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日拱一卒!跟随闫丽梦博士揭露CCP病毒真像!1.19✌️✊😃!TAKE DONE THE CCP!!! 天赋人权!向勇敢的香港人致敬!向挺身而出揭露CCP邪恶面目的勇士们致敬!

Joined October 2019
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邪恶的CCP不代表中国、不代表中国人民! Reposted

Mr Secretary I’ve worrying long about US since I felt the shadow of a certain country in US movies. Also in Japan I feel many biased powers going to destroy traditions,country itself. Please take good care of yourself & continue fighting.🇺🇸🍖🍕💪 Today’s favorite Hide and Seek

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邪恶的CCP不代表中国、不代表中国人民! Reposted

"The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it." Psalm 24:1 #SundayScripture ✝️

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邪恶的CCP不代表中国、不代表中国人民! Reposted

This is why I will never back down and will stand up against the never ending blood thirsty mob who has addicted their followers to hate, in order to everything I can to protect our freedoms. I’m so thankful to say the people have my back and I will always have theirs. ❤️🇺🇸

邪恶的CCP不代表中国、不代表中国人民! Reposted

...Where is the outrage for the regular people who were left to endure the Democrat riots with no one swooping in to save the day? They only care about themselves. Cont’d...

邪恶的CCP不代表中国、不代表中国人民! Reposted

After the Capitol attack, 30,000 National Guard were brought in to secure the Capitol and protect the elites. Yet where was this type of protection for all of the people and American cities that have been ravaged over the last year? Cont’d...

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...hurt innocent people, and terrorized Americans. While I along with all Republicans denounced the Capitol attack and were victims inside as well, our Democrat colleagues try to lie and blame us for violence we had nothing to do with and have condemned all along. Cont’d...

邪恶的CCP不代表中国、不代表中国人民! Reposted

They condoned devastating shutdowns while the rules didn’t apply to them who wined and dined maskless, while the masses have been left in ruins. They promoted, supported, cheered, and funded deadly violent Antifa/BLM riots that burned cities, attacked our police...

邪恶的CCP不代表中国、不代表中国人民! Reposted

Yes there is an enemy within. And that enemy is a poisonous rot of socialist policies and America last sell outs who are pompous hypocrites that believe they are untouchable elites. Cont’d...

邪恶的CCP不代表中国、不代表中国人民! Reposted

America Last policies are policies for sell outs and losers! In these divisive times, real leaders must be determined and strong to be able to withstand the rabid mob that preys on weakness in order to get their way, which is to destroy our country. Cont’d...

邪恶的CCP不代表中国、不代表中国人民! Reposted

I won’t back down. I’ll never apologize. And I’ll always keep fighting for the people. For me, it’s America First!!! Any elected politician that isn’t putting America First doesn’t deserve their position or the people’s trust. Cont’d...

邪恶的CCP不代表中国、不代表中国人民! Reposted

... You can never beat him because We The People have his back. The blood thirsty media and the socialists hate America Democrats are attacking me now just like they always attack President Trump. I can promise you this...

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I had a GREAT call with my all time favorite POTUS, President Trump! I’m so grateful for his support and more importantly the people of this country are absolutely 100% loyal to him because he is 100% loyal to the people and America First. Cont’d...


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