genekim1's profile picture. Busan-born Seoul-based/Cycling/No more tweeting or RTing in Korean on S.Korea's political issues for the time being/RTing in English on other issues/

Gene KIM


Busan-born Seoul-based/Cycling/No more tweeting or RTing in Korean on S.Korea's political issues for the time being/RTing in English on other issues/

Joined September 2010
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Just an average day in Australia

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Hvitserkur, Iceland

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Once upon a time in London ✨

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👍 Beautifully said. Please follow Jack for excellent coverage of Korea. We met while I was visiting Seoul in 2023.

I may not be a Korean citizen, and while I could only report on what I witnessed, I deeply respect the courage of those who stood for the democracy they believe in. Let us hope that there can now be a swift and orderly resolution of this political crisis.

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He ate 30% and waste the 70% of the watermelon 😂

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Tongue River,Wyoming,USA🌹👻

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The Wife Carrying World Championships have been held annually in Sonkajärvi, Finland, since 1992: the prize for the winner is the wife's weight in beer.

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vintagestuff4's tweet image. A young mother wheels her child into their home on a condemned block
Glasgow, Scotland 
Nick Hedges

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Q&A: Yale anthropologist Michael Dove discusses his new book, which argues for an approach to the study of natural history that incorporates both folk wisdom and scientific knowledge as a way to help counter skepticism of science: #Yale

Yale's tweet image. Q&A: Yale anthropologist Michael Dove discusses his new book, which argues for an approach to the study of natural history that incorporates both folk wisdom and scientific knowledge as a way to help counter skepticism of science: #Yale

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Dachstein Mountains near Gosau, Austria

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🇮🇹🇫🇷 Italian Prime Minister Meloni's reaction to meeting French President Macron. What do you notice?

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Charlie from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory was the only role Peter Ostrum ever played. He went on to become a veterinarian. He still receives $10-11 in royalty payments from the film every three months.

historyinmemes's tweet image. Charlie from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory was the only role Peter Ostrum ever played. He went on to become a veterinarian. He still receives $10-11 in royalty payments from the film every three months.

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Winter scenery at Lake Bled, Slovenia

's tweet image. Winter scenery at Lake Bled, Slovenia

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Many, many good jokes in the impeachment protest but this is our person favorite: "National Jedi Labor Union." The crew started with just a few people, but other nerds with lightsabers slowly gathered around the flag over time.

마지막에 흩어지고 남으신 분들이랑 촬영ㅋㅋ오늘 못해도 라세 삼십명은 본 거 같은데 웃긴게 따로 떨어져있다가 제다이 노동조합 깃발을 보고 슬금슬금 사방의 광선검들이 모여들어서 가슴 벅찼이요 ㅋㅋㅋ

ssullosso's tweet image. 마지막에 흩어지고 남으신 분들이랑 촬영ㅋㅋ오늘 못해도 라세 삼십명은 본 거 같은데 웃긴게 따로 떨어져있다가 제다이 노동조합 깃발을 보고 슬금슬금 사방의 광선검들이 모여들어서 가슴 벅찼이요 ㅋㅋㅋ
ssullosso's tweet image. 마지막에 흩어지고 남으신 분들이랑 촬영ㅋㅋ오늘 못해도 라세 삼십명은 본 거 같은데 웃긴게 따로 떨어져있다가 제다이 노동조합 깃발을 보고 슬금슬금 사방의 광선검들이 모여들어서 가슴 벅찼이요 ㅋㅋㅋ
ssullosso's tweet image. 마지막에 흩어지고 남으신 분들이랑 촬영ㅋㅋ오늘 못해도 라세 삼십명은 본 거 같은데 웃긴게 따로 떨어져있다가 제다이 노동조합 깃발을 보고 슬금슬금 사방의 광선검들이 모여들어서 가슴 벅찼이요 ㅋㅋㅋ
ssullosso's tweet image. 마지막에 흩어지고 남으신 분들이랑 촬영ㅋㅋ오늘 못해도 라세 삼십명은 본 거 같은데 웃긴게 따로 떨어져있다가 제다이 노동조합 깃발을 보고 슬금슬금 사방의 광선검들이 모여들어서 가슴 벅찼이요 ㅋㅋㅋ


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