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Alliyah Gagnon


Joined July 2014
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Alliyah Gagnon Reposted

“do you miss me” me all day:

Alliyah Gagnon Reposted

water signs(scorpio, cancer, pisces) are in their fig tree era. Slyvia Plath wrote about a fig tree in the bell jar. she describes having so many desires. to travel, to start a family, excel in her career. water signs have had so much on their mind that they are doing absolutely-

's tweet image. water signs(scorpio, cancer, pisces) are in their fig tree era. Slyvia Plath wrote about a fig tree in the bell jar. she describes having so many desires. to travel, to start a family, excel in her career. water signs have had so much on their mind that they are doing absolutely-

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the underarms of a man you love😫

what smells so good but isn’t perfume ?

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northstardoll's tweet image.

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Ever since I was a little girl I knew I wanted to take PTO

Alliyah Gagnon Reposted

my fault

broken's tweet image. my fault

Alliyah Gagnon Reposted

if you ask your white friend, "How's it goin?" and they say "Its goin," check in on them. They about to kill themself

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They said bitches wit good p*ssy snore that’s what they said

Y’all Snore ?!

Alliyah Gagnon Reposted

I need all of my friends to stretch cause this the pose we doing for my bday pic:

THEKILLACAMMM's tweet image. I need all of my friends to stretch cause this the pose we doing for my bday pic:

Alliyah Gagnon Reposted

let me eat something before I start drinking

97Vercetti's tweet image. let me eat something before I start drinking

Alliyah Gagnon Reposted
invis4yo's tweet image.

Alliyah Gagnon Reposted

when the post oversharing clarity hits

Alliyah Gagnon Reposted


sobergoblin's tweet image. i—

Alliyah Gagnon Reposted
northstardoll's tweet image.

Alliyah Gagnon Reposted
weirddalle's tweet image.

Alliyah Gagnon Reposted

being a 23 year old girl is harder than this

What is stopping you from being able to do this?

Alliyah Gagnon Reposted

A blue Powerade with ice has done more for me than the US government

Alliyah Gagnon Reposted

Hurling the bowling ball directly into the gutter and then looking at my date like this

GeebMinister's tweet image. Hurling the bowling ball directly into the gutter and then looking at my date like this

United States Trends

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