Nick Reposted

Here’s how insane things have gotten in Norway: The Socialist Party has a “wall of shame” in their office with “rich people who have left Norway” - due to the outrageous taxes they’re now being charged. Who do you find on that wall? Startup founders like @hagaetc - who was…

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Nick Reposted

Countries where illegal immigrant invasion continues: 🇬🇷Greece 🇪🇸Spain 🇫🇷France 🇬🇧United Kingdom 🇧🇪Belgium 🇩🇪Germany 🇹🇷Turkey 🇳🇱Netherlands 🇨🇦Canada

Nick Reposted

Ģeologs, prof. Ian Plimer :”Klimats vienmēr mainās. Mani uztrauktu, ja klimats nemainītos. Tad mums būtu klimata katastrofa. Tiklīdz parādījās tā ideja par cilvēka izraisītajām klimata pārmaiņām, mēs, ģeologi, nodomājām: nē, tas neatbilst simtiem gadu veciem datiem. Tas…

"Climate always changes. What would concern me is if climate didn't change. Then we would have a climate catastrophe." Geologist Prof. Ian Plimer: "Climates are cyclical... When we're closer to the Sun, we happen to be a bit warmer, and when we're further away, we happen to be…

Nick Reposted

For people to watch the same thing happen all over again in Eastern Europe 100 years later and cheer on drones suicide bombing young men in trenches because they’re the “bad ones” while they larp as cartoon dogs from their pornography infested computers and sabotage peace deals.

What did they die for?

Nick Reposted

"Labie krievi" vakar noslepkavoja 32-gadīgo brīvprātīgo mediķi Mēriju Krisu brīdī, kad viņa glāba dzīvības Pokrovskas apkaimē✝️Krievi savā neizmērojamā ļaunumā speciāli šauj uz mediķiem, bērniem & veciem cilvēkiem. Šie barbari iznīcina savā ceļā visu labestīgo, skaisto un svēto.

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Nick Reposted

UNREAL The German left-wing government coalition has collapsed and snap elections have been called. The right-wing Alternative for Germany party is soaring in the polls in second place. Now over 100 lawmakers are supporting a motion to BAN the party. What's going on?

Nick Reposted

A reminder that folks who are leaving Twitter are doing so not because they were not permitted to express their opinion, but because you *are* permitted to express yours.

Nick Reposted

Yes, he’s choosing the most qualified people for the jobs.

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Nick Reposted

Jau kādu gadu vairs nav iespējams skatīties LTV Kas notiek Latvijā. Tā bezjēdzīgā cilvēku runāšana nav sab.medija cienīga, tā var murmuļot darba grupās vai pirms raidījuma. Tas nav līmenis! Tas nav raidījums! Kāpēc sabiedrībai par to jàmaksā?

Nick Reposted

Here’s a thread of anecdotes about women in the military. A peek at the actual dynamics behind the “go girl” propaganda. Enjoy. 1. It’s common for Generals to cultivate harems of female staff. Often one becomes “court mistress” and blocks out other staff she doesn’t like.

Nick Reposted

Visvairāk par tā saucamo seksuālo uzmākšanos satraucas būtnes, kurām neviens visticamāk nekad neuzmāksies, ja nu vienīgi totālā dzēruma aklumā.

Nick Reposted


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Nick Reposted

Dažādība ir slikta. Migranti samazina vietējo iedzīvotāju algas, palielina noziedzību, noslogo veselības aprūpes un policijas resursus, palielina īres izmaksas un marginalizē vietējo kultūru un tradīcijas. Ir tikai racionāli būt pret migrāciju.

Nick Reposted

Will you also pay your respects at the Holodomor Memorial for the jewish genocide on 10-20 million white Orthodox Ukrainians?

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Nick Reposted
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If you hate Stalin you're a Nazi If you hate Stalin you're a Nazi If you hate Stalin you're a Nazi If you hate Stalin you're a Nazi If you hate Stalin you're a Nazi If you hate Stalin you're a Nazi If you hate Stalin you're a Nazi

Nick Reposted

just to get this straight: > elon buys twitter > axes the ministry of truth and the thought police > ppl start saying what they actually think > legacy blue-checks horrified, “this is a nazi platform now” > likes go private > users start liking what they actually like, finally…

Nick Reposted

When was the last time Biden looked this happy 😂

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Nick Reposted

Chatting with an asylum seeker on the bus. He’s from Kuwait - one of the safest countries in the world - and has been in Britain since 2021. He’s never worked. Lives in central London. Catches up with friends on his iPhone. So much evidence of total system failure in one man.

Nick Reposted

🚨🇩🇪BREAKING NEWS German politician Detlef Gürth was fined €18,000 for posting this: “We feed them (migrants), they stab us”

Nick Reposted

Do urbanites not know how fireplaces work?

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