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Liberate Hong Kong the revolution of our times #互fol手足

Joined November 2019
PepeForThePeople Reposted

The HKER lives under tyranny.😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😡😡😡😡😡😡

BravoEveryone's tweet image. The HKER lives under tyranny.😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😡😡😡😡😡😡
BravoEveryone's tweet image. The HKER lives under tyranny.😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😡😡😡😡😡😡
BravoEveryone's tweet image. The HKER lives under tyranny.😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😡😡😡😡😡😡

PepeForThePeople Reposted

China’s military commander in Hong Kong said that 10,000 troops will enforce a planned national security law with “determination” as the territory’s governor denied it would harm civil rights thetimes.co.uk/edition/world/…

PepeForThePeople Reposted

What is China’s proposed national security law for Hong Kong? via @FT on.ft.com/2TH2WEe

PepeForThePeople Reposted

America stands for freedom. America must #StandWithHongKong The Chinese Communist Party is showing that it will stop at nothing to back out of its 1997 commitment to honor Hong Kong's laws and freedoms. wapo.st/2X6Tv3o

PepeForThePeople Reposted

"hongkong is not China". They deserve their own constitution,own Independent country. #iSupportHongkong #StandWithHongKong #FreeHK

sivakrishnavegi's tweet image. "hongkong is not China". They deserve their own constitution,own Independent country.

#iSupportHongkong #StandWithHongKong  #FreeHK

PepeForThePeople Reposted

Lawyer and legislator Dennis Kwok warns that China's proposed security law would mean "the end of Hong Kong."

PepeForThePeople Reposted

China is preparing to unilaterally apply national-security laws to Hong Kong, raising the stakes in its showdown with democracy activists. on.wsj.com/3e9LO22

PepeForThePeople Reposted

年輕人可以迫到大陸行到呢一步很了不起 最大意義是將中共想用一國兩制統一台灣的願望徹底埋葬 你可以想像習大大是多憤怒,而今次事件所作俑者就是777,佢大鑊 #痛心疾首 #未行完

Samhon852's tweet image. 年輕人可以迫到大陸行到呢一步很了不起



#痛心疾首 #未行完

PepeForThePeople Reposted


chowtingagnes's tweet image. 香港の民主派元立法会議員区諾軒さんが、あるデモで拡声器で叫んだことに対し、現場にいた警官が「彼の声で耳が痛くなった」と主張、今日区さんの「警察襲撃罪」が成立した。香港はデモで拡声器を使うことも罪になるありえない社会だ。区さんは東大の博士課程に留学予定ですが、影響がないように…

PepeForThePeople Reposted

據報手足就係貼左呢張野被罰千五蚊 地點:觀塘連儂牆 Telegram 圖

Samhon852's tweet image. 據報手足就係貼左呢張野被罰千五蚊


Telegram 圖

PepeForThePeople Reposted

中國肺炎肆虐,加上柒婆防疫失策,令飲食業界俾人擺上枱,有唔少食肆都選擇停業⋯⋯但係《YellopenRice》係唔會就咁結束㗎!等住「開飯」嘅黃店,又點止食肆咁簡單!所以《喱騷》現正宣布《YellopenRice》將會向外擴展,招募食肆以外黃店一同參與,為協助共建更全面嘅本土民主經濟共榮圈! CEO嘅威力

Samhon852's tweet image. 中國肺炎肆虐,加上柒婆防疫失策,令飲食業界俾人擺上枱,有唔少食肆都選擇停業⋯⋯但係《YellopenRice》係唔會就咁結束㗎!等住「開飯」嘅黃店,又點止食肆咁簡單!所以《喱騷》現正宣布《YellopenRice》將會向外擴展,招募食肆以外黃店一同參與,為協助共建更全面嘅本土民主經濟共榮圈!


將呢個post share出去 推埋去Facebook 呀 26-55歲選民登記全線告急唔夠7成 廢老登記全部過七成 選民登記5月2號deadline 2020年7月25日前夠18歲可登記 21-25歲手足好叻仔有七成二登記 即上 hk2020.vote 選民登記5分鐘搞掂 仲快過借錢 lih.kg/1956977 #手足互科 #手足加油

PepeForThePeople Reposted

立場 【跨部門反恐演習 模擬黑衣人管制站放炸彈】 警方及多個部門今天在落馬洲支綫管制站,模擬有黑衣人放置土製炸彈造成多人傷亡。警方指,因應近日有多宗爆炸案,日後出入境管制站重開後,會派員加強高調巡邏 演習代號「奪峰」,模擬有兩名黑衣人在落馬洲支線交通交匯處,放置遙控炸彈…

DCheng36387164's tweet image. 立場
【跨部門反恐演習 模擬黑衣人管制站放炸彈】


DCheng36387164's tweet image. 立場
【跨部門反恐演習 模擬黑衣人管制站放炸彈】


DCheng36387164's tweet image. 立場
【跨部門反恐演習 模擬黑衣人管制站放炸彈】


DCheng36387164's tweet image. 立場
【跨部門反恐演習 模擬黑衣人管制站放炸彈】



PepeForThePeople Reposted

「邊個話文宣牆無用?見到有伯伯努力地睇及抄寫,大家唔好灰心,加油!」 嗚,仲有老人家睇好感動。😭😭 慚愧的是很久沒點痴了,在靜左之後,因為撕紙狗太多太快,彩印成本又貴。😢 但見到咁決定有機會都會再痴返多啲,只印黑白又好,做貼紙師手寫或印完痴多啲唔同位又好,希望手足們一起跟機。🥺😚

LXXFightingHKer's tweet image. 「邊個話文宣牆無用?見到有伯伯努力地睇及抄寫,大家唔好灰心,加油!」



PepeForThePeople Reposted

China student bully Hong Kong student because she post on her pirvate ig that HONG KONG IS NOT CHINA!! CHINA IS THE ONE WHO SPREAD THE VIRUS. School just want to minimize the case. Help Hongkongers study abroad!!! #MarcoRubio #LukeDePulford #TedCruz #JoshHawley #RickScott

PepeForThePeople Reposted

Jimmy Lai is just the latest in a line of countless spurious and politically motivated arrests in #HongKong Arrests designed to silence dissent, to frighten democracy campaigners, and to divide the movement. They won’t succeed.

lukedepulford's tweet image. Jimmy Lai is just the latest in a line of countless spurious and politically motivated arrests in #HongKong 

Arrests designed to silence dissent, to frighten democracy campaigners, and to divide the movement. 

They won’t succeed.

PepeForThePeople Reposted

Lord Alton said: “These arrests are shocking and represent yet another very serious setback for ‘one country, two systems’ and Hong Kong’s freedoms." hongkongwatch.org/all-posts/2020…

PepeForThePeople Reposted


PepeForThePeople Reposted

PSHK【0030】 青年父母哭述兒子突被警壓倒地上經過 一對父母與16歲兒子及其朋友路經文新街賽馬會公園附近,突然被一群便衣警察拉到公園,更以胡椒噴霧直射面部 兒子與朋友無故被便衣警察膝跪壓在地上 其母哭述兒子在無作出任何事或收藏任何物品而突然被眾警員壓倒地上而引致面部流血 現場留下大量血跡

PepeForThePeople Reposted


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