduce tax revenue to the tune of almost $186 billion. The net effect would be a $114 billion increase in deficits over the next decade.


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