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Zoltan Tiroler


Kuba, Latinamerika, Vänsterpolitik

Joined March 2018
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Zoltan Tiroler Reposted

The way raw video evidence debunked the "Amsterdam pogrom" narrative in real time in full view of the entire world is exactly why Israel hates journalists. It's why it won't let the western press visit Gaza, and it's why it murders Palestinian journalists at every opportunity.

Zoltan Tiroler Reposted

Can we get ‘Ban Israel from FIFA and UEFA’ trending? They need to be expelled.

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Zoltan Tiroler Reposted

If, as universally reported by Western media and confirmed by Western leaders, the events in Amsterdam this week constituted an “anti-Semitic pogrom”, “Jew hunt”, Kristallnacht 2024 etc., one would logically expect Dutch Jews, and their institutions and properties, to be…

Zoltan Tiroler Reposted

I'm sorry, but this is insane. Comparing a battle between rival sets of football hooligans to the Holocaust is an insult to the millions of people killed during WWII.

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Zoltan Tiroler Reposted

Efter att orkanen Rafael ar passerat: 👉 Inga dödsfall rapporterade 👉Återhämtningsfasen har beslutats 👉Internationella flygningar är återställda 👉Regeringen ber ALLA att arbeta tillsammans för att återhämta landet

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Zoltan Tiroler Reposted

Inte ens orkanerna kunde trycka tillbaka honom. Alltid i frontlinjen av strid med sitt folk. Med sin styrka, moraliska och fysiska. För att... Fidel är Fidel!

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Zoltan Tiroler Reposted

Överväldigande stöd l FN-omröstningen för Kuba 🇨🇺 mot blockaden. #CubaIsNotAlone Världen har sagt än en gång: #TumbaElBloqueo. BRYT BLOCKADEN! 187 nationer säger nej till blockaden mot Kuba. Endast 2 säger ja. Gissa vilka? 🇺🇸🇮🇱

Zoltan Tiroler Reposted

The Genocide supporting #US Democrats have a problem with UN Special Rapporteur @FranceskAlbs because she has the courage to tell the truth about US / Israeli War Crimes in Palestine - The truth is something #US Empire are very uncomfortable with...

The Biden admin is so devoted to protecting Israel’s mass murder and starvation siege in Gaza that it’s smearing a top UN official who is documenting Israeli crimes as an anti-Semite. If Democrats are wondering why many anti-genocide voters can’t bring themselves to support…

Zoltan Tiroler Reposted

Francesca is phenomenal♥️ never backs down… breathtaking woman

Zoltan Tiroler Reposted

The “Israel-Palestine conflict” is the simplest of them all. A European settler colony establishes itself on indigenous people’s land using ethnic cleansing and terror then spends 76 years massacring them in the two prisons they warehoused them in. It really is that simple.

Zoltan Tiroler Reposted

Even the Israeli media are saying it. So why can't ours do the same?

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Zoltan Tiroler Reposted

🇨🇺 BREAKING: For the 32nd time, the world demands an end to the U.S. blockade on Cuba by UN resolution. In favor: 187 Against: 2 (🇺🇸 United States, 🇮🇱 Israel) Abstention: 1 (🇲🇩 Moldova)

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Zoltan Tiroler Reposted

Happening now at the @UN General Assembly: representatives from around the world are condemning the U.S. embargo on #Cuba. A representative for the U.S. is not present. #bellyofthebeastcuba

Zoltan Tiroler Reposted

Med en lokal fullproppad med allmänheten invigdes den kubanska filmutställningen på Cervantes-institutet i Stockholm den 28 oktober i samband med den kubanska kulturdagen. Det började med filmen "Fresa y Chocolate". #CubaEsCultura #JornadaDeLaCulturaCubana

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Zoltan Tiroler Reposted

Instead of expressing "concern" about the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, isn't it time we stopped supplying Israel with the weapons that have caused the catastrophe in the first place?

Zoltan Tiroler Reposted

Journalisten och författaren Gellert Tamas i dagens DN: "Ingen annan svensk partiledare har... utsett en högt uppsatt tysk SS-officer som sitt partis huvudtalare inför ett svenskt riksdagsval. Och just denna person anklagar andra partier för antisemitism."

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Zoltan Tiroler Reposted

Yes, it is another form of Israeli Terrorism...

BREAKING: Israeli settlers have stormed agricultural lands near Ramallah and set fire to olive trees. Is this not terrorism?

Zoltan Tiroler Reposted

I FN:s generalförsamling diskuteras för trettioandra gången behovet av att avsluta USA:s blockad mot #Kuba. Vi kommer att vara där för att försvara sanningen och det kubanska folkets rättigheter. #DropTheBlockade

El 29 y 30 de octubre, la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas, por triegésima segunda ocasión, debatirá sobre la necesidad de poner fin al bloqueo de EEUU contra #Cuba. Ahí estaremos para defender la verdad y los derechos del pueblo cubano. Juntos diremos #TumbaElBloqueo.

Zoltan Tiroler Reposted

Ingen stat har, sedan FN grundande 1945, tidigare klassat något av FNs organ som en terroristorganisation. Det här inkluderar brutala diktaturer. Israels beslut kan ses som ett brott mot all internationell rättspraxis.

Zoltan Tiroler Reposted

¿Qué haríamos en Colombia si mañana un tirano cruel prohibiera la importación de vacunas y alimentos para los niños, impidiera que los turistas pagaran con tarjeta en los hoteles, sancionara como delito de trata de personas a los que contrataran dentistas o médicos colombianos en…


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