@akmal_ueb Profile picture

Mohamad Akmal


A design enthusiast, amateur photographer & MTB lover. Co-owner/Creative Director at UEB Design & Revive Apparel.

Joined July 2009
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Ini kok goblok ya, bukannya dikasih insentif lebih, ditambahin subsidinya, armadanya, biar orang makin semangat switch ke transportasi umum, macet berkurang. Eladalah malah diribetin.

Pemerintah akan ubah skema subsidi KRL Jabodetabek berbasis NIK untuk memastikan subsidi tepat sasaran. finance.detik.com/berita-ekonomi…

Mohamad Akmal Reposted

Btw ini hal yang sedang gua rasakan juga yaa hehe ngerasa kok hidup gua begini-begini aja, gak banyak sense of progress, dsb tapi kemaren ada yg sharing tentang Learned Helplessnes. and it helps me to have a better perspective

Beri aku 1000 mobil untuk disewa, akan kuguncang nusantara. #puisiibukota

Mohamad Akmal Reposted

"let go, Habibi... enough" was the last word for "Mohammed" a guy with Down syndrome from Gaza to a trained dog unleashed by zionist armed forces after they order him to raise the white flag or die. so they killed him in front of his family.

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Mohamad Akmal Reposted

The perfect joke doesn’t exi-

Visual Identity adalah aspek fisik dari suatu brand yang berupa citra, informasi grafis, dan karakteristik visual tertentu, sehingga audiens dapat melihat dan membedakan brand satu dengan yang lainnya. Artikel selengkapnya: uebdesign.net/visual-identit…

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Lhaaa...anggota komitenya aja gak mudeng.

Bagaimana nasib karyawan yang udah punya rumah atau kpr, apakah akan dipotong tapera? Yo ndak tau kok tanya saya

Wahai rakyat kelas menengah! Sudah, diam saja. Percaya saja sama kami.

Mohamad Akmal Reposted

2013-14, ide mau bikin Tapera udah mulai matang. Wapres waktu itu, Pak Boed, berusaha banget untuk nahan supaya RUU Tapera nggak lolos. Beliau melihat ide ini memberatkan, sementara benefit buat yang iuran nggak jelas. Tapi ya cuma berhasil ditunda aja sampe akhir periode

Mohamad Akmal Reposted

In 2005, a six-month-old kitten named Oscar was adopted by a nursing home in the US to be raised as a therapy cat. However, the workers noticed something peculiar about him. While Oscar usually preferred to be alone, he occasionally crawled into a resident's bed and snuggled…

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Mohamad Akmal Reposted

The Palestinian view from the West Bank: my conversation with Palestinian activist and legislator @MustafaBarghoti, who is not connected to Hamas, about the terrorist group’s offensive in southern Israel

Sebenarnya bukan ini yg bikin warga mau naik transportasi umum, tp transportasi yg aksesibel, murah, tepat waktu, nyaman, terintegrasi.

Warga menilai, para pejabat tidak menggunakan transportasi umum. Pejabat hanya menyuruh warga beralih dari kendaraan pribadi ke transportasi umum. dlvr.it/SvCLGn

EO-nya vindes apa rans entertainment?

Mark Zuckerberg Terima Tantangan Elon Musk Duel di Ring Tinju #PramborsNews pramborsfm.com/news/mark-zuck…

Box hee heeng

I’m so done 💀😂🤣

Mohamad Akmal Reposted

I built a motion activated swiper to keep my cat from walking across my keyboard

Mohamad Akmal Reposted

Cool trick to use for drawing a street using the transform tool! A thread 1/7 🧵

Mohamad Akmal Reposted

Praying Manis lowered into water to entice out the parasite within! 🪱😱 video credit: Insect world.

Beautiful ❤

Mewakili perasaan semua ayah akan puterinya.

Mohamad Akmal Reposted

wake up babe new logo trend just dropped

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