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Mohamed Ahmed


Joined April 2023
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Mohamed Ahmed Reposted

Thousands of mourners have gathered at the rubble in southern Beirut where Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah was assassinated in an Israeli air attack in September. His memorial was able to be held now that a ceasefire had come into effect in Lebanon.

Mohamed Ahmed Reposted

🇷🇺 Avtovo Metro Station in Saint Petersburg, Russia

Mohamed Ahmed Reposted

⭐128 years ago, #OTD in 1894, Georgy Zhukov was born, a brilliant Soviet military commander commonly known as the “Victory Marshal”. ⚔️G.Zhukov participated in WW1, the Russian Civil War. During WW2 he oversaw the Red Army’s most decisive victories at Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk,…

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Mohamed Ahmed Reposted

We are pleased to announce that online face verification for eFaas Web has recommenced after changing the service provider. Go to efaas.gov.mv and login to your eFaas from any browser and complete your face verification at your convenience. #efaas #digitalidentity

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Mohamed Ahmed Reposted

ސަރުކާރަށް އެއް އަހަރުގެ ފުރުމުގެ މުނާސަބަތުގައި @psmnewsmv އިން ގެނެސްދޭ ޚާއްޞަ ޕްރޮގްރާމަށް ކޮންޓްރޯލަރ ޖެނެރަލް އޮފް އިމިގްރޭޝަން، މުޙައްމަދު ޝަމްޢާން ވަޙީދު ދެއްވި އިންޓަރވިއުގެ ތެރެއިން. #HomeTeam52 #MaldivesImmigration

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Mohamed Ahmed Reposted

އެފްއެސްއެމްގެ މުވައްޒަފުންތަކެއް ތެލުން ވައްކަންކޮށް މަނީ ލޯންޑާކުރާ މައްސަލައެއް ބަލަން ފަށައިފި dhiyares.com/74813

Mohamed Ahmed Reposted

އަހަރުން އަހަރަށް މިބައްދަލުވުންތައް އިތުރަށް ފުޅާވެ، ޤައުމީ ފެންވަރުގެ އެހެނިހެން ގިނަ މުއައްސަސާތައް ބައިވެރިވެ، ހުރިހާ ފަރާތްތަކުންވެސް ކަރުދާސް ހުށަހަޅުއްވާގޮތަށް ތަރުތީބުވެގެންދާނެ. - ވަޒީރު އާދަމް ނަޞީރު އިބްރާހީމް ައުލަތުގެޓީމު

Mohamed Ahmed Reposted

2025ވަނަ އަހަރު ނިމުމުމުގެ ކުރިން ހުރިހައި އަތޮޅަކުން ދިވެހި ޕާސްޕޯޓު ހެދޭނެ އިންތިޒާމު ހަމަޖެހިގެންދާނެ: ކޮންޓްރޯލަރ ޖެނެރަލް އޮފް އިމިގްރޭޝަން ޝަމްޢާން @ImmigrationMV

Mohamed Ahmed Reposted

Despite a ceasefire, displaced Lebanese find it hard to return home in the country's south. Read their stories xhtxs.cn/Zf9 #MideastStories

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Mohamed Ahmed Reposted

Jinping county in #Guizhou province, which produced one in every 10 badminton shuttlecocks globally, has turned its forests into a hub for badminton and goose farming. #RuralInnovation #Badminton #AgriBusiness #SportsTourism #MadeInChina investinchina.chinaservicesinfo.com/s/202411/28/WS…

Mohamed Ahmed Reposted

Two rounds of visa-free policy expansions in November have made it easier for citizens of many countries to visit China for tourism, business, and family visits. Check the picture to learn more! news.cgtn.com/news/2024-12-0…

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Mohamed Ahmed Reposted

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro: “If you look at the causes of the struggles since the last century to create a just world, the Palestinian cause is the most just cause for humanity and we will continue to support it in the strongest ways!”

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Mohamed Ahmed Reposted

"This is overwhelming. This is more than what I have imagined. It has warmed my heart." Evan Kail, an American donor of a Japanese war crime photo album, has embarked on a month-long trip to China.

Mohamed Ahmed Reposted

ވަޒީރު އާދަމް ޝަރީފު ޢުމަރު އަރިއަތޮޅު އުތުރުބުރީ ތޮއްޑޫއަށް ވަޑައިގެންނެވުން.

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Mohamed Ahmed Reposted

This November, Dina, an employee of the #CREC9 #Congo branch, won an award for his microfilm at the “My Chinese Story” China-Africa Photo and Video Competition. He was then invited to join a five-day trip to Beijing to experience Chinese culture and technology. Let’s see it.✨

Mohamed Ahmed Reposted

މިނިސްޓްރީ އޮފް އެގްރިކަލްޗަރ އެންޑް އެނިމަލް ވެލްފެއަރ ހިންގެވުން ވަގުތީގޮތުން މިނިސްޓަރ އޮފް ހަޔަރ އެޑިޔުކޭޝަން، ލޭބަރ އެންޑް ސްކިލްސް ޑިވެލޮޕްމަންޓް، ޑޮކްޓަރ މަރްޔަމް މާރިޔާ އާ ޙަވާލުކުރައްވައިފި presidency.gov.mv/Press/Article/…

Mohamed Ahmed Reposted

ކެބިނެޓަށް އެއްވެސް ބަދަލެއް ގެންނަވަން ރައީސުލްޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާ ނިންމަވާފައިނުވާ ވާހަކަ ދަންނަވަން.

Mohamed Ahmed Reposted

Georgian president will have to resign despite rejection, Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze said: is.gd/d09myg

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Mohamed Ahmed Reposted

މި ސްކީމަށް ސަރުކާރުން ގެންނަ ބަދަލަކީ ހައްގުވެރިންނަށް ދައުލަތުން އިނާޔަތްދިނުމެވެ. މުއްސަނދިންނަށް ދައުލަތުން ދެމުން އައި އިނާޔަތް ހުއްޓާލުމެވެ. މީގެ ސަބަބުން މިލްކިއްޔާތުގައި ގިނަ އަދަދެއްގެ ފައިސާ ހުންނަ މުއްސަނދިންނަށް ސަރުކާރުން ދެން އިނާޔަތެއް ނުދޭނެއެވެ.…

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