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Giorgi Reposted

When the process of welcoming each person’s uniqueness is complete, we will find that the hatred in our hearts is gone. We will realize how precious each of us is, and we will be grateful for the existence of every human being on this planet. #COVID19

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Giorgi Reposted

A non simple #reality. As if you took the wrong train and all you want is to get off, but you can't, and you #travel with speed towards a place you didn't choose, the last place you wanna go, but still you know you're on track - this is it. #Egodemic #Life

Giorgi Reposted

La falta de microchips quizá nos permita dedicar más tiempo a la vida cotidiana Y apreciar las pequeñas alegrías en ella, los amigos, la familia... Quizá toda nuestra tecnología no sea sino un fracaso de la humanidad, que busca distraerse con este tipo de #juguetes #FelizDomingo

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Giorgi Reposted

«Los problemas de hoy pueden parecernos no tan graves como los que sufrió la humanidad en el pasado. No hay una peste que amenace con diezmar la población de #Europa a la mitad y ningún tirano ha conseguido conquistar medio #mundo, al menos no todavía» 👉…

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Giorgi Reposted

We all are equal in that everyone should understand their place in the integral system and interact with the rest. #fridayquote #wisdomquote #instaquote #humanity #interdependent #interconnected #relationships

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Giorgi Reposted

If we relate to each other with mutual consideration, then we would draw a positive force that dwells in nature to #connect us harmoniously, and which would literally put an end to our myriad problems

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Giorgi Reposted

El mundo de hoy es frío y despiadado Nos sentimos perdidos, solos Y por eso compramos productos fugaces para compensar Si tuviéramos unas relaciones satisfactorias con amigos y familiares, preferiríamos pasar nuestro tiempo con ellos En vez de gastar a golpe de clic #BlackFriday

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Giorgi Reposted

The fear of infection has made us acknowledge that we are dependent on others for our health. Now, with the crisis in supply chains due to the coronavirus, it makes us realize we are dependent on each other for our food, for the price we pay for things #COVID19

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Giorgi Reposted

We exist in an integral world where everything is completely interconnected with all of nature, except for human society. We need to unite. #thursdayquote #wisdomquote #instaquote #humansociety #interconnected #interdependent

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Giorgi Reposted

#Egoism is humanity’s core problem, and that it can only be solved in a unique way, by the positive force dwelling in #nature, which we can attract, and by doing so, solve our core problem.Moreover, by solving our core problem, we would put an end to literally all of our problems

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Giorgi Reposted

La naturaleza no es solo árboles, animales, nubes o el universo. La naturaleza es ante todo una #fuerza que llena toda la #realidad Existimos dentro de ella y podemos influirla a través de nuestra conducta... reduciendo la contaminación ENTRE nosotros, los seres humanos #11Nov

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Giorgi Reposted

No cesarán los desastres naturales mientras haya desequilibrio a nivel humano, mientras nuestros pensamientos y actitudes se centren solamente en beneficiarnos a costa de los demás y del entorno 👉… #BuenosDias #Clima #CrisisClimatica #UE #ClimateEmergency

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Giorgi Reposted

The disasters are a wake-up call. They are here precisely in order to awaken #empathy in us, and we don’t hear the call. The more we ignore our fellow human beings, who are suffering from natural, and even worse, from manmade #catastrophes

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Giorgi Reposted

#Earth is like a submarine: there is only so much #oxygen on board. If some crew members take more than their quota, the rest will not have enough, they will die, and the submarine will sink along with those who exceeded their quota.

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