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المستشار القضائي


المستشار القانوني الدولي

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أسبابً عديدة دفعت الإخوان للانحياز لتركيا لإنقاذ الجماعة تركيا هى الملاذ لإنقاذهم من السقوط وتعتبر التوسع التركى فى الداخل العربى غطاءً عسكريًا وميدانيًا سيمنحها الحضور السياسى والسلطة مجددًا، أن الجماعة حاليًا مرتهنة بالكامل للأتراك فليس لديها خيار إلا أن تنفذ رغباتهم وخططهم

Because you are with God, Commander,we are with you. Men appear in times of trouble. Long live the army of great Egypt.We are all soldiers in the Egyptian army. The people are the army and the army is the people You who sacrificed your soul for Egypt, O Sisi,the great leader ⚖️

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دخول مفاجئ حرب كونيه اشاعات تكسير مقاديف دونين ونكسجيه وكولجيه وخرفان ومخابرات دول ومراكيبها شغالين علي سقوط البلد! ! ورجال لا تهاب الموت صامدين كصمود الجبال تسلم ايدينك #مصر_السيسي_تنتصر_دائما #متصدقش_الاكاذيب

Anyone who commits the crime of financing terrorism shall be punished with life imprisonment if thefinancing is for aterrorist Thepenalty shall be death if the financing is for a terrorist group or aterrorist act,and the actual management of the terrorist group shallbe punished⚖️

TUSAŞ'a saldıran kadın teröristin 2 kardeşi, CHP'li belediye çalışanı çıktı. Teröristin, Çiğli Belediyesi'nde güvenlik amirliği yapan ağabeyinin işine saldırının ardından son verildi. İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi'ne bağlı İZENERJİ'de çalışan diğer kardeşi ise izne çıkarıldı.

The American administration, hidden for the sake of ambitions, exported conspiracies and violence to the countries of the Middle East and killed innocent people, and now it is using it against former President Donald Trump,a competitor to the administration of evil and barbaric

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Those who practice homosexuality commit an indecency forbidden by all divine religions. The presence of these people represents a moral danger to society, and contributes to the widespread spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Moral decadence.

I joined members of the LGBTQI+ community, advocates, and allies in Los Angeles to kick off Pride Month. Together, we are fighting for the freedom to be who you are and love who you love, openly and with pride.

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Psychopathy is one of the most difficult and complex personalities, as it is difficult to understand and explain, and it occurs in people who do not feel guilty about the brutality and violence they have committed, unlike other criminals, who may experience a feeling of remorse

I am honored to welcome APEC to my home state of California as @POTUS and I convene leaders from throughout the Indo-Pacific. Together, we are working to grow our economies, unlock industries of the future, and ensure all people prosper.

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Most important of all, don't lie to yourself. A person who lies to himself and listens to his lies will reach a stage where he will not be able to distinguish the truth in himself or those around him, and thus he will lose all respect for himself and others. lacks respect,

Today, President Xi and I took tangible steps in the right direction, and the case I've made all along stands: The United States will compete vigorously, and responsibly, with the People's Republic of China. We will protect our national security interests. We will stand up for…

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المستشار القضائي Reposted

ممياء الكونجرس الأمريكي بيلوسي تنتقد القضاء السعودي وتهدد بمحاسبة الرياض من انت يا مرضعة الخنازير كي تهديدي مملكة العظماء المملكة العربية السعودية خيرها عليك وعلي الولايات المتحدة وعلي العالم كله قطع لسانك الذي يتطاول علي اسيادك يا ممياء الدود arabic.cnn.com/middle-east/ar…

هذا الخنزير أعمي القلب والبصر عضو مجتمع الميم للشذوذ الجنسي يهدد جمهورية مصر العربية لأنه وبايدن يروجون للشذوذ الجنسي %99 من الشعب الأمريكي والمتضامين في ترويج الشذوذ الجنسي ولد سفاح من علاقات محرمة غير مشروعة لا يعلم أباه وليس له أصل ولا نسب ولا كرامة 🐖 arabic.cnn.com/middle-east/ar…

حمقاء القذارة بعوضةالمفوضية الأوروبية تهاجم حكومة المجر بسبب تشريع يحظر الترويج للمثلية في صفوف القاصرين تروج لعلاقة مؤثمة تتنافى مع الدين والأخلاق الظاهرة الشاذة بين أطفال الشوارع والسجناء ان ممارسة الجنس المثلى جريمة فسق وفجور يعاقب عليها بالحبس 3سنوات flip.it/kO9EVa

We are Egypt a civilization for thousands of years Egypt extends its hand of goodness and peace to the world and has never tried to harm anyone except those who try to usurp rights. Long live the Great Republic of Egypt despite the nose of terrorism and his aides💞🌳🌺🍀🎪🌾💐🍒

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