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Sorin Vasiu Reposted

I don’t know when this absurdity ends, only that it will, at some point. Kudos to @billmaher for relentlessly calling it out. People, please, enough!

How did we get to this weird place? Telling people who are actually out in the world making a positive difference, "You're the problem."

Sorin Vasiu Reposted

The Russians on Kremlin State TV are not only saying they want all of their pre-World War I Imperial territory back, but they also want to revive Austria-Hungary and have that be their neutral buffer state with Russian "peacekeepers" stationed there to protect it from the West.

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Russian propagandists discuss re-creating an "Austrian-Hungarian territory" protected by a Russian contingent.

Sorin Vasiu Reposted

I love the way Russian propaganda spreads two mutually conflicting narratives for the last year and a half: 1. NATO & the US prepared and unleashed a giant proxy war on Russia, and they will give Ukraine absolutely everything so it could destroy Russia. 2. NATO & the US are…

Sorin Vasiu Reposted

Nu-mi pot explica nicicum de ce, cu proba crimelor în fața ochilor, tu să alegi să îi slujești în continuare. Scârba de șoșoaca, o mizerabilă pe care n-ar trebui să o băgăm în seamă, face asta pentru publicitate. Dar insignifianții de pe Twitter de ce o fac? (3/3)

Sorin Vasiu Reposted

When it's been 5 minutes and you haven't made fun of people fighting for their lives. Seriously, F this guy. I hate myself for every payment I make to Twitter for that stupid blue tick.

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Sorin Vasiu Reposted

Voci demente acuză est-europenii că au intrat în cursa înarmărilor, că alocă n% din PIB pe F35, radare, fregate, că le dăm americanilor avuția din truda țării. Păi cine a început, saltimbancilor? Nu maica voastră Rusie? Nu pe ea o doare că n-a mai ciordit pământ de zeci de ani?

Sorin Vasiu Reposted

Turns out its not Poland after all.. - After 1.8 years of war Romania’s ammo factories still working in 3 shifts - Refineries still provide 40% of Ukraine’s oil - Ports still shipping 60% of Ukraine’s wheat No blackmail, no pressuring,no TV Ukraine needs more friends like this

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Sorin Vasiu Reposted

Boss-ul OMV vine la București nemulțumit de clauzele Legii Offshore (Austria nu poate face ce vrea ea cu gazul din Marea Neagră). Mesaj pt guvernanți: Opriți-vă din comisioane și șpăgi la Viena! E timpul să țineți măcar acum cu România! #boicotaustria #Schengen #boycottaustria

Sorin Vasiu Reposted

Veniturile în România au ajuns la nivelul la care erau veniturile occidentalilor... acum 30 de ani. Dar ale lor stau pe loc, ale noastre cresc. Îi vom prinde din urmă în 10 ani. Asta dacă nu ne tăiem craca de sub picioare cu impozite mari, naționalizări, anti-UE-isme prostești.

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Sorin Vasiu Reposted

Something tells me this will be a popular program.. If you're a former F-16 pilot who never got a chance to turn Russians into wormfood but often dreams of how beautiful that would be, Ukraine now offers you the chance.

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Sorin Vasiu Reposted

A joke from Moscow: - Remember when Putin said he had no plan to invade Ukraine? - Yes…. - I’m starting to think he was telling the truth.

Sorin Vasiu Reposted

Când copiii te vor întreba: Tu ce-ai făcut să eviți dezastrul ăsta?, fii sigur că ai ce să le răspunzi fără să roșești bâjbâind "eu nu am avut putere". Ba ai avut! Exact ca în cazul votului, a #boicotAustria, a invaziei orcilor. Dar ai preferat să taci complice și să stai călduț.

Sorin Vasiu Reposted

Hundreds of Romanian and Slovakian fire fighters arrive to the island of Rhodes to help their Greek colleagues put out the massive wildfires raging in the area. The Poles, Romanians and Slovaks have a major help for the Greeks fighting to save their homes. 🇬🇷🇷🇴🇵🇱🇸🇰

Sorin Vasiu Reposted

Gennady Gudkov, ex Duma deputy and one of Putin's most vocal critics, said that Putin ‘just hid’ during Wagner’s mutiny, proving he can’t guarantee ‘security’ for Russia "Putin showed himself to be a person who is not able to make serious, important and quick decisions in…

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Sorin Vasiu Reposted

Somebody get some more chairs

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Sorin Vasiu Reposted
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Sorin Vasiu Reposted

Isn’t it beautiful?

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