@Rcelly_guerrero Profile picture



Where you invest your love you invest your life.

Joined October 2009
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Baby Ripley.❤️

Rcelly_guerrero's tweet image. Baby Ripley.❤️

If you ever feel like something isn’t right, it probably isn’t.

Songs usually remind me of things so when you hear a song that reminds you of a terrible time in you’re life. It’s cringe worthy...

Goes to work an hour early to get coffee & chill. Gets to coffee shop sits in car send some emails has 10 min to coffee & chill.🤦🏽‍♀️

This little girl just said “I like your hair miss you go gurl okuurr”🤦🏽‍♀️😂💕

Goes to a sales meeting, purse decides to collapse as I’m introducing myself...😭

If I could have all the puppies/dogs in the world I would. I missed my calling as a vet. 🐾

Aracely Reposted

In my on-boarding to Congress, I get to pick my insurance plan. As a waitress, I had to pay more than TWICE what I’d pay as a member of Congress. It’s frustrating that Congressmembers would deny other people affordability that they themselves enjoy. Time for #MedicareForAll.

I think my hair & face say otherwise 😂#inevergetready

Is that a compliment or should I be a slight bit offended? 🤷🏽‍♀️

Someone called me high maintenance two weeks ago & my coworkers nominated me as princess peach for Halloween... #interesting 🤔

Happy birthday @donaldglover can't wait to see you perform Saturday in Seattle! 🎉🎤❤️#blackexcellence #mcdreamy

That's my life guys🤦🏽‍♀️

Just did an annual French portfolio wine tasting & that's the last thing I wanted to do after coming back from Vegas.

Tell me why I just bought a new purse last week and it already smells like Doggy treats...🤦🏽‍♀️

Had a rough morning with my orders so my bf way to soothe me is look at all the new wine I got. 😂#babetoearly

Sometimes you just need to take a moment to remember to slow down.

"Would you rather be a dead unicorn or live in a dirty butt?" My niece's questions😂

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