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Quliyev Səyyad



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Quliyev Səyyad Reposted

Admin heyəti. Bu gün səhər erməni hərbi birləşmələri Azərbaycan ordusunun mövqelərinə və yaşayış mənətəqələrinə müxtəlif çaplı silahlarla hücum edib. Ordumuz cavab olaraq əks-hücuma keçib. Rəsmi məlumata görə, işgalda olan bir neçə kəndimiz və strateji yüksəkliklər geri alınıb.

Quliyev Səyyad Reposted

- İlham Əliyev hakimiyyətinin seçimi belədir: ya Putinə sığınmalıdır, ya da xalqa söykənən, xalqdan mandat alan siyasətə getməlidir. Xalqdan mandat ala biləcəyinə inanmır deyə, ayağını Moskvadan çəkmir. AXCP sədrinin müsahibəsindən - bit.ly/3n4pFYe Admin heyəti.

Quliyev Səyyad Reposted

- İlham Əliyev hakimiyyəti Şuşanın erməniləşdirilməsinə qarşı təbliğat aparıb, dünyanı ayağa qaldırmaqdansa, pul verib Amerikanın aztirajlı bir qəzetində Milli Şura, Xalq Cəbhəsi, Əli Kərimli əleyhinə yazı çap etdirir. AXCP sədrinin müsahibəsindən - bit.ly/3n4pFYe

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Quliyev Səyyad Reposted

#DanışırƏliKərimli * Tofiq Yaqublunun iradəsi qalib gəldi. Bu, bütövlükdə xalqımıza mesajdır. Admin heyəti.

Quliyev Səyyad Reposted

Onu təcridxanada da hamıdan tam təcrid vəziyyətində saxlayırlar. İstintaq dövründə ona dəfələrlə işgəncə verildiyi haqda məlumatlar var. Admin heyəti.

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Quliyev Səyyad Reposted

The PFPA leader says: - Fuad Gahramanli had been entirely isolated from the outside world for a month after his detention. Even though he was able to talk briefly with his family members several times a month after his arrest.

Quliyev Səyyad Reposted

Tofig Yagublu is under house arrest for now by the decision of the court of appeal. Appeals on his arrest are still pending. The court of appeal must acquit Tofig Yagublu off charges, as the charges against him are groundless. Admin staff.

Quliyev Səyyad Reposted

Tofig Yagublu finally got the freedom he justified. We congratulate everyone who loves Tofig Yagublu and our people as a whole. We would like to thank all local and international organizations, the activist, politicians, and intellectuals who supported Tofig's just struggle.

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Quliyev Səyyad Reposted

As #Azerbaijan's president is enjoying lavish resorts, his top opposition critic Tofig Yagublu is on 16th day of hunger strike, protesting his bogus hooliganism conviction. haberler.com/azerbaycan-cum… Meanwhile, his appeal hearing scheduled for Sep 28, 11 day later! #FreeTofigYagublu

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Quliyev Səyyad Reposted

As you know, Tofig Yagublu has been arrested on trumped-up charges. And he is on hunger strike now. He said to his daughter that, he would die. We don't have to let him die. We demand, #stophostility

Quliyev Səyyad Reposted

Tofig Yagublu is in his 16th day of hunger strike. His situtation is very critic now. Every second is life and death issue for him. They obliged to transfuse blood to him. But bloody government does not take any action in order to stop human drama.

Quliyev Səyyad Reposted

The arrest of Tofig Yagublu on the direct orders of Ilham Aliyev and his death hunger strike for his rights are in the Western media. bit.ly/35JmdMi Admin staff.

Quliyev Səyyad Reposted

The PFPA leader says: - The transfer of Tofig Yagublu to the hospital gives the government and all of us an additional few days to thoroughly resolve the Tofig Yagublu crisis. The only resolution to this crises is dropping of fabricated charges and the release of Yagublu. Admins

Quliyev Səyyad Reposted

The PFPA leader says: - Transfer of Yagublu to a civilian hospital on the recommendation of the European Court is, of course, a positive development. However, this does not mean that the threat to Tofig Yagublu's life has disappeared. Admin staff.

Quliyev Səyyad Reposted

The PFPA leader says: - Tofig Yagublu is still being held hostage and his health condition is still critical. Ilham Aliyev is responsible for Tofig Yagiblu's life, whether in prison or in hospital. Admin staff.

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Quliyev Səyyad Reposted

Tofig Yağublu is on the 11th day of his hunger strike. These are very crucial days, hours for his health. Doctor Adil Geybulla, who examined him in penitentiary yesterday, also confirmed that Tofig Yagublu's condition is not good and we may face tragedy at any moment.

Quliyev Səyyad Reposted

The National Council of Democratic Forces in its statement expresses serious concern and anger over the health of Tofig Yagublu bit.ly/2Fy11Os bit.ly/2GVdQD5 Admin staff.

Quliyev Səyyad Reposted

The PFPA leader says: - Ilham Aliyev has confronted by the public in the case of Tofig Yagublu and does not know what to do. Admin staff.

Quliyev Səyyad Reposted

Nevertheless, claiming that there is a tie between the PFPA and Ramiz Mehdiyev expresses the intention that the entire article was written to impose this claim.


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