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ބ.ކެންދޫ އަލްއުސްތާޛް ޢަދްނާން ޔޫސުފް ލިޔުއްވާފައިވާ ބޭސްވެރިކަމުގެ ދެ ފޮތް "ރާއްޖެބަލި" އަދި "އައްސިބަލި" ނެރެދިނުމަކީ އަޅުގަނޑަށް ލިބުނު ވަރަށް ބޮޑު އުފަލެއް. މިއީ ދިވެހި ބޭސްވެރިކަމަށާއި މުޖުތަމަޢަށް އޭނާ ކޮށްދެއްވާފައިވާ ވަރަށް ފައިދާހުރި ޢިލްމީ މަސައްކަތެއް.
Don’t be surprised when elected MPs change tune from their campaign pledges. They ran on party tickets - but the parties didn’t have campaign manifestos. Hence, each candidate was allowed to pledge whatever they wanted. But they believe they owe their victories to the party.…
Nikki or Nimarata? Ashamed of the name your parents gave you or your own roots?
Nikki Haley you can lighten your skin & your hair. you can change your religion. you can marry a white man. you can birth half-white kids. but you’ll always be Nimarata Randhawa and they’ll toss you aside like the garbage that you are once you don’t serve their purpose.
Deeply saddened by passing of the legendary Ahmed Hafiz, who had diligently served our fisheries sector as well as education and sports for many years. May Almighty Allah bless his soul and and grant him Jannah and give strength to his family, friends and loved ones!
إنا لله وإنا اليه راجعون. Deepest condolences to the brotherly people of Iran on the demise of their President and Foreign Minister. May Almighty Allah bless their souls and grant them Paradise and give the people of Iran fortitude at this time of national tragedy!
So true @afarismaumoon! Naashi gandu hifaigen dhuvun! When are we going to move beyond this culture of begging and dependence. We can't manage our own finances! Where is our pride? What a shame!
While we highly appreciate India’s continued fiscal assistance, Maldives should be doing more to become economically self-reliant and lessen our dependency on well-wishers and external partners. It’s not a cause to celebrate each year when someone fills our begging bowl.
ފަލަސްތީނަށް ފުރިހަމަ މެމްބަރުކަން ދިނުމަށް އ.ދ. ގެ ޢާންމު މަޖިލީހުން މިރޭ ފާސްކޮށްފައިވާތީ މުސްލިމް ދިވެހި ރައްޔިތެއްގެ ޙައިސިއްޔަތުން އަޅުގަނޑު ނިހާޔަތަށަް އުފާކޮށް އަރަހުށި ހުސްޠާހިރުވަންތަ މާތް ﷲ ގެ ޙަޟްރަތަށް ޙަމްދާއި ޝުކުރު ދަންނަވަން.
Let’s organize something. Let me know who’s up for it. We need to make ourselves heard for the sake of our Palestinian brothers and sisters.
ރޭ އަޅުގަނޑު ކަނޑުމަތީގައި މަސްދަތުރެއްގައި ހައެއްކަގަޑިއިރު ހޭދަކުރީމެވެ. ހަނދުއަރާ މަންޒަރުވެސް ދުށީމެވެ. މިހާރީތި އުޑުމަތިސާފު ކަނޑުމަޑު ރެއެއް މީގެކުރިން އަޅުގަނޑު ދުވަހަކުވެސް ދުށް ހަނދާނެއްނެތެވެ. ކުޅަދުންވަންތަކަމެވެ! سبحان الله !
Sincere thanks to my brilliant campaign team, all volunteers, who worked so hard, day and night, giving up time from work and family. Thanks also to the professional help, PR team, designers and media. Yes we hoped, even expected to win, no denying it. We are proud of what we…
ދައުލަތް ހިންގުމުގެ ނިޒާމުގައި ހުރި މައްސަލަތަކަށް ޤާނޫނީ ހައްލުތައް ހޯދައިދިނުމުގައި ރައްޔިތުންގެ މަޖިލީހުގައި އަޅުގަނޑު މެދުނުކެނޑި މަސައްކަތް ކުރާނަން. #Nugudaane #Hivvaru
މާދަމާ ރައްޔިތުންގެ މަޖިލީހުގެ އިންތިޚާބުގައި ވޯޓުލައްވާއިރު ރަނގަޅަށްވިސްނަވާފައި ދީނާއިޤައުމަށް ވަފާތެރިވާނެކަމަށް ޤަބޫލުކުރެއްވޭ ކޭންޑިޑޭޓުންނަށް ވޯޓުލެއްވުމަށް އިޚްލާޞްތެރިކަމާއެކު އިލްތިމާސްކުރަން.
Thank you Mamma for supporting Dunya and women candidates. You have always been a great inspiration for us.❤️ @dunyamaumoon @afarismaumoon @mgmaumoon @maumoonagayoom
މިއަދު 20 އެޕްރީލް އަކީ މީލާދީތަޤްވީމުން ބަލާއިރު މިއުންމަތުގެ މާތްނަބިއްޔާ محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم ދުނިޔޭގެ އަލިކަން ދެކިވަޑައިގެންނެވި ދުވަސް. އިތުރު އެކަލޭގެފާނު ދެއްކެވި ތެދުމަގުގައި ދެގޮތެއްނުވެ ސާބިތުވެތިބުމުގެ ހެޔޮތައުފީޤު ދެއްވާށި! އާމީން.
ވައިސް ޗީފް އޮފް ޑިފެންސް ފޯސްގެ މަޤާމަށް އައްޔަންކުރެވުނު ބްރިގޭޑިއަރ ޖެނެރަލް އަޙްމަދު ޣިޔާޘް އަށް ވަރަށް ބޮޑަށް މަރުޙަބާ ދަންނަވަން.
Thank you for your support @velizenee It’s a great motivation to have you on board!
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