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짱 깔뱅


Joined December 2011
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짱 깔뱅 Reposted

나 강남서 개새끼 이 썅놈의 새끼야 경찰 노휘오가 너무 좋아요... 담주는 또 언제 오는걸까 근데 월요일이 막방이네 오지마라 아니 와라 오지마라ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

짱 깔뱅 Reposted

Yes - SCOTUS isn’t taking the TX. No- it doesn’t mean there is no remedy for the rampant voter fraud that occurred on 11/3. Breathe. Focus. This isn’t over.

tracybeanz's tweet image. Yes - SCOTUS isn’t taking the TX. No- it doesn’t mean there is no remedy for the rampant voter fraud that occurred on 11/3. Breathe. Focus. This isn’t over.

짱 깔뱅 Reposted

Wow! At least 17 States have joined Texas in the extraordinary case against the greatest Election Fraud in the history of the United States. Thank you!

짱 깔뱅 Reposted

We won’t let a RIGGED ELECTION steal our Country!


짱 깔뱅 Reposted

WATCH: D.C. Cops Direct Trump-Supporters into Gauntlet of Protesters, Do Nothing When They Are Assaulted… via @BreitbartNews These thugs and lowlifes only stalked and attacked when most of the tens of thousands of people had left town. Ran away earlier!

짱 깔뱅 Reposted


짱 깔뱅 Reposted

That woman has courage. Good for her. Stand up to the insanity.

짱 깔뱅 Reposted



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