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Air Traffic controller from 🇲🇻 Founder member & President of @RAM_Maldives President of @matca_info

Joined May 2012
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އޮރެގާނޯ އައްޔަގެ މަރަށް ޒިންމާނަގަން ޖެހޭ އެތަކެއް ބަޔަކު އެބަތިބި، އެ ދުވަހު އަވަސް ފަރުވާ ނުދެވުމުގެ ނަތީޖާއަކީ މިއަދު އެ އާއިލާއަށް ކުރިމަތި ކުރުވި ހިތްދަތިކަން. މިހެން ފަރުވާ ކުޑަކޮށްލައިގެން ކިތައް މަރު ވީމަތޯ މި ޤައުމުގެ ސިއްހީނިޒާމު ރަނގަޅު ކުރާނީ؟ ޕެރަމެޑިކްސް އާއި…

އެބުސަލުޓްލީ ނޮޓް! ކޮލަޕްސްވި ދުވުން ތެރިޔާއަށް ފަރުވާ ނުދެވި 10 މިނިޓް ވެގެން ދިޔަ، މިއީ ކުޑަ ކަމެއް ނޫން. އެ ދުވުން ތެރިޔާގެ ލައިފް ބޮޑު ރިސއަކަށް ލެވިގެން ދިޔައީ ކުޑަ ވަގުތުކޮޅެއްގެ ތެރޭގައި. ސީޕީއާރް ހުއްޓުމެއް ނެތި އެތަކެއް އިރެއްދޭން ޖެހުނީ އެހެން ވެގެން. މިއީ ދިރާގު…

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اِنَّا لِلّٰهِ وَاِنَّااِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُوْن ޔާ اَللّٰهُ , މައްޔިތާގެ ފާފަ ފުއްސަވައި ހެޔޮ ރަޙްމަތް ލައްވައި ސުވަރުގެ މިންވަރު ކުރައްވާށި! އަދި ޢާއިލާއަށް ކެތްތެރިކަން ދެއްވާށި! آمیـــــــــــــن 🤲 ވީހާވެސް ގިނަ ބޭފުޅުން ކަށުނަމާދުގައި ބައިވެރިވެ ދެއްވުން އެދެން. 😭😭💔💔

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3 years in a row, most western island in Maldives. #Hikifaspro2024 was superb! Congratulations all winners and thanks to everyone for the dedication and contributing your time and energy to make this event yet another success. Thank you Hdh. Makunudhoo. Can’t wait for next…

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ނަސްރު ސުޕީޑް، ރިލެކްސް ގޯލްޑް އަދި ރަމްޒު ކުޔީން މިހެން ކަނޑުމަތީ ހަމައެއް ލަމައެއް ނެތި ދުއްވާތާ އެތަކެއް ދުވަހެއް ވެއްޖެ، މި ފެންނަނީ ނެރަކަށް ވަންނަން އަންނަ މަންޒަރު. ހަޔާތް ގޮވަމުން ކަނޑުމަތި ބާރަށް ދުވަމުން ހަދާފައި ހުރި އެތަކެއް ޓިކުޓޮކެއް އެބަހުރި. މީގައި ނުރައްކާ އޮތީ…

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"Life is Precious, Drive Safely!" Let us all put a concerted effort to make our roads safe for us! We may not get a second chance to make right what we do wrong with our own hands! Thank you, Yamin Rasheed & cellmin Animation Studio, for this creation.

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We implore all media outlets to verify the accuracy and credibility of all sources before making any statements. @MMuizzu @presidencymv @AbdhullahRafiu @MoSFR_mv @ameen3d @FaZuLRaShYd @PoliceMv @thepressmv @AdhadhuMV @Raajje_tv @DhiyaresNews @Mihaarunews @VaguthuOnline @sunbrk

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މައުލޫމާތު ރަނގަޅު ކޮށްލުން އެދެން: ރޭސިންގް/މޮޓޯސުޕޯޓްސް ގެ ހަރަކާތް ތަށް އޮންނަ އުސޫލުގެ ތެރޭން ކުޅިވަރެއް ގޮތުގައި މާލެގައި ހިންގަނީ ރޭސިންގް އެސޯސިއޭޝަން އޮފް ދަ މޯލްޑިވްސް އިން އެކަނިއެވެ، އަދި މިއީ ރާއްޖެ ތެރޭ އެތަކެއް ރަށެއްގައިވެސް މިކަން ކުރަމުން އަންނަ ފަރާތެކެވެ.…

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Race jahaa meehunge shakuvaa bodu: Police commissioner dhauru.com/post/news/31032

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އިބޫއަކީ ކަންކަން ނިންމުމުގެ ކުރިން އެކަމާއި ބެހޭ ބޭފުޅުންނާ މަޝްވަރާ ކުރެއްވި ވެރިއެއް. ކަންކަން ނިންމީ މަޝްވަރާކޮށްފަ ކަމުން، އެ ނިންމުންތައް ފަހުން ބަދަލުކުރާކަށް ނުޖެހޭ. ވަރަށް ސީދާ ސާދާކޮށް ހަރުދަނާކޮށް ކަންކަން ދިޔައީ. ފޮޓޯއިން މި ފެންނަނީ ރޭސް ޖަހާ ބޭފުޅުންނާއި އެކު އިބޫ.…

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This is the dedicated area for race car drivers. So how’s today’s accident related to Muizzu banning this and cars altogether? Banning, firing, killing, attacking…these are things people who are not very smart do to fix complicated problems and @MMuizzu is one of them.

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Racing Association Has Shared Its View on Unwavering Commitment to Promoting Safe and Regulated Motorsport frontpage.mv/news/detail/903

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Ehen gothaka mi kiyaaa dheveytho balaanan: - Rey accident v car 350z Farilady: 3500 cc - Raeesul jumhooriyaage car S650, Mercedes: 6000 cc Here’s a list of cars involved in accidents that I’ve seen in media, along with engine capacities (cc) so it may help you determine for…

Masala akee “race/sports car” eh noon, masala akee baara adhi nurakaatheriko dhuvun. Ehen dhu’vaa, dhu’veyne “race/sports car” aka nuviyas

#FreePalestine 🇵🇸

The scenes currently unfolding in the Gaza Strip, especially in Rafah, are of despair, displacement and death. The international community must not and will not remain silent while Gaza lies in ruins at the hands of Israeli forces. Israel must stop the brutal attacks on the…

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Never ask new fans what circuit this is

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Seaplanes, seaplanes, seaplanes everywhere.

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Big thanks to @MaleCitymv for the swift action! Reported a poorly paved road attracting cat waste & impacting hygiene, and it was fixed within the same day!This is how we keep our city clean & enjoyable for all. Keep up the great work! #MaleCityCouncil @adamazim

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Click the below link to submit your application form to help us as a volunteer during our events. docs.google.com/forms/d/1K17ui…

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Very awesome work of intricate art from our air traffic controllers.. greatly appreciated.

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The 12 most creative ads you'll ever see: 1. World Wildlife Foundation

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#Maldives airport MLE approach is impressive. Old runway left is now a very bumpy taxiway. New terminal opening gets postponed constantly, hope is mid 2024 now. Note world’s biggest floatplane ops to the right #avgeek


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